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I have an existing script that works great. The current steps are: Open Illustrator, click File -> Scripts to run the script, copy a string of parameters from an external source, paste values in a text field and click Done. Below is a screenshot of this dialog:
While the script is working great, it is still a manual process to do the ~10 clicks to open Illustrator, run the script, provide it with values and wait the ~5 seconds for the script to finish. Ideally at night the computer itself would be able to do all of these steps.
*As the script is now, the provided values get passed into a function so the dialog part can easily be skipped when automated.
Windows 11 64-bit
Illustrator 25.4.6
I used a VBScript with a timer to execute a jsx in Illustrator periodically. You can take that reference and either create a cron job or use the timer as I use. You will have to launch the vbs once. I am quoting my code below to give you an idea
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
scriptdir = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
'Change the value of inPath and outPath to absolute value of the path if needed
arg1 = "input args o
I did come across that link that you provided and I felt that I needed to ask a much simpler question to get a much simpler answer before digging into the extremely well detailed posts within that thread.
Your post most certainly got me in the right direction, because of it I ended up in the "Photoshop Ecosystem" where there was a thread that basically provided what I was looking for. Here is the link that has a great example of the VBS calling script as well as the JSX called script.
Solved: Re: Passing arguments to the jsx file from command... - Adobe Support Community - 1087954
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I used a VBScript with a timer to execute a jsx in Illustrator periodically. You can take that reference and either create a cron job or use the timer as I use. You will have to launch the vbs once. I am quoting my code below to give you an idea
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
scriptdir = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
'Change the value of inPath and outPath to absolute value of the path if needed
arg1 = "input args one"
arg2 = "input args two"
While 1
appRef.DoJavaScriptFile scriptdir + "\\cron.jsxbin", Array(arg1, arg2)
WScript.sleep 300000 'Time in milliseconds
Simliarly you can stitch something up using Applescript on a MAC. See the following post as well, this might be interesting
If it works you can wrap the command up in a shell script and the create a cron job.
I hope these ideas get you on path to something that will work for you
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I did come across that link that you provided and I felt that I needed to ask a much simpler question to get a much simpler answer before digging into the extremely well detailed posts within that thread.
Your post most certainly got me in the right direction, because of it I ended up in the "Photoshop Ecosystem" where there was a thread that basically provided what I was looking for. Here is the link that has a great example of the VBS calling script as well as the JSX called script.
Solved: Re: Passing arguments to the jsx file from command... - Adobe Support Community - 1087954
Even though I used the link's implementation I did snag the syntax you provided to do a sleep before the appRef.DoJavaScriptFile call, I need to do a sleep for ~10 seconds as Illustrator boots up otherwise the script does not run correctly.
Thanks, couldn't have come up with the answer without your post.