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Hi all, can anyone please help me to retrieve a scaling value of image in illustrator. How can we identify which scaling has been applied to the image using script. I would like to know how to check whether the image has been applied horizontal scale or vertical scale. Thank you.
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The Links panel gives scaling info.
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Hi @Abpujar, please try this. - Mark
Edit 1: improved script.
Edit 2: updated script to better handle RasterItems which have flipped scale Y values. Still more work to fix fully.
Edit 3: now handles RasterItems and PlacedItems correctly (I think!).
* Get PlacedItem Scale And Rotation
* for Adobe Illustrator
* by m1b
* discussion:
var doc = app.activeDocument,
item = doc.selection[0],
result = getLinkScaleAndRotation(item);
if (result)
alert('Results:\nHorizontal scale: ' + result[0] + '%\nVertical scale: ' + result[1] + '%\nRotation: ' + result[2] + '°');
* Return a linked item's scale.
* @author m1b
* @param {PlacedItem|RasterItem} item - an Illustrator item
* @returns {Array} [scaleX%, scaleY%, rotation°]
function getLinkScaleAndRotation(item) {
if (item == undefined)
var m = item.matrix,
var flipPlacedItem = (item.typename == 'PlacedItem')
? 1
: -1;
try {
rotatedAmount = item.tags.getByName('BBAccumRotation').value * 180 / Math.PI;
} catch (error) {
rotatedAmount = 0;
unrotatedMatrix = app.concatenateRotationMatrix(m, rotatedAmount * flipPlacedItem);
scaledAmount = [unrotatedMatrix.mValueA * 100, unrotatedMatrix.mValueD * -100 * flipPlacedItem];
return [round(scaledAmount[0]), round(scaledAmount[1]), round(rotatedAmount)];
* Rounds `n` to `places` decimal places.
* @param {Number} n - the number to round
* @param {Number} places - number of decimal places, can be negative
* @returns {Number}
function round(n, places) {
var m = Math.pow(10, places || 4);
return Math.round(n * m) / m;
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Hi @m1b @thank you for the reply, I’m getting the scaling value but I need -ve or +ve value, for example if the image has been applied horizontal scale then the scaling value should be -ve or if the image has a vertical scale then the vertical scale value should be in -ve. If the image has not been applied any scaling then the scaling value should be in +ve. Thank you.
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I don't understand what you mean. Can you please give me some examples, eg.
200% horizontal, 150% vertical scale = ?
100% horizontal, 101% vertical scale = ?
101% horizontal, 100% vertical scale = ?
99% horizontal, 100% vertical scale = ?
Then I will understand. - Mark
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for example If we give -100% horizontal ,100%vertical scale , in this scenario the image will be flip horizontally,(here I need to get the horizontal value as -ve). If we give 100% horizontal ,-100% vertical scale ,in this scenario the image will be flip vertically. if the image has been applied -ve scaling ,then I need to get -ve value.
how can we know whether the image has been flipped or not after applying scalingscaling using script.
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Hi @Abpujar, you are being so polite! You should have just said that my script didn't work! Haha. I've had another attempt. Please try again with the updated script above.
- Mark
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Hi @m1b i’ve tried ur updated script still I’m getting the same result as previous, I just want if the image has been flipped after applying scaling then the value should be -ve (-100). if we have manually given -ve scaling value the image will be flipped.
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Okay, can you post a small sample illustrator file that shows the error?
- Mark
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var xScale = Math.sqrt(my_matrix.mValueA my_matrix.mValueA + my_matrix.mValueB my_matrix.mValueB); var yScale = Math.sqrt(my_matrix.mValueC my_matrix.mValueC + my_matrix.mValueD my_matrix.mValueD); xScale = xScale * 100; yScale = yScale * 100;
Here I’m getting scaling value , how can we identify whether the image has been flipped or not after applying scaling.if the image has been flipped horizontally then the horizontal scaling value should be -100. How can we calculate ?
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I need a sample file that has a placed image that shows the incorrect scale.
When I place an image and flip it horizontally, and run script, I see -100% hor, 100% vert which is correct. I want to understand why your test doesn't show that.
- Mark
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Hi @ here I’ve not applied any scaling to this image but still it shows vertical scale value -100.
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Yes I see @Abpujar, and I want to fix the script. The problem is that when I place an image myself and run script it correctly shows 100%, 100%. So I was hoping you could save your .ai file and post it here so I could see what's different about your file and mine. I can't easily fix something that works perfectly for me. Also which version of Adobe Illustrator are you using? Also did you place that image, or did it come in another way? I really need a sample file to look at. To post a sample file, drag the .ai file when you are replying here—down below where it says "Drag & drop here or browse files to attach".
- Mark
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I'm using Adobe Illustrator CC 2018
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Hi @Abpujar, thank you! That sample file is what I needed. Okay, believe it or not, but Illustrator shows a Y-flipped matrix for RasterItems compared with PlacedItems. (RasterItems are embedded images, not linked images.) I've updated my script above to better handle RasterItems but I notice it still doesn't give correct results if the rasterItem is scaled and rotated. I'll look into that when I get time.
- Mark
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One more update to (hopefully) work correctly with both PlacedItems and RasterItems. @Abpujar, please try updated script above.
- Mark
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Hi @m1b still it is not working properly. I have tried it with different images.
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Did you flip it?
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No I've not applied any property.
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il me semble que vous devriez utiliser
scaledAmount = [unrotatedMatrix.mValueA * 100, unrotatedMatrix.mValueD * 100];
à la place de
scaledAmount = [unrotatedMatrix.mValueA * 100, unrotatedMatrix.mValueD * -100];
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Thanks @renél80416020, see my reply above. Strangely that Illustrator flips the Y scale in the matrix for PlaceItems—which I wrote the script originally for, assuming (wrongly!) that RasterItems would be handled the same.
- Mark
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Bonjour m1b,
C'est puissant cette affaire, merci pour le partage...
Je me demande pourquoi utiliser "app.concatenateRotationMatrix"
et non pas tout simplement?
scaledAmount = [m.mValueA * 100, m.mValueD * -100 * flipPlacedItem];
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Hi @m1b the above code is still not working on different images. can u please check it once.
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Hi @Abpujar, can you please post sample file of any .ai files that have images that script fails with?
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Hi @renél80416020, I have to get an unrotated matrix before I can extract the scale value.
- Mark