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Another simple script I don't know how to write:
I want to search for a specific character (♥) and change the font to "ZapfDingbatsITC". I've tried to find and change similar scripts but nothing is working for me.
Thanks for any help.
Thank you for the example file.
I don't have ZapfDingbatsITC on my computer. That's why I use another font in the script snippets.
At first create a textFrame with one character with your ZapfDingbats - and run this line of code:
alert (app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].textRange.characters[0].textFont);
You will need the exact name later for the next script snippet.
Use the font name for ZapfDingbats in line #10 instead and save this script.
...// regards pixxxel schubser
var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
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for the beginning: Need to remove some characters in the text in active document
Question: which font (and unicode) does your heart (♥) has in your document?
Maybe do you have an example document for us (+ screenshots before/after for comparison)
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Thanks for your interest.
Yes. Heart Unicode is U+2665.
Sample File: Dropbox -
File fonts
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Thank you for the example file.
I don't have ZapfDingbatsITC on my computer. That's why I use another font in the script snippets.
At first create a textFrame with one character with your ZapfDingbats - and run this line of code:
alert (app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].textRange.characters[0].textFont);
You will need the exact name later for the next script snippet.
Use the font name for ZapfDingbats in line #10 instead and save this script.
// regards pixxxel schubser
var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
var aTF = aDoc.textFrames[0];
var reg = /\u2665/g;
var res, idx;
while (res = reg.exec(aTF.contents))
idx = res.index;
aTF.textRange.characters[idx].textFont = app.textFonts.getByName("MS-UIGothic"); // or whatever textFont you want
This works for the first text frame in the document (as your example file).
Have fun
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That is perfect! Thanks so much. I'll try to learn from this.
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Is there a way to search all text boxes (or selected text boxes) in the document and swap the character if it is in multiple text boxes?
I have zero knowledge to scripting in Illustrator and have to swap a ton of standard "0" that is within a word with a different font that has a slash through the zero.
I was able to get it to work on the first text box only but it does not apply to all text boxes in the document.
Please help!