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Does any one here know how to get the text effect below? My attempt is the black coloured text, and I'm trying to imitate the orange text below it. I tried "Envelope Distort" but this doesn't create the effect of wider letters at left side and more narrow letters on the right. I've also tried a whole lot of 3D effects, but this doesn't seem to work either! Any advice?
i posted this in a reply to someone else, but i'll post it here as well for visibility.
I can't believe i didn't see it before, but the effect you're looking for here is perspective. That will achieve both the variable vertical scaling of the text (how it starts taller and gets shorter), while also handling the decreasing letter width AND tracking. Many of the other suggested solutions here achieve one of these things, but not all of them.
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This is a very precise result.
I would go for a manual approach. You can start with a font, but then create guidelines and distort the parts of the letters manually.
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perhaps a 4 sided polygon matching the shape of each letter, then using that for an envelope distort. at least as a starting point. might need tweaks.
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looks good. you're close. What's missing from yours is the faux "3d effect" of the letters getting narrower as you get further right. This isn't a real "effect" like from the effects menu, necessarily. it's variable character width to accomodate the variable character height. but the changes aren't proportional. the width gets smaller faster than the height.. this helps give the impression that the left side of the word is close to you, and the right side is getting progressively farther away.
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How about this,
1) Outline Type if not already,
2) Switch to the Free Transform Tool, then hold Shift and Ctrl/Cmd and ClickDrag the lower right corner of the Bounding Box upwards?
You can (also) adjust further by scaling horizontally/vertically.
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This would actually be easier in Photoshop, where you can either Distort or apply Perspective to your text, which is what you need to create the proper sizing of letters.
It can also be done in Illustrator although it's a bit more involved. Look up how to create Perspective Text in Illustrator... there are lots of how to vids out there.
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came here to say the same. except it can be done in illustrator as well using the perspective tool.
Set up your type at a good approximate starting size, then turn on the perspective grid and resize it until the grid roughly matches the shape/dimensions/angles of the source image text, then grab the "Perspective Selection Tool" (in the toolbar, lower part of right side middle. might have to click and hold the "Perspective Grid Tool" to open the flyout menu). Using the perspective selection tool, click and drag your tex onto the perspective grid and it will snap into perspective and you can then manipulate it and scale it from there. (though, the text is expanded when you do this.. so make sure you keep a fresh copy of the live text off to the side so that you can start over if you want. don't work destructively. =))
Here's a handy video tutorial if that's easier to follow:
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Allo, Hi.
If I understand you correctly, you are requesting that each character be gradually scaled (“fat”> “thin”), in perspective and still maintain the integrity of the font.
So here is the approach I used. I random color as I work.
Set Type. The Cyan color is a Black Condensed. The Brown color is Medium Condensed.
Outline Type.
Blend Steps. This will give you a gentle morph from Black Condensed > Medium Condensed.
Expand Blend Steps.
Ungroup. Select your characters and realign.
Group. Finally, do Free Transform to give it perspective.
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i posted this in a reply to someone else, but i'll post it here as well for visibility.
I can't believe i didn't see it before, but the effect you're looking for here is perspective. That will achieve both the variable vertical scaling of the text (how it starts taller and gets shorter), while also handling the decreasing letter width AND tracking. Many of the other suggested solutions here achieve one of these things, but not all of them.
If you prefer videos for learning, here's a good tutorial:
If you're a nerd who prefers reading and screenshots and bulleted lists... Here's... that.
Here's the process:
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Never mind, I misunderstood the original post.
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I think I got pretty close using Illustrator’s very limited 3D effects. See below.
I duplicated the line then used the old 3D effects to add persepective. By duplicating the line I ensured the top of hte text I want to keep is horizontal. Below are the 3D settings I used. PLay around to get the effect you want.