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The last version of Illustrator has issues with text around circles.
Opening files created with the last version, the texts around circles are non anymore in place.
Havé you the same issues ?
{Renamed by MOD}
1 Correct answer
Hi all,
Sorry about the trouble this issue has caused. We've fixed this in the latest release. Please update Illustrator to v25.2.3 to get this fixed. Here's a link with more details:
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I believe it will help any helper if you can show a few screenshots, preferably with the offending artwork selected and also showing the relevant expanded Layer(s) part(s) and/or whatever else can show how you made it in the first place.
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I can replicate the problem, type created in cc or 2020 looks rotated 45 degrees clockwise in 2021.
You may want to report this bug here:
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Hi there,
If you've been facing this issue, kindly provide the steps you're trying along with the screenshots, if possible so that the team can work on a fix.
Also if you've reported this on UserVoice, please post the link here so that other users can vote for the same.
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Hi Sheena,
please refer to the following description:
Here is the translation:
Illustrator 24.3 to 25.2.2 on Mac OS 10.14.6, the curvilinear text moves from one version to another. Create in Illustrator 24.3 the result is not the same when opening in Illustrator 25.2.2
Happens too for me in production file with 10 artboards/canvas, I wasted 15 minutes fixing the problem before I could even begin to apply the changes requested by my client.
This is really the kind of bug that should not happen on a software of this magnitude, used by millions of people.
Just imagine the cost that this will generate worldwide...
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Not only that but our company is facing huge problems because now we can't tell if our partners/producers will see the same as we do (depending on what version they are using). If we fix it in 2.2, the will need it too and the other way around. Even if we stay on 2.1 for now, if the producer updated his software, he might have mispaced text without noticing. Huge mess! This needs a Hotfix ASAP.
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Like me, I advise you to vectorize the text, before doing the exe doc
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Hello Sheena, do you have a solution to fix this problem. This is extremely serious for all graphic designers. Thank you
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I have exactly the same issue!
After the latest update, all my designs have misplaced text on circles and even paths. They are all tilted 45deg counter clockwise or just misplaced.
This affects all (hundreds) of designs of our company, including old designs as well as recently (last week) finished projects that are about to get produced or are currently in production(mainly packaging design).
I sense a catastrophy here, we will now have to check every desing and clarify that withour partners!
I hope Adobe can comment on this quickly!
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The original file created in one of previous versions:
And this is how it appears in the current version:
This is major issue for our organization, and I can sense it will be the case with a lot of people out there!
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Every file we have checked to this point has this problem.
We are on the verge of stopping all running productions, because we currently can't be sure how our files behaves at our partners. If we now correct all the files, are they erroneous at our producers if they didn't update their Creative Suite?
This is a mess.
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To be safe at the moment, revert to a previous version; in the CC app click the 3 dots to the right of Illustrator and select Other Versions.
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Just done that. It in fact doesn't produce this error in 25.2.1
The problem now is, that we can't be sure that our parters/producers also stay on 2.1.
If they update, they might have this error without knowing/seeing and just produce at it is.
I hope Adobe fixes this soon.
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Another example.
I also saw text disappear when the type around a circle object is moved in 2021.
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Hello and thank you for your answer, yes all my texts in a circle; are all staggered. is it because of the update?
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I'm glad to see I'm not alone.
I solved the problem by removing this update.
Adobe is aware of this bug ; I hope they'll resolve it soon.
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I'm not sure if the fact that Adobe is aware of the problem is enough, I have the impression that the urgency of a bug is defined by its ranking on UserVoice in number of votes... And in this case, we are far from the account!
[FR] Je ne suis pas sûr que le fait qu’Adobe soit au courant du problème soit suffisant, j’ai l’impression que l’urgence d’un bug est définie par son classement sur UserVoice en nombre de votes… Et dans ce cas, nous sommes bien loin du compte !
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I don't know, but I talk to someone on msn who told me the bug was known.
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You can see in this example. In the first one I open my existing file in Illustrator 25.2.2 and the text has rotated anti-clockwise. In the second one I rendered the same file in Photoshop and the text looks correct.
And now I've found if I try and correct the text in Illustrator and save my work, it is WRONG AGAIN when I reopen the file. This means I actually cannot work on this job at the moment!!!!!
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Anyone else having problems with flowing text around a circle path in version 25.2.2?
When I open up a previous Illustrator file the text on a path was moved to the bottom of the circle path, should be up the top. I went and fixed it, saved, closed and reopened to check and it was at the bottom again. Tried it on another machine using ver 25.2.1 and there wasn't a problem, so obviously an issue with the latest update. I rolled back to 25.2.1 on my machine and the problem solved
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This problem has been mentioned recently:
you can mention it or vote here to let the Illustrator engineers know:
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Bonjour, quand j'ouvre un fichier illustrator depuis 1 semaine, tous mes textes en forme de cercle, sont tous décalés ! quelqu'un à t'il se problème ? Merci
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Hi all,
Sorry to hear about the trouble is issue has caused. We're able replicate this behavior and our team is working on it. Till the time it is fixed, please install v 25.2.1 and upvote this issue here ( ).
Please stay tuned for updates, and thanks in advance for your patience.