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Hi guys.
Created a pattern (3600 x 3600 px) which I need to save in JPEG format at 300 dpi. How can I do it without lowering the res?
Exporting a 3600px artboard from Illustrator at 300ppi would create a JPEG 15,000 px wide, and I get the same message when attempting it, so perhaps it's outside some hard limit for Illustrator.
If you want to end up with a 300ppi, 3600px JPEG, create it by intended physical size, not pixel size. 3,600 pixels at 300 ppi is 12 inches. So:
1. Create a 12 x 12 in artboard.
2. File > Export As
3. Tick 'Use artboards' in the file browser window.
4. Set to 300 ppi.
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What do you need the JPEG for? As the other post states, Illustrator will struggle to export raster images over 15,000 px, let alone the 55,000 px an image that size would need.
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It's a file for print and was going off of their requested specs - since it was so specific I figured they'd want JPEG as well as PDF. Admittedly I'm new to this area so very well could be a fault of my inexperience
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If they accept a PDF, send them that.
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If you have a document of a set pixel dimension, you DO NOT export as 300ppi, you export at 72ppi. This gives you a 1-to-1 pixel export. I know it's kinda of confusing.
This will give you a 3600x3600 image as you desire. The resolution is irrelevant in this case... it's the number of pixels that's important. However, if you must, you can open the resulting file in Photoshop and set the Image Size Resolution to 300. All this does is add a flag in the header of the file, but does not change the actual amount of pixels in the image, but can affect how the image places in other documents like InDesign. i.e. a 3600 wide pixel image will place when dropped onto a page at exactly 12" wide.
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I'm also having the same issue. The artboard is 3.25x2.25 so I highly doubt exporting to a 300 DPI JPEG should cause an error. Also, when I import the file in PhotoShop it shows up at 1/10th the original size. If I change the size correct size before opening it works. I confirmed the original file in AI was 300DPI and the size stated above. Wouldn't it be great if someone from Adobe could solve this issue.
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3.25x2.25 what?
Can you show your file with the artboard selected?
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If you don't select Use Artboard when you export, Illustrator will export EVERYTHING that's on your pasteboard/work area, i.e. all other Artboards, and anything else whether on an Artboard or not.
To test: Zoom out until you can't zoom out any more. Select All... If you see any object outside of what's on your artboard, these are being included in your export so you can see why your image is now so big.
Here's something I see alot: Sometimes when people delete a guideline improperly, they erroneously leave the anchor points, which continue to exist without you realizing it as objects at the very far edges of your work area... these then define the overall bounding box for your image.
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Brad, that was the issue. If I zoomed way, way out I saw graphic elements I must have used from an old art board. I thought I had selected export export for just the artboard, but I must not have. Selecting just the artboard solved the issue and I also removed the unwanted elements that were not on the artboard which also solved the problem.
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You're welcome!
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These are Photoshop instructions.
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after lowering the resoltion getting error again file unsupported
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Please share your exact artboard size details and export settings.