My original artwork has over 14,000 colors. Many of them very close.
I used Edit / Edit Colors / Recolor Artwork to try and refine all of my 14,000 colors in the original document down to 5.
I was able to do this by incrementally lowering the number of colors.
I created a new color group from the 5 resulting colors. And this group did show up in my Swatches panel.
I save out of Recolor Artwork, closing the panel.
Now, what I want to do is be able to select all of the pieces of the artwork of one color.
I have ungrouped all the pieces in the document.
I tried to select all of the "green" pieces, for example, using Select / Same / Fill Color, expecting to have every shape in the document that had that green color selected. It didn't work. I only get a handful that will select.
What am I missing?
Thanks ahead of time.