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What's New in Illustrator Scripting CC2018

Community Expert ,
Oct 21, 2017 Oct 21, 2017

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New Class


Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

An (exportable) asset.


Asset.assetID  (Read Only)

Data Type: Int32

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

The UID for the asset which is unique within a document.


Data Type: string

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Name of the asset.

Asset.parent  (Read Only)

Data Type: Object

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

The object's container.

Asset.typename  (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

The class name of the object.


Asset.getNormalizedName (): string

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Gets the normalized name without special characters, such that it can be used as a file name.

Asset.remove ()

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Deletes this object.

Asset.removeAll ()

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Deletes all elements.

New Collection


Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

A collection of assets.


Assets.length  (Read Only)

Data Type: int

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Number of elements in the collection.

Assets.parent  (Read Only)

Data Type: Object

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

The object's container.

Assets.typename  (Read Only)

Data Type: string

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

The class name of the object.


Assets.add (sourceArt:any): Asset

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Creates an asset from the given art(s)

sourceArt: Data Type: any

The page item(s) to apply to.

Assets.addFromSelection (): Asset

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Creates an asset from the selected arts.

Assets.getByID (assetID: Int32 😞 Asset

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Gets the asset with the specified AssetID.

assetID: Data Type: Int32

The UID of the asset.

Assets.getByName (name: string 😞 Asset

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Get the first element in the collection with the provided name.

name: Data Type: string

Assets.getByName (name: string 😞 Asset

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Get the first element in the collection with the provided name.

name: Data Type: string

Assets.remove (assetID: Int32 )

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Deletes the asset with specified id.

assetID: Data Type: Int32

UID of the asset to be deleted.

Assets.removeAll ()

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Deletes all elements.

Application Class

New Method

Application.getIsFileOpen (filePath: string 😞 Boolean

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Returns if the specified filePath is open.

filePath: Data Type: string

The filePath to be checked.

Document Class

New Method

Document.exportForScreens (exportFolder: File , exportFormat: ExportForScreensType , options:any, itemToExport: ExportForScreensItemToExport , fileNamePrefix: string )

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Export the specified document/asset(s)/artboard(s)

exportFolder: Data Type: File

The folder where the exported documents/assets/artboards are saved.

exportFormat: Data Type: ExportForScreensType

The file type in which the document is exported.

options (optional): Data Type: any

Options for the file type specified.

itemToExport (optional): Data Type: ExportForScreensItemToExport

What to export.

fileNamePrefix (optional): Data Type: string

String prepended to each file name.

DocumentPreset Class

New Properties


Data Type: Rect

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Document bleed offset rect.


Data Type: Boolean , Default Value: true

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Document link for bleed values.

TextRange Class

New Properties


Data Type: Int32

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Start index of the text range.


Data Type: Int32

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

End index of the text range.

New Methods

TextRange.getParagraphLength (): Int32

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Get the length of the first paragraph.

TextRange.getTextRunLength (): Int32

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Get the length of the first text run.

CharacterAttributes Class

New Properties


Data Type: Boolean

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Does the Japanese OpenType support kana?


Data Type: Boolean

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Does the Japanese OpenType support ruby?


Data Type: KashidasType

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Kashidas attribute.


Data Type: DirOverrideType

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Direction override attribute.


Data Type: DigitSetType

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Digit set attribute.


Data Type: DiacVPosType

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Diacritics positioning attribute.


Data Type: number

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Diacritics x offset attribute.


Data Type: number

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Diacritics y offset attribute.


Data Type: Boolean

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Justification alternates attribute.


Data Type: Boolean

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

OpenType overlap swash attribute.


Data Type: Boolean

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Stretched alternates attribute.

ParagraphAttributes Class

New Properties


Data Type: ComposerEngineType

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Composer engine attribute.


Data Type: number

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Default tab width attribute.


Data Type: KashidaWidthType

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

The Kashida Width attribute.


Data Type: ParagraphDirectionType

Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library

Main writing direction attribute.

Here's the xml including all Enumerations, please note it might have missing closing tags.

<map title="Adobe Illustrator 22 Type Library" time="Thu Feb 2 12:20:30 UTC+5 2017">

      <topicref navtitle="JPEGCompressionMethodType" href="#/JPEGCompressionMethodType" />

      <topicref navtitle="KashidasType" href="#/KashidasType" />

      <topicref navtitle="DirOverrideType" href="#/DirOverrideType" />

      <topicref navtitle="DigitSetType" href="#/DigitSetType" />

      <topicref navtitle="DiacVPosType" href="#/DiacVPosType" />

      <topicref navtitle="KashidaWidthType" href="#/KashidaWidthType" />

      <topicref navtitle="ComposerEngineType" href="#/ComposerEngineType" />

      <topicref navtitle="ParagraphDirectionType" href="#/ParagraphDirectionType" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensScaleType" href="#/ExportForScreensScaleType" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensType" href="#/ExportForScreensType" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensItemToExport" href="#/ExportForScreensItemToExport" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensOptionsJPEG" href="#/ExportForScreensOptionsJPEG" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensOptionsPNG8" href="#/ExportForScreensOptionsPNG8" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensOptionsPNG24" href="#/ExportForScreensOptionsPNG24" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensOptionsWebOptimizedSVG" href="#/ExportForScreensOptionsWebOptimizedSVG" />

      <topicref navtitle="ExportForScreensPDFOptions" href="#/ExportForScreensPDFOptions" />

    <topicref navtitle="Classes used for working with (exportable) assets in Adobe Illustrator">

      <topicref navtitle="Asset" href="#/Asset" />


      <topicref navtitle="Assets" href="#/Assets" />



    <classdef name="ExportForScreensScaleType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>Export for screens scale type.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="SCALEBYFACTOR" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Scale artwork by factors like 1x, 2x, 3x and so on, where 1x means 72 ppi.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SCALEBYWIDTH" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Scale artwork by specifying artwork width in pixels like 100px, 124px etc. Height of the artwork is adjusted automatically to maintain the aspect ratio.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SCALEBYHEIGHT" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Scale artwork by specifying artwork height in pixels like 100px, 124px etc. Width of the artwork is adjusted automatically to maintain the aspect ratio.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SCALEBYRESOLUTION" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Scale artwork by specifying resolution in ppi like 72 ppi, 100 ppi, 144 ppi etc.</shortdesc>








    <classdef name="ExportForScreensType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>Export for screens type.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="SE_JPEG100" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in JPEG (100% quality) format.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SE_JPEG80" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in JPEG (80% quality) format.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SE_JPEG50" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in JPEG (50% quality) format.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SE_JPEG20" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in JPEG (20% quality) format.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SE_SVG" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in SVG format.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SE_PNG8" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in PNG 8-bit format.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SE_PNG24" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in PNG 24-bit format.</shortdesc>






        <property name="SE_PDF" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Export file in Acrobat PDF format.</shortdesc>








    <classdef name="KashidasType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>The kashida type constants.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="kashidaDefault" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="kashidaOn" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="kashidaOff" rwaccess="readonly">








    <classdef name="DirOverrideType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>Direction override type constants.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="dirOverrideDefault" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="dirOverrideLTR" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="dirOverrideRTL" rwaccess="readonly">








    <classdef name="DigitSetType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>Digit set type constants.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="defaultDigits" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="arabicDigits" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="hindiDigits" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="farsiDigits" rwaccess="readonly">








    <classdef name="DiacVPosType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>Diacritic vertical position type constants.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="diacVPosOff" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="diacVPosLoose" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="diacVPosMedium" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="diacVPosTight" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="diacVPosOpenType" rwaccess="readonly">








    <classdef name="KashidaWidthType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>The kashida width type constants.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="kashidaNone" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="kashidaSmall" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="kashidaMedium" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="kashidaLong" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="kashidaStylistic" rwaccess="readonly">








    <classdef name="ComposerEngineType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>The composer type constants.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="latinCJKComposer" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="pptycaComposer" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="adornment" rwaccess="readonly">








    <classdef name="ParagraphDirectionType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>The composer type constants.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="leftToRight" rwaccess="readonly">






        <property name="rightToLeft" rwaccess="readonly">








    <classdef name="JPEGCompressionMethodType" enumeration="true">

      <shortdesc>JPEG Compression Method type.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="BASELINESTANDARD" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Select Baseline (Standard) to use a format recognized by most web browsers.</shortdesc>






        <property name="BASELINEOPTIMIZED" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Select Baseline Optimized for optimized color and a slightly smaller file size. Not supported by all web browsers.</shortdesc>






        <property name="PROGRESSIVE" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Select Progressive to display a series of increasingly detailed scans (you specify how many in ProgressiveScan) as the image downloads. Not supported by all web browsers.</shortdesc>








    <classdef name="Assets" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>A collection of assets.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <method name="addFromSelection">

          <shortdesc>Creates an asset from the selected arts.</shortdesc>





        <method name="add">

          <shortdesc>Creates an asset from the given art(s)</shortdesc>


            <parameter name="sourceArt">

              <shortdesc>The page item(s) to apply to.</shortdesc>











      <elements type="instance">

        <property name="parent" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>The object's container.</shortdesc>





        <property name="typename" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>The class name of the object.</shortdesc>





        <property name="length" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>Number of elements in the collection.</shortdesc>





        <method name="removeAll">

          <shortdesc>Deletes all elements.</shortdesc>


        <method name="getByName">

          <shortdesc>Get the first element in the collection with the provided name.</shortdesc>


            <parameter name="name">







            <type href="#/Asset">Asset</type>



        <method name="remove">

          <shortdesc>Deletes the asset with specified id.</shortdesc>


            <parameter name="assetID">

              <shortdesc>UID of the asset to be deleted.</shortdesc>


                <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>





        <method name="getByName">

          <shortdesc>Gets the first asset with specified name.</shortdesc>


            <parameter name="assetName">

              <shortdesc>Name of the asset.</shortdesc>







            <type href="#/Asset">Asset</type>



        <method name="getByID">

          <shortdesc>Gets the asset with the specified AssetID.</shortdesc>


            <parameter name="assetID">

              <shortdesc>The UID of the asset.</shortdesc>


                <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>





            <type href="#/Asset">Asset</type>





    <classdef name="ExportForScreensItemToExport" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>An item that needs to be exported; for example, a document, artboard, or asset.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="artboards">

          <shortdesc>Range of artboards to export [possible values: '', 'all'(default), range]</shortdesc>






        <property name="assets">

          <shortdesc>Array of asset id to export (default:empty)</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>

            <array />



        <property name="document">

          <shortdesc>Whether to export the document or not.</shortdesc>








    <classdef name="ExportForScreensOptionsJPEG" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>Options which may be provided when exporting a document as a JPEG100 file.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="compressionMethod">

          <shortdesc>Should the image be compressed.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/JPEGCompressionMethodType">JPEGCompressionMethodType</type>




        <property name="progressiveScan">

          <shortdesc>Specify the number of detailed scans when downloading a JPEG file using the Progressive option as the CompressionMethod.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>






        <property name="antiAliasing">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image be antialiased.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/AntiAliasingMethod">AntiAliasingMethod</type>




        <property name="embedICCProfile">

          <shortdesc>Embed an ICC profile when exporting.</shortdesc>






        <property name="scaleType">

          <shortdesc>How should the resulting image be scaled.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/ExportForScreensScaleType">ExportForScreensScaleType</type>




        <property name="scaleTypeValue">

          <shortdesc>The value by which the resulting image should be scaled.</shortdesc>








    <classdef name="ExportForScreensOptionsPNG8" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>Options which may be provided when exporting a document as an 8 bit PNG file.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="colorCount">

          <shortdesc>Number of colors in exported color table.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>






        <property name="transparency">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image use transparency.</shortdesc>






        <property name="interlaced">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image be interlaced.</shortdesc>






        <property name="matte">

          <shortdesc>Should the artboard be matted with a color.</shortdesc>






        <property name="matteColor">

          <shortdesc>The color to use when matting the artboard (default: white)</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/RGBColor">RGBColor</type>



        <property name="antiAliasing">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image be antialiased.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/AntiAliasingMethod">AntiAliasingMethod</type>




        <property name="scaleType">

          <shortdesc>How should the resulting image be scaled.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/ExportForScreensScaleType">ExportForScreensScaleType</type>




        <property name="scaleTypeValue">

          <shortdesc>The value by which the resulting image should be scaled.</shortdesc>








    <classdef name="ExportForScreensOptionsPNG24" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>Options which may be provided when exporting a document as an 24 bit PNG file.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="transparency">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image use transparency.</shortdesc>






        <property name="antiAliasing">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image be antialiased.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/AntiAliasingMethod">AntiAliasingMethod</type>




        <property name="backgroundBlack">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image rasterize against a black background (with value true) or white background(with value false) if it doesn't use transparency.</shortdesc>






        <property name="interlaced">

          <shortdesc>Should the resulting image be interlaced.</shortdesc>






        <property name="scaleType">

          <shortdesc>How should the resulting image be scaled.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/ExportForScreensScaleType">ExportForScreensScaleType</type>




        <property name="scaleTypeValue">

          <shortdesc>The value by which the resulting image should be scaled.</shortdesc>








    <classdef name="ExportForScreensOptionsWebOptimizedSVG" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>Options which may be provided when exporting a document as a web optimized SVG file.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="fontType">

          <shortdesc>The type of font that should be included in the exported file.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/SVGFontType">SVGFontType</type>




        <property name="coordinatePrecision">

          <shortdesc>Decimal precision for element coordinate values.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>






        <property name="cssProperties">

          <shortdesc>How should the CSS properties of the document be included in the document.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/SVGCSSPropertyLocation">SVGCSSPropertyLocation</type>




        <property name="svgId">

          <shortdesc>How object names (IDs) are generated in exported SVG.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/SVGIdType">SVGIdType</type>




        <property name="svgMinify">

          <shortdesc>Reduces the size of the svg.</shortdesc>






        <property name="svgResponsive">

          <shortdesc>Makes the SVG Responsive.</shortdesc>






        <property name="rasterImageLocation">

          <shortdesc>Should the raster images in the exported file be included.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/RasterImageLocation">RasterImageLocation</type>






    <classdef name="ExportForScreensPDFOptions" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>Options which may be provided when exporting a document as a PDF file.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="class">

        <property name="pdfPreset">

          <shortdesc>The max string length is 255 bytes. Name of PDF preset to use.</shortdesc>



            <value>[Smallest File Size]</value>





        <property name="documentBleedOffset">

          <shortdesc>Document bleed offset rect.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Rect">Rect</type>



        <property name="documentBleedLink">

          <shortdesc>Document link for bleed values.</shortdesc>






        <method name="getIsFileOpen">

          <shortdesc>Returns if the specified filePath is open.</shortdesc>


            <parameter name="filePath">

              <shortdesc>The filePath to be checked.</shortdesc>










            <parameter name="assetType">

              <shortdesc>For internal use.</shortdesc>





        <property name="assets" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>All assets in the document.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Assets">Assets</type>



        <method name="exportForScreens">

          <shortdesc>Export the specified document/asset(s)/artboard(s)</shortdesc>


            <parameter name="exportFolder">

              <shortdesc>The folder where the exported documents/assets/artboards are saved.</shortdesc>


                <type href="#/File">File</type>



            <parameter name="exportFormat">

              <shortdesc>The file type in which the document is exported.</shortdesc>


                <type href="#/ExportForScreensType">ExportForScreensType</type>



            <parameter name="options" optional="true">

              <shortdesc>Options for the file type specified.</shortdesc>





            <parameter name="itemToExport" optional="true">

              <shortdesc>What to export.</shortdesc>


                <type href="#/ExportForScreensItemToExport">ExportForScreensItemToExport</type>



            <parameter name="fileNamePrefix" optional="true">

              <shortdesc>String prepended to each file name.</shortdesc>







        <property name="start">

          <shortdesc>Start index of the text range.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>



        <property name="end">

          <shortdesc>End index of the text range.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>



        <method name="getTextRunLength">

          <shortdesc>Get the length of the first text run.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>



        <method name="getParagraphLength">

          <shortdesc>Get the length of the first paragraph.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>



        <property name="kana">

          <shortdesc>Does the Japanese OpenType support kana?</shortdesc>





        <property name="ruby">

          <shortdesc>Does the Japanese OpenType support ruby?</shortdesc>





        <property name="kashidas">

          <shortdesc>Kashidas attribute.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/KashidasType">KashidasType</type>



        <property name="dirOverride">

          <shortdesc>Direction override attribute.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/DirOverrideType">DirOverrideType</type>



        <property name="digitSet">

          <shortdesc>Digit set attribute.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/DigitSetType">DigitSetType</type>



        <property name="diacVPos">

          <shortdesc>Diacritics positioning attribute.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/DiacVPosType">DiacVPosType</type>



        <property name="diacXOffset">

          <shortdesc>Diacritics x offset attribute.</shortdesc>





        <property name="diacYOffset">

          <shortdesc>Diacritics y offset attribute.</shortdesc>





        <property name="overlapSwash">

          <shortdesc>OpenType overlap swash attribute.</shortdesc>





        <property name="justificationAlternates">

          <shortdesc>Justification alternates attribute.</shortdesc>





        <property name="stretchedAlternates">

          <shortdesc>Stretched alternates attribute.</shortdesc>





        <property name="defaultTabWidth">

          <shortdesc>Default tab width attribute.</shortdesc>





        <property name="paragraphDirection">

          <shortdesc>Main writing direction attribute.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/ParagraphDirectionType">ParagraphDirectionType</type>



        <property name="kashidaWidth">

          <shortdesc>The Kashida Width attribute.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/KashidaWidthType">KashidaWidthType</type>



        <property name="composerEngine">

          <shortdesc>Composer engine attribute.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/ComposerEngineType">ComposerEngineType</type>







    <classdef name="Asset" dynamic="true">

      <shortdesc>An (exportable) asset.</shortdesc>

      <elements type="instance">

        <property name="parent" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>The object's container.</shortdesc>





        <property name="typename" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>The class name of the object.</shortdesc>





        <property name="assetID" rwaccess="readonly">

          <shortdesc>The UID for the asset which is unique within a document.</shortdesc>


            <type href="#/Int32">Int32</type>



        <property name="assetName">

          <shortdesc>Name of the asset.</shortdesc>





        <method name="remove">

          <shortdesc>Deletes this object.</shortdesc>


        <method name="removeAll">

          <shortdesc>Deletes all elements.</shortdesc>


        <method name="getNormalizedName">

          <shortdesc>Gets the normalized name without special characters, such that it can be used as a file name.</shortdesc>














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Jan 31, 2020 Jan 31, 2020

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Sorry for asking, what is the "Object Model Viewer" and ESTK?

Do you have any idea why Adobe did not update their documentation?



Ahh you mean ExtendedScript ToolKit... duhhh 😉





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Jan 31, 2020 Jan 31, 2020

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Bizar they drop Flash, yet these tools are still flash builds.... hahaha rediculous!!





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Advisor ,
Jan 31, 2020 Jan 31, 2020

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What a useless thing actually, sorry to say so. the info is really short. Could have better info or linking, but hell its Flash. This UI is from 2008 orso.


Wish it was more like this one, https://illustrator-scripting-guide.readthedocs.io/

But then updated, these methods many code libs use these days. Way more intuitive!


Its kinda of a joke, most items just explain what the title already says. For example "ExportOptionsPNG24" > Options which may be supplied when exporting a document as an 24bit PNF file... There is no deeplinking, references, no nothing. This is like a quest, go figure out what goes where. HORRIBLE & USELESS! 





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Jan 31, 2020 Jan 31, 2020

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Well that's all we have and some of us make the most of it. We couldn't answer your questions without it.


Could it be better? hell yes it could be a lot better. Please post your suggestions here.






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