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Can anyone help me get my Color settings set up properly because I'm going crazy here!

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Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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I'm sure this has been asked numerous times but I've been searching for an answer for nearly 2 weeks and I'm begining to lose my mind...


I'm quite new to using Illustrator and I'm slowly getting there, but the one thing I can't seem to get right are my colour settings. I'm constantly getting dialogue boxes warning me of colour profile mismatches and working space issues and I have no idea how to fix it. It got so bad last week that I uninstalled every piece of Adobe software (and all settings) in order to start afresh but I'm still having issues.


I use an iMac (running Big Sur 11.2.3) to run Illustrator and Photoshop. Before I reinstalled any of the Adobe software I thought it best to calibrate my monitor is best as possible. Unfortunately, since the latest Mac OS update, my Spyder 4 no longer works on Mac OS so I had to just use the built in monitor calibration software. Not perfect but the best I could do at this time. Once calibrated I saved the profile as 'Marks Calibration April 2021'. I then redownloaded Creative Cloud, Illustrator, Photoshop and Bridge.


The first thing I did when opening Illustrator for the first time (after setting up my workspace) was to check the color settings. I set the working space for RGB as Adobe RGB 1998 and CMYK as US Web Coated (SWOP) v2 (not that I ever get anything printed). I then saved this profile as 'Default Colour Space'. (See image 1)03.jpg

I then made a blank document and saved it to use as a template for all future work.


I thought that was it. All done. I thought that very time I opened this template file that these colour settings would be there. I was wrong.


When ever I open this template file I made I get the following message:01.jpg

I then have to go back to Color Settings and change it again. Not a massive problem but still...


The biggest problem is that even when I have my color settings set to Adode RGB 1998, if i try to sample colours using the eyedropper tool from an image I find online, or Adobe Color Themes, or swatches I've saved to my libraries, the colours completely change.


For the image below I sampled the red colour in the top middle row of my saved swatches, but instead of getting the red I wanted, I ended up with a sort of muddy orange brown. This happens constantly and nothing I can do seems to remedy it.04.jpg

I took a screenshot and opened it in Photoshop to check how different the colours were. As you can see, it's a massive difference.06.jpg

On a side note, when I did try to open the screenshot in Photoshop, I got this error message too! 05.jpg

I honestly do not understand what on earth is happening! I just want both Illustrator and Photoshop to run using Adobe RGB as default. That way if I find an image online and I like the colours, when I sample the those colours (which presumably are in the smaller colour space of sRGB and should therefore be fine in Adobe RGB (?)) they should look fine - but they never do.


Here's a screenshot of my Photoshop setting too if that helps.07.jpg


I never really get anything printed, I just want on screen colours to stay the same as I see them. I appreciate this is a very long question but can anyone help me to get my settings set up so that I can just open either Illustrator or Photoshop and expect to see colours the same, with constantly being bombarded with warning dialogue boxes that I don't really understand. I'm quite knew to all this and the idea of working profiles and colour spaces is wrecking my head!


Please help!!!

Thank you.






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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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I believe you will find what you seek here:








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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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And have a look at the second correct answer (the first one solved a similar problem from 2018).






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New Here ,
Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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Thanks Jacob,


But that's just telling me to make sure I'm running the most up to date version of the software, which I am as I completely re-installed everything 2 days ago.





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Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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There is a bug caused by the recent Photoshop update. It sets your Illustrator Color Settings to Emulate Illustrator 6, which turns color management off.

If that is the case, use the CC app to revert Photoshop to the Previous version (22.2.0) and then change your Color Settings to what you want it to be.

See also:






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New Here ,
Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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Thanks Ton.


Like I said in my original post, color settings completely baffle me. So will this be the reason why my colours look wrong in Illustrator even when I change the color settings manually back to Adobe RGB every time? Or are these two different things?





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Apr 08, 2021 Apr 08, 2021

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Yes, if you have the most recent Photoshop update installed, the problem will come back.

Currently use the CC app to revert Photoshop to the Previous version (22.2.0) and then change your Color Settings to what you want it to be.

And hope for a future Photoshop update with a fix.





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