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Pantone Metallic Colours

Community Beginner ,
Feb 23, 2017 Feb 23, 2017

Hello, please forgive me if this is not in the correct place.

I've recently joined a company and been asked to look at all our promotional material.

We currently use a Metalic Pantone 8201 c for all our letterheads and business cards etc.

We are also looking at producing a brochure. One of the issues i've found is that they never get the colour matching correct, there is never any consistncy between different printers. Some have no metallic look at all and are flat, darker or lighter variances.

From my experience it is impossible to recreate this type of colour with a cmyk reference.

The bosses at the company like the metallic sheen it gives but it's really hurting our brand consitency.

I'm just after suggestions on how to get around this problem so we can print in office and external and have some consistency with the output.



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Community Expert ,
Feb 23, 2017 Feb 23, 2017

samf58498923  wrote

From my experience it is impossible to recreate this type of colour with a cmyk reference.

is this what you've been tasked with trying to do? otherwise if the printer has that particular ink, then that should be that, right?

it is certainly impossible to replicate metallic colours with cmyk. if you want a placeholder, that's something you'll just have to decide upon and stick to it.

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 23, 2017 Feb 23, 2017

Thanks for the response,

Yeah, they want one as close as possible so all office based prints are similiar. I think the issue with the external stuff is they've been printing it to a cmyk when it's not possible to print metallic i.e. a piece of vinyl and it's looking way off.

I think I have two options, one to tell them to scrap the metallic and pick a pantone that can be converted or like you say find a placeholder and be happy that will be the issue.

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Mentor ,
Feb 23, 2017 Feb 23, 2017

The issue should have been solved a long time ago, but is surprisingly common at the same time.  The key is to finally establish a brand identity.  The company should have produced a branding guide where the answer to the problem could be found.  The external inks will not deviate.  Until you have people doing their own conversions to CMYK.  Therein lines the inconsistency.  Your job should be establishing the branding color in each iterance.

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Feb 23, 2017 Feb 23, 2017


This should also list all the ratio/size dimensions the logo can be displayed at and all the variations that can be used of the logo as well as listing color substitutions or other possible alterations if this is required.

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017

Yeah! I've been creating these guidelines from what already exists, we have a master logo and that is about it. It's not until I've gone deeper into this that I've recognised how big the problem is. Because I don't have experience in printing on particular materials, should the external printers be able to print metallic inks on anything they print? I'm unaware of the limitations of these inks.

I think the best solution for now anyway, is to find something close colour wise that we can print in the office that people won't stop and say 'hang on that's not the same.' So in effect have 2 iterations of the logo, one for all in-house and the other that can be sent to external printers.  

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Advisor ,
Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017

Would agree that this is best...Just read this on some professional Vinyl printing company which sums up the Pantone problem pretty accurately in the last sentence:

Sign Vinyl Colours Matched to Pantone® or RAL Colour Systems.

Graphics are often specified by the end user to be produced to one of several colour matching reference systems that are used across industries, including Pantone®, RAL and British Standards.

Most Sign Vinyl ranges are not cross referenced to these systems, as a typical vinyl range will never be able to match the variations of shades in each colour matching system. A true match can often more simply be produced by digitally printing the colour.


2 [EDIT] or 3 Iterations are definitely best here.....

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Advisor ,
Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017

P.s. does anyone know why when I edit a post with a quote I see this silly scrolling bar instead of everything fit inside the "post"?

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017

... But I thought digital printing found it difficult to replicate most Pantones?

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Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017


Hence why I said Yikes!!!

Admittedly I dispute how professional they actually are but they are offering "professional services"...

Anway it just highlights my point about having 2 or 3 iterations.

It's the same with file sizes and types for displaying Logo's on the web now...

Let's not even go there with Retina displays, 4K or even 8-12K monitors planned for release in the next year or so....

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017

Haha sorry! I missed the yikes! So just to clarify, I cannot go to an external company and get them to litho print on vinyl or is this completely possible? All this is starting to confuse me! If i'm sending our logo to an external printer and clarifying the colours, dimension etc. it should be replicated properly shouldn't it? It should only be our in-house prints that struggle to replicate a similar colour? I just want to get to the bottom of it so in the future we decide we want a new acrylic sign or something similar that the metallic pantone can be used.

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Advisor ,
Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017

There's a couple of questions asked here:

1) I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong but - Quite a few external companies will struggle to Litho print on vinyl as they often need a system to very very quickly dry the inks before they starting running etc. etc. and causing a large mess... However, it is possible to find specialist printing companies etc that "claim" they can handle this... See this quick google search here about litho printing on Vinyl:

2) Yes technically....BUT... only to a point....

As this article I read summed it up as well as I could probably explain I'll just quote directly:

Myth 3: Pantone Colors will Look the Same on Any Material

If you’re using real Pantone ink, you’re good to go, right? But don’t forget to consider what you’re printing on. Suddenly, you might be asking yourself, “Why doesn’t my logo look the same on vinyl as it does on metal?”

The fact is, the material you choose could affect the shade of ink. Some materials are darker, more translucent, or more absorbent than others. A professional vendor should be able to help you get it closer to the color you want, but be prepared for a difference. Sometimes there’s just not much you can do. For example, perforated vinyl is simply less vibrant than regular vinyl.

Tip: For unusual or dark materials like metal and wood, an undercoat of white will help. Generally, white paper shows color splendidly. Pantone provides a different ink for Coated (C) and Uncoated (U) papers. Pick a Pantone number for both versions ahead of time and use the one that’s right for your project. Keep in mind that Uncoated will probably look less vibrant, and sometimes will be a different number than the Coated version.

From: Ways You’re Using Pantone Wrong: Fact vs. Myth - Mixed Media Creations

Essentially you will need to decide as part of the Branding Guidelines - How much deviation from the colour is allowed? If very little deviation is acceptable then you need to revise the colour mix or the choice of colours used in the Logo to get it to acceptable levels.

You will always get some deviation no matter how hard you try...it's like trying to design a responsive website... You will get it working wonderfully in most browsers and screen sizes.. then some "burger" will come along and try and view your site in some really old/alien browser or monitor size and then moan endlessly that they can't see anything properly...

You gotta decide how much you can care and work hard to minimise the chance for people to mess with your rules.

Some trial and error will be the only way to make your guidelines fully "rugged".

3) Yes again for the most part it should be the in-house printing that will struggle the most and bring the most pitfalls.



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Community Beginner ,
Mar 01, 2017 Mar 01, 2017

Sorry to restart this thread again but you were so helpful, hope you don't mind answering one more question.

I've been using the colour library feature in Illustrator and Photoshop to get the Pantone correct. What I've noticed is that the original logo is a 10 year old file that hasn't been updated since its origin. It's in EPS format. When I try to replicate it in a new Illustrator file the colour is much darker even though they are both the same Pantone in both files. Is there a reason for this?

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Community Expert ,
Mar 01, 2017 Mar 01, 2017

pantone may have changed their representative CMYK values over the years. but i'm just speculating.

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Advisor ,
Mar 01, 2017 Mar 01, 2017

You would be correct based on my knowledge as well.

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Advisor ,
Mar 01, 2017 Mar 01, 2017

Again a lot of depends in this...

Pantone colours will over time get changed or improved like everything... admittedly this doesn't happen too often otherwise they would have a riot on their hands after all the design companies that buy the hard copy and swatch books that compare digital Pantone/CMYK colours to the real thing.

What I will say however is that EPS is literally devil spawn and should be avoided with a  large barge pole or a floating armada whenever possible (OK I exaggerate) ... It's simply a redundant file type and doesn't support various things such as transparency... The file type itself hasn't been updated in at least 10-15 years.

It's also possible since Pantone is a print system rather than a digital system that something in the file is making the colours different. Are you viewing on the same monitor when comparing? Have you checked there are no different file settings? Is there any additional effects used on the different Pantone.... I.e does it have a multiply, overlay etc effect?

Finally have you checked the colour against the genuine authorised hard copy Pantone swatch?

PANTONE Colour, Chips and Colour Guides for accurate colour reproduction and communication | store.p...


Search - Find a PANTONE Color

If none of this helps - come back and we can investigate more...



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Advisor ,
Feb 23, 2017 Feb 23, 2017

My suggestion.. and you may not like it... Is to have two specified colours for the branding i.e. a CMYK colour approximate to Metallic Pantone 8201c that is considered safe/consistent for most printers when doing in-house work.

Then retaining Metallic Pantone 8201c for all external print jobs...

Your Boss should try to understand that all printers can interpret colours slightly differently (due to wonderful things such as print management software etc)... Therefore he would be best to use the "safest" possible (as safe as printing colours will ever get without something like Pantone anyway) for in-house work vs external... Or brand all internal documents with a black/white version of the logo... This might even cut business costs > always a good thing.

Either that or as dougofakkad pointed out you will need a specialist printer/printer ink(s) capable of creating the correct metallic appearance. <---- Which would be an extreme waste of money for documents that are likely not that important (otherwise you would have them done externally or with very professional printers).

Anyway, just some thoughts for food.



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Advisor ,
Feb 23, 2017 Feb 23, 2017

Also if the external print companies are getting the Pantone colour wrong then you have two options:

  1. Get seriously mad and hot at the Print companies for getting it wrong and make sure they buy the correct Pantone colour from now on > also make a list of printers that get it right and try to only do a "price war" with printers approved on that list.
    1. This could even be extended to add a requirement of considering a tender if they can supply a sample print of that Pantone colour and if they don't match it then they shouldn't be allowed to Quote/Tender.
  2. Find a more recognised and safer Pantone colour that Printers generally have less trouble with.
    1. Admittedly this sort of defeats the point of Pantone vs CMYK but is still an option.....

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New Here ,
Jul 16, 2019 Jul 16, 2019

They are ripping you off. You cannot print metallic gold digitally. It sounds like they are printing on a color copier. I have a printing place, so I know exactly what is going on here.

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Enthusiast ,
Jul 17, 2019 Jul 17, 2019

Printing tools used in the office cannot produce metallic color.

It is possible to use PANTONE color in Corporate Identity works. In order to produce this color in the same appearance in every printing house, they need to use standard solution methods.

These special Metallic PANTONE colors are sold as ready-made. They can build printing houses themselves by adhering to certain formulas to produce them cheaper. Color discrepancies may occur when they make themselves.

They need to use Color Management systems. They can produce color within the standards by measuring with spectrophotometer.

Your problem:

The fact that this color used in your corporate identity cannot show the true color of the values ​​used in the office, web, digital media.

When designing the corporate identity, the chosen color should be used in the same way.

Graphic Designer Educator / PrePress Consultant
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