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WIll Radial and Pattern Repeat from Illustrator iPad come to the desktop application?

Explorer ,
Nov 11, 2019 Nov 11, 2019

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I posted this once but my message was marked as Spam for some reason, then deleted. Let's try this once more...


I have been using Illustrator for over 20 years and admit that I have much to learn to this day. I do consider myself a power user, but I still learn something new almost every time I use Illustrator. I often find a new or easier technique to do something that has been buried under the Effect > Distort & Transform menu. 


I saw the Radial and Pattern Repeat demonstrated on the iPad at Adobe Max 2019 and was blown away. There may be any number of ways to accomplish the same tasks in the desktop application (a few come to mind) but none of them with the ease and "magic" of what was demonstrated on the ipad app.


I am sure that some features of Illustrator on iPad may be optimized for the iPad interface, but I see no reason why this would not work on a Mac or PC with a mouse or stylus. It would save considerable time in my design work. I would love to utilize this technique without buying an iPad. My Mac at work and my Cintiq Companion both have the horsepower to run anything in Creative Cloud. Certainly this feature is not so intense that only an iPad Pro is capable of such magic?


Thank you for all your hard work on Creative Cloud and thank you for your time. Just thought that it was worth asking.

Draw and design , Feature request






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Nov 12, 2019 Nov 12, 2019

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Hi there,


Radial and Pattern Repeat are indeed great features which could save a lot of time and enhance creativity. We'd certainly try to bring most of the features (if not all) from the Illustrator on the iPad version to the desktop version. Please feel free to submit feature requests in such situations using this link: https://illustrator.uservoice.com/








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Explorer ,
Nov 11, 2019 Nov 11, 2019

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I have been using Illustrator for over 20 years and admit that I have much to learn to this day. I do consider myself a power user, but I still learn something new almost every time I use Illustrator. I often find a new or easier technique to do something that has been buried under the Effect > Distort & Transform menu. 


I saw the Radial and Pattern Repeat demonstrated on the iPad at Adobe Max 2019 and was blown away. There may be any number of ways to accomplish the same tasks in the desktop application (a few come to mind) but none of them with the ease and "magic" of what was demonstrated on the iPad app.


I am sure that some features of Illustrator on iPad may be optimized for the iPad interface, but I see no reason why this would not work on a Mac or PC with a mouse or stylus. It would save considerable time in my design work. I would love to utilize this technique without buying an iPad. My Mac at work and my Cintiq Companion both have the horsepower to run anything in Creative Cloud. Certainly this feature is not so intense that only an iPad Pro is capable of such magic? It drives me crazy when one platform has a feature that is exclusive for no other reason than "because".


I really hope this feature doesn't already exist on desktop and I'm just an ignorant fool...


Thank you for all your hard work on Creative Cloud and thank you for your time. Just thought that it was worth asking.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 27, 2019 Nov 27, 2019

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Community Expert ,
Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019

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You can (sort of) already do it using clipping masks and the transform effect.

The underlying technique is demonstrated in the (free) template files provided by madpattern.com.

You can also do it using the plugin MirrorMe





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