16 pages zine from single A3 double sided printed sheet
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Hi there,
I wish to print 16 frames, each of which contains two other frames for a picture on top and some text at bottom, on a single double sided A3 print and be able to cut it and fold it so it becomes a 16 page "zine".
Any suggestion on how to tackle the positioning of the frames so that when cut and folded I achieve the wanted result?
Can't wrap my head around it 😞
Thanks !
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The easiest way to tackle this would be to fold a blank sheet of paper into the final format, number the pages and then unfold it again.
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Take a blank A3. Fold it (when starting landscape, fold left over right, top over bottom, left ovrr right). Add numbering - take care to draw numbers in the correct orientation. Unfold, and you'll see the order and orientation of each "page".
It should be 1-4-5-8-9-12-13-16 on one side, and 2-3-6-7-10-11-14-15 on the other side.
Only do this if you're printing it yourself (and your printer is exact enough!). If this is going to a pro print-shop, design your pages in their actual – much smaller – size and let them handle imposition.
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Here is a 16 page imposition guide.
From the back fold the sheet in half so page 2 lines faces page 3, then flip the sheet and fold down so page 5 faces page 4, then fold again so page 8 and 9 face each other. Then with page 1 as the cover, you would trim the top and right edges, with the spine on the left.