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Arranging text in a circle - not formatting properly?

Explorer ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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Hi there, I have followed these steps, but I can't get the text evenly spaced and sized as large as I'd like it without some of the text getting cut off, or if I try to include all the text, the spacing is not equidistant.


Launch Adobe InDesign, open the project you're working on, and then find the spot where you want to insert the circle.


Click and hold the "Rectangle" tool in the toolbox, and then choose "Ellipse Frame Tool" from the menu.


Hold "Shift," click on the document and drag over it with the mouse. Release the mouse button to create the circle. If you don't hold the "Shift" key, you will create an ellipse.


Click and hold the "Type" tool to display a menu, and then choose "Type On A Path Tool."


Click anywhere on the edge of the circle to place the insertion cursor.


Type or paste the text you want to write on the circle, and then press "Ctrl-S" to save the document.

Again, the problem is that I can't get the text formatted so it's not cut off on one side and also, it's not spaced equidistantly. A couple of images are inserted below to show you what I'm referring to. Thank you.

Circle.PNG  Circle2.PNG




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

I see that you have a little red plus next to the E in Barrie. That's not allowing all the text to show, and the justify not going to the full circle.

using your selection tool, click and drag the LINE (click above or below the red plus, don't click the red plus) so that the line is right next to the other line next to the E in Edmonton. (see my screenshot, my two lines are right next to each other. The two lines I'm referring to are your left and right alignment edges. If you choose to align lef



Community Expert ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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I see that you have a little red plus next to the E in Barrie. That's not allowing all the text to show, and the justify not going to the full circle.

using your selection tool, click and drag the LINE (click above or below the red plus, don't click the red plus) so that the line is right next to the other line next to the E in Edmonton. (see my screenshot, my two lines are right next to each other. The two lines I'm referring to are your left and right alignment edges. If you choose to align left, they will go to the Edmonton line and if you choose align right, it will go to the Barrie line.

So try this. I typed a word, two spaces, then a bullet, then two spaces then the next word, continue around the circle.

Select words with type tool and choose from the PARAGRAPH panel, the right most Align button "Justify all lines" (screen shot)

Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at 3.24.17 PM.png

The last word and spacing might give you a problem, not honoring the spacing, and making it the same between the last and first words as it is between the first and second. 

To fix, I added a "." period character after the last spaces, then made it really small and colored it with none. you can't have 2 spaces at the end so you have to put some character in there. The Full Justify all lines now adds the flexible spacing to actual spaces.

Also in my screen shot, notice the two lines are right next to each other. (very important to grab the lines to move them, NOT the little boxes.

Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at 3.31.42 PM.png

See the little period to the left of the ONE at the top left. I haven't  made it small or colored it with none yet.

As long as you're consistent on the spaces they should evenly space out, if you need to adjust a bit, add a bit of kerning (Alt / Option right or left arrows)





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Explorer ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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That was immensely helpful, thank you very much. I greatly appreciate the instructions and visual aids, the design is now much-improved thanks to you!





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Community Expert ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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Looks great!




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Community Expert ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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One more thing Andross, I answered this question as if you were using Illustrator, but I now notice that you are indeed using InDesign. This sort of a logo should be created in Illustrator because you have many more export options when saving for other devices, and you have more flexibility with the Illustrator tools.

If you re-do it in Illustrator, then you can save it as an .AI file format. Each time you need to use it in InDesign document, you simply File > Place the .AI file. then if you need to make a change to the logo, all instances of the logo would be updated in every InDesign document as you open them up,  the Links panel would make sure it has the correct and most up to date .AI file.

I'm glad you got it to work in InDesign, in the future, try Illustrator!




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Explorer ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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Thanks, I would have loved to use and learn Illustrator. Unfortunately, I don't have access to it. But one day I hope to.

Thanks again!




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