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AS: get all textframes within selection

Advocate ,
Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Hey, anyone still scripting with applescript? Your help is needed:

I have a selection of items, which can be everything…even groups.
If I select a textbox and a group, I with
set myStuff to all page items of selection

display dialog "" & count of myStuff
get 2 as result. 
If I ungroup the groups before, i get 9 as result.


How do i target every item within a selection, whithout having to recursesive cycle thru every group within a group within a contain which is anchored in a textframe which is pasted in a oval which is a group of a group of a group…?









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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Hi Jan,

I can give you an idea with ExtendScript.


1. You need to loop all selected items.

2. You need to loop all allPageItems arrays of all selected items.


Uwe Laubender

( ACP )





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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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all page items gets groups and items inside of groups, so I do a single repeat and check for the class. This displays the number of rectangles in a selection containing multiple nested groups.



tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
	set api to all page items of selection
	set cnt to 0
	repeat with x in api
		if class of x is rectangle then
			--do something to the rectangles
			set cnt to cnt + 1
		end if
	end repeat
	display dialog "There are " & cnt & " rectangles in the selection"
end tell



Here there are 10 rectangles, but the count of all page items is 14

Screen Shot 15.png





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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Hey Rob and Uwe,

thank you both for your help! Rob is on the right track here. But if your selection is more than 1, or a textframe in oval, the result is 0.


I tried to cycle thru the items of selection if > 1, but that doesnt work either.

	if (count of api) > 1 then
		repeat with y in api
			set sub_api to all page items of item y of api
			repeat with x in sub_api
				if class of x is text frame then
					--do something to the rectangles
					set cnt to cnt + 1
				end if
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end if






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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Sorry, I’m not taking the time to thoroughly testing before I post.


If the selection is not a group, but a mix of page items including groups then this should find the text frames within the selection:


tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
	set cnt to 0
	set sel to selection
	repeat with x in sel
		if class of x is group then
			set api to all page items of x
			repeat with i in api
				if class of i is text frame then
					set cnt to cnt + 1
				end if
			end repeat
		else if class of x is text frame then
			set cnt to cnt + 1
		end if
	end repeat
	display dialog "There are " & cnt & " text frames in the selection"
end tell




Screen Shot 18.png






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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Depending on what you are trying to do to the page items, a try statement can also work:


tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
	set api to all page items of selection
	repeat with x in api
			set fill color of x to "Black"
		end try
	end repeat
end tell


Here there is a mix of groups, rectangles, and text frames, and the try statement skips the groups because a group doesn‘t have a fill color property:

Screen Shot 16.pngScreen Shot 17.png





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Advocate ,
Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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To make it a bit clearer, where i want to head:

I just want to grep-search my seletion. The selection can be everything – groups, just a text frame, a text frame in a container, maybe another group, a combination of group and no grouped object – you never know if your textframe is like a Matryoshka or if theres any. 


But if everyone screams "do javascript" I must say, I cant wrap the rest of the script into JS, im just not good enough to start that from scratch – so I have to rely on applescript, to make further additions.


I have a script that takes the seletion, then tries to find (via grep) a specific text \d%, then throw some dialogs asking for LastPrice and CurrentPrice, and then it change the text. This does only work for a text frame or a level 1 group.
Today I had the idea to advance that script: If I select a price-textbox and the corresponding product/text-group, I can pre-read the PriceBefore (\d+|\d+,\d{2})€(?=~>) to prefill the default text of the dialog, and being able to edit CurrPrice and PrePrice in that process. 





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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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One note on the first script I posted—it would only work if the selection is a group with nested groups.


To get all the text frames within any selection something like this, where I have a function to handle the grep search: my GrepSearch("\\t+", "") The 2 parameters are the search and change grep strings, this one would find and delete tabs. Note that backslashes have to be escaped with backslashes


EDIT: The tell txt block also has to be in a try statement


tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
	set sel to selection
	repeat with x in sel
		set api to all page items of x
		if class of x is group then
			set api to all page items of x
			repeat with i in api
					set txt to parent story of i
				end try
			end repeat
				set txt to parent story of x
			end try
		end if
			tell txt
				--in AppleScript back slashes have to be escaped with a back slash
				--so it is "\\t+" and not "\t+"
				my GrepSearch("\\t+", "")
			end tell
		end try
	end repeat
end tell

--a grep search handler function
--parameters are the grep search string and the grep change string
on GrepSearch(f, c)
	tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
		set find grep preferences to nothing
		set change grep preferences to nothing
		set find what of find grep preferences to f
		set change to of change grep preferences to c
		change grep
	end tell
end GrepSearch








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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Also, do you really need to work on selections? Using the grep handler function you can string together has many grep searches as you want. This runs 4 searches on the entire document:




tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"

	--removes any white space at the start of a paragraph including multiple returns
	my GrepSearch("^\\s*", "")
	--replaces multiple spaces with one space
	my GrepSearch("\\p{zs}{2,}", "\\s")
	--replaces soft return with a hard return
	my GrepSearch("\\s?\\n", "\\r")
	--replaces non breaking spaces with spaces
	my GrepSearch("~s|~S", "\\s")
end tell

on GrepSearch(f, c)
	tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
		set find grep preferences to nothing
		set change grep preferences to nothing
		set find what of find grep preferences to f
		set change to of change grep preferences to c
		change grep
	end tell
end GrepSearch






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Advocate ,
Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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First of all, heavy thanks to you Rob, this seems very promising!

But im still struggeling getting this to run in my script. The problem is, i dont just want to find/change – I need to read and change the values later…and I cant get a grip on the results. 

I modiefied the function, but that doesnt work somehow just as simple as I thought.

on GrepFound(g)
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
		set f to {}
		set find grep preferences to nothing
		set find what of find grep preferences to g
		set f to find grep
                return f
	end tell
end GrepFound







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Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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Also I guess set XYZ to find grep does not exclusivly search the var txt.
If I just have a page, with no matching text to my grep, I actually do get something like this…

find grep current application

--> {text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 5418 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 5493 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 5546 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 5719 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 5829 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 5973 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 6301 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 6403 of document id 1, text from character 67 to character 70 of text flow id 6459 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 6587 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 6659 of document id 1, text from character 120 to character 123 of text flow id 6692 of document id 1, text from character 219 to character 222 of text flow id 6692 of document id 1, text from character 25 to character 28 of text flow id 6817 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 6871 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 7005 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 7481 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 7542 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 7629 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 8143 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 8224 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 8314 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 8453 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 8877 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 9149 of document id 1, text from character 8 to character 10 of text flow id 9276 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Community Expert ,
Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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Your grep handler is returning a list of found items, so you’ll have to loop through the returned list in order to do anything with the items. Also, if you want to limit the search to a story, I think you’ll have to pass in the text:



tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
	set sel to selection
	set txt to parent story of item 1 of sel
	set f to my GrepFound("hello", txt)
	repeat with i from 1 to count of f
		set contents of item i of f to "there"
	end repeat
end tell

on GrepFound(g, t)
	tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
		set find grep preferences to nothing
		set find what of find grep preferences to g
		tell t
			find grep
		end tell
	end tell
end GrepFound


Screen Shot 33.pngScreen Shot 34.png





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Advocate ,
Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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Im on it, still struggeling with groups tho, but overall it seems to work/come to life.
Ill report tomorrow, have a nice evening Rob!





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Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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One thing to note about groups is the all page items property gets all items inside of a group including other groups and their page items. So if you select 3 items, loop through the 3 items, and check to find a group class, you can use all page items to get everything inside of that group—it doesn’t matter how many nested groups there are inside of that group.





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