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I created a file in InDesign CS5.5 and can't open the file in InDesign CS5. I received many errors stating that I needed to update my plugins. Not sure what that means. Any help would be appreciated.
Grant Novey
You must export the CS5.5 files as .idml files in order to be able to open them in CS5. You may loose some CS5.5 specific layout opetions and the text may reflow.
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CS5.5 .indd files can only be opened in 5.5. You need to export from 5.5 to .idml and open that in CS5.
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Ha - here we go again - backward compatibility please.
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Well, as long as you said please.
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How long before the rants start, Bob
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I think they just did, no?
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When I buy mulch and the greenhouse loads it with a fiberglass handle shovel I don't have any trouble unloading it with my old wooden handled shovel.
Mulch gets it, why can't Adobe?!?!?! FIX PLEASE!
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macinbytes wrote:
When I buy mulch and the greenhouse loads it with a fiberglass handle shovel I don't have any trouble unloading it with my old wooden handled shovel.
Mulch gets it, why can't Adobe?!?!?! FIX PLEASE!
But can your mulch run on an iPad?
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Well, at least it was a reminder to me that I needed to order mulch for my beds.
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A dot upgrade can't be saved to same CS version? CS5 should open any dot version in CS5. What could possibly be so unique to CS5.5 that one couldn't open a file in CS5?
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What's the difference? That's the way it is.
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The addition of a new item of data per paragraph style. For this case, it seems to be the HTML tag.
There are a couple of different scenarios possible for "new version awareness", such as blindly ignoring any stuff that's not recognized. See Word's behavior for an example of that, and shudder with the thought ID should be so fickle. It's not so easy to do it right, apparently.
A dot upgrade can't be saved to same CS version? CS5 should open any dot version CS5.
Perhaps you were expecting this .5 update to have only changed in import, export, and interface options? Besides, this is the first .5 version since InDesign 1.5.
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Which it is worth noting could not be opened in 1.0.
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I totally agree with your comments. I didn't for one second think that the CS5.5 version I was buying wouldn't be compatible with our CS5 version. Downgrade is not an option and £333 for upgrade is not realistic.
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Then perhaps you should have done a bit of research first including the download and testing of the FREE TRIAL.
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neither will InDesign 5.5
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You must export the CS5.5 files as .idml files in order to be able to open them in CS5. You may loose some CS5.5 specific layout opetions and the text may reflow.
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There's not an awful lot of new features to break and AFAIK, the text engine is unchanged.
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Text may reflow if someone uses Hunspell.
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. I received many errors stating that I needed to update my plugins.
I must admit, I don't often try to do this, but I thought Adobe had fixed the error message back in CS4.
Yes, sure, all the politics of backsaving are one thing. But at least the error message should be intelliglble!
There's really no excuse for a user not knowing what the problem is.
Of course, we can't expect CS4 to be fixed to check this now that CS5 is out. And the hours are definitely waining on the likelyhood of a CS5 maintenance update improving the error message for CS5.5. Maybe if we're very lucky the CS5.5 error message can be fixed to deal properly with CS6 files?
Is anyone aware of any discussion about this? Maybe I'll try to file a really compelling bug report, but I want to sit on it for a bit.
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OMG, I have the same problem! I upgraded and now my printer can't open. This will be a continuous nightmare! Why does Adobe punish us for upgrading???????? I have a 24 page catalog, and if that baby reflows I'm going to lose my mind!
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Create a PDF file for output to the printer. No reflow!
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Send a PDF.
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Your printer should always have the latest Adobe software, that's on them.
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And always the latest fonts as well? And (if you're going that route), the latest clip art & stock photos?
Just send a PDF. Printer doesn't accept that? Find a new printer that does.