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I'm a long term user of InDesign, and since the change to 2020, when I'm importing excel files to InDesign, when I try to import information, from a sheet with a named cell range, it doesn't bring it up.
Has there been some change? When I use an older version it works? Can this be fixed at all? I do a lot of work, importing price files into InDesign from Excel.
Thanks for your help, below is an image to show you what I mean, in the 'cell range' it should say 'Cent2020' not just the numbers.
Thank you! your
Know this is an old thread but after about an hour of Googling around and being incredibly frustrated when the "remove spaces" fix above didn't work for me, I figured out what my issue was (using 2024 19.0.1) - numbers in my sheet names. I'm working in rather large files and so I kept my named ranges separated by corresponding page in the document - my Excel file had corresponding pages number in my sheet names.
Originally I had my sheets titled 1 - Cats Dogs etc. Read this thread and replaced s
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Hello, are you running the last update of ID ? the 15.0.2
After if you have the last version, just try to reset preferences :
Shut down ID and Hold the keys CMD+option+control+shift when you start ID, a pop up appear, clic ok ad try to improt your cell range and let us know if it's ok (or not)
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Hi, I am running 15.0.2.
I just did what you said, it's still not working 😞
Any other suggestions?
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I just tried it out and it is still working as expected on 15.0.3. (This week's patch.)
Let us know if resetting prefs works. Also, there are various levels of resets. See the complete list here:
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Did you find a solution for this? I am running into the same issue.
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I am also having this issue. I have been importing named cell ranges from Excel for years, but with my latest InDesign build (15.1.1), this function no longer works. If I import from an .xlsx file, the named ranges are missing. If I import from an .xls file, the named ranges appear but will not import.
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I am also having this issue since updating to InDesign2020, 15.03. I can import the named ranges from an .xls file, though.
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Hi All,
Sorry to hear about your experience. This is really unusual. I'd request updating your InDesign to the latest version(v15.1.2) and see if it helps.
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Did anyone find a solution to this issue? I have updated my InDesign and I am still not seeing my named cell range
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I'm running 16.0 and can confirm that this still is not working.
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Same here....need to import the Defined Names but nothing shows up in the list. I thought it was me going mad but clearly the latest version is broken.
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Had the same issue, solved it by replacing all spaces with underscores in all sheet names. Then it worked like expected.
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Since the 2021 version came out, it has worked as it had before for me.
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This was the solution for me. Thanks!
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Still not working. Surely they can get their acts together aand fix this.
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This is still not working (16.1) and I don't think the Adobe person knows what we are talking about. Their example shows the standard choices, not custom cell ranges. This is a HUGE problem.
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Same problem here . my excel Sheet contains 14 names ranges but on Indesign it show only 12 named ranges
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I was running into the same issue. I had defined all of the cell range names in my spreadsheet, but none of them would appear when I went to import into InDesign. One commenter mentioned changing the sheet name to remove any spaces. I did this and replaced all of the spaces with underscores. That seemed to fix the issue. Now all of my defined cell ranges are appearing. I hope this helps someone!
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This is still an issue in 16.3.2
I tried removing any spaces from the sheet name with no luck.
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I had been having this same issue. I tried removing all spaces, underscores, and hyphens from worksheet name and range name. Seems to be working. At least for now.
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Running version 18.2.1. Having the same problem. I've done this dozens of times before although it's been about a year since I've had to perform this task. One one tab of my worksheet, the named cell range works just fine. It will not display any named cell ranges on any of my other worksheets. I tried changing the names of the cell ranges to get rid of spaces and characters. Did this just not ever get resolved?
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Know this is an old thread but after about an hour of Googling around and being incredibly frustrated when the "remove spaces" fix above didn't work for me, I figured out what my issue was (using 2024 19.0.1) - numbers in my sheet names. I'm working in rather large files and so I kept my named ranges separated by corresponding page in the document - my Excel file had corresponding pages number in my sheet names.
Originally I had my sheets titled 1 - Cats Dogs etc. Read this thread and replaced spaces with underscores so that it showed 1_Cats_Dogs,. Still no luck. Changed it to just say CatsDogs and then FINALLY my named ranges showed up in the Import Options drop down.
It's worth noting that my range names also excluded spaces and numbers (that wasn't on purpose, but I'd also try removing them there if you have this issue and the problem persists).
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Thank you for reaching out and sharing the solution that worked for you. I am sure it will help other community members. If anyone else is experiencing a similar issue, you can also refer to this discussion.