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Hello everyone!
I have 2 documents:
I need to compare if that Typeset.indd has the same italics as Original.indd
Is important to know, not always the same words have italics. The same word can in a paragraph have italic and in the same paragraph not have it. Like you can see in this paragraph, with the word human:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Human endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, human has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Is posible do this with a script?
Here are my files ready to Download
Any help will be appreciate. Thanks so much!
here the solution, thanks to everyone for the help.
...// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Wor
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Just to clarify so that I can see about a solution, you want to check if the same word in the same place has italics.
for example :
Original.indd, paragraph 1, word 2, is italic
TypeSet.indd: paragraph 1, word 2, is italic
Does it matter if they are the same word, or just that they are italic?
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Hi Malcolm, thanks for your time,
yes, I want to check if the same word in the same place has italics.
yes, I need be the same word.
for example here I need get an ERROR because in the Original.indd only the first human has italic, and the TypeSet.indd has the first and the third human with italic:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Human endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, human has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Human endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, human has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Please take note, this indesign files are only an examples, in a real document, I don't know previously which words will be with italic, sometimes are hundreds differents words. This script I need use in any documents with italics.
Thanks so much!
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Something like this should be some help.
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Contents === currentDoc2Contents ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
// report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
alert ( "unmatched italics");
Hope this helps
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Hi Malcolm,
woow! is like magic.
But, if I test in a long document, is very hard to know where is the error. Is possible show in the alert the problematic word, or better a text around the word, just to find quickly. Like:
The next words did't match:
...spirit of brotherhood, human has the right to life...
Thanks so much!
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There are a number of options that you could use, but it would depend on your workflow as to which is more useful.
You could use the parentTextFrame of the word and select the frame for the user to compare.
You could use the parentStory to get the whole story that contains the difference.
You could use the textStyleRanges to get all the words that are italicized and use that as the reference string.
And probably a whole load of other options depending on your workflow and how you want the script to interact with the user.
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I only want add the current text paragraph.
I try to do:
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + currentDoc1Contents);
and I get the problematic word.
Do you know how get the full paragraph text?
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Getting the full paragraph is probably not as easy as it would appear, you can easily get a number of words that surround the word that failed, just by using the index to get the words.
In the code above we get the word to test "var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;"
you could easily add something like
var previousWordLocation = i - 1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var nextWordLocation = i + 1;
var newWord = compareDoc1Words[nextWordLocation];
I have done this with word 1, but you could do it with both, there is also no reason you could take 2,3,4 or how ever many words you want before or after the one that failed, but you would need to make sure that those words exist, check that you are not out of range of the total number of words you have, or trying to access the array with a negative number.
Once you have all the words then you can just concat them to make a string.
var retString = previousWord + FailedWord + nextWord; // simplification to keep code easy.
Hope this helps
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Hi Malcolm!
I get this error:
I added your code in the lines 87 and 114:
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
// as we are only looking for italics
var previousWordLocation = i - 1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var nextWordLocation = i + 1;
var newWord = compareDoc1Words[nextWordLocation];
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Contents === currentDoc2Contents ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
// report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
var retString = previousWord + FailedWord + nextWord; // simplification to keep code easy.
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + currentDoc1Contents + retString);
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Sorry, I used that as an example, in your code that would be currentDoc1Contents or currentDoc2Contents, depending on which one failed.
I also notice that you have added "var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents" to the if statement this is not needed as you already have a valid currentDoc1Contents variable from above in the code.
Hope this helps
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Hi Malcolm,
I declarate 2 variables in line 13, 14. And in the line 65 I try to print but didn't work. I don't know how declare properly:
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
I try with
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.everyItem();
but didn't work. I was checking in Google, and Do you think I need first create a function to take the words before and after like here, or not is than complicate?
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get previous and next words
var currentDoc1previousWord = currentDoc1Word.previousWord.everyItem();
var currentDoc2previousWord = currentDoc2Word.previousWord.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
// get previous and next words, to show the text around the word
var previousWordLocation = i - 1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var nextWordLocation = i + 1;
var newWord = compareDoc1Words[nextWordLocation];
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Contents === currentDoc2Contents ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
// report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
// simplification to keep code easy.
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + currentDoc1previousWord);
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Hi Malcolm!
I still testing, and I find the problem.
For example if In the alert I write:
previousWordLocation instead of retString, I get the number of the word. But the problem is in the line 35, when I try to get the word, I get a pop up like this:
Please any sugestion? thanks!
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
//get the previous Word Location
var previousWordLocation = i -1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var retString = previousWord;
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Contents === currentDoc2Contents ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + retString); // report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
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retString is a Word Object, hence the string you get in the dialog, if you want the actual word you need to add ".contents" so the alert line would read.
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + retString.contents);
Or you could change the declaration line to
var retString = previousWord.contents;
Either would work.
hope this helps
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Hi Barlae!
yes now is working
But I was testing, and I get a error, if the word is place in the first position or at the end of the document. Like you can see in the picture, this is the last word of the document and I get a error:
Here the code:
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
//get the previous Word Location
var previousWordLocation = i -1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var previousString = previousWord;
var previousWordLocation2 = i -2;
var previousWord2 = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation2];
var previousString2 = previousWord2;
//get the next Word Location
var nextWordLocation = i + 1;
var nextWord = compareDoc1Words[nextWordLocation];
var nextString = nextWord;
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Contents === currentDoc2Contents ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + previousString2.contents + " " +previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents); // report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
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Because the word that failed is the last word in the document, you cannot get the word after it, as there is no word to get.
If this is the case you need to check there is actually a word to get before you use it. You could do this in two ways.
1 - Check the number of words you have, and make sure that there are more words after the one that failed.
var nextStringLocation = i + 1;
var nextString = null; // define it so we know it has changed.
if ( numberOfWords > nextStringLocation)
nextString = compareDocWords [ nextStringLocation];
if ( nextString !== null)
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents);
2 - check that nextWord is valid before you use it.
if ( nextString !== undefined)
alert ( "unmatched italics: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents);
It is up to you how you handle this, although note you probably need to handle the same for "previousString" in case the failed word is the first word in the document/story as there will be no word before it.
hope this helps
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I use the second method, is working but when find end of the word, stop to work, and don't show any alert.
To fix this, I added a second alert like:
if ( nextString === undefined){
("Unmatched italics in the word: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents);
But didn't work, maybe is not correct use undefined?
Thank you
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
//get the previous Word Location
var previousWordLocation = i -1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var previousString = previousWord;
//get the next Word Location
var nextWordLocation = i + 1;
var nextWord = compareDoc1Words[nextWordLocation];
var nextString = nextWord;
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Contents === currentDoc2Contents ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
if ( nextString !== undefined){
alert ( "Unmatched italics in the word: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents); // report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
if ( nextString === undefined){
("Unmatched italics in the word: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents);
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Based on the error you are missing a closing '}' in that if that you added it should be
Note: you are also missing the keyword "alert")
if ( nextString === undefined)
alert ( ....);
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Hi Barlae!
I start to see the light
But small problem still, I try to test all posible cases using:
if ( previousString !== undefined || nextString !== undefined){
alert ( "Unmatched italics in: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents); // report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
if ( previousString === undefined){
alert("Unmatched italics in " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents);
if ( nextString === undefined){
alert("Unmatched italics in: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents);
alert("Unmatched italics in the word: " + currentDoc1Contents);
But all the words are processed 2 times:
and finally I get a error:
Full code:
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
//get the previous Word Location
var previousWordLocation = i -1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var previousString = previousWord;
//get the next Word Location
var nextWordLocation = i + 1;
var nextWord = compareDoc1Words[nextWordLocation];
var nextString = nextWord;
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Contents === currentDoc2Contents ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
if ( previousString !== undefined || nextString !== undefined){
alert ( "Unmatched italics in: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents); // report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
if ( previousString === undefined){
alert("Unmatched italics in " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents);
if ( nextString === undefined){
alert("Unmatched italics in: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents);
alert("Unmatched italics in the word: " + currentDoc1Contents);
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I was also testing this, but same problem:
if (previousString !== undefined || nextString !== undefined){
alert ( "Unmatched italics in: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents); // report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.
if (previousString === undefined && nextString !== undefined){
alert("Unmatched italics in " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents);
if (previousString !== undefined && nextString === undefined){
alert("Unmatched italics in: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents);
alert("Unmatched italics in the word: " + currentDoc1Contents);
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here the solution, thanks to everyone for the help.
// get documents to compare
var myDocs= app.documents;
var compareDoc1 = myDocs.itemByName ("Original.indd");
var compareDoc2 = myDocs.itemByName ("Typeset.indd");
// get all the stories
var compareDoc1Stories = compareDoc1.stories.everyItem();
var compareDoc2Stories = compareDoc2.stories.everyItem();
// get all the words
var compareDoc1Words = compareDoc1Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var compareDoc2Words = compareDoc2Stories.words.everyItem().getElements();
var numberOfWords = compareDoc1Words.length;
// incase they have differnet lengths, use the shorter one to make sure we don't access areas we are not allowed to be.
if ( compareDoc2Words.length < numberOfWords )
numberOfWords = compareDoc2Words.length;
// for each word
for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
var currentDoc1Word = compareDoc1Words;
var currentDoc2Word = compareDoc2Words;
// get the word
var currentDoc1Contents = currentDoc1Word.contents;
var currentDoc2Contents = currentDoc2Word.contents;
//get the font style
var currentDoc1FontStyle = currentDoc1Word.fontStyle;
var currentDoc2FontStyle = currentDoc2Word.fontStyle;
//get the previous Word Location
var previousWordLocation = i -1;
var previousWord = compareDoc1Words[previousWordLocation];
var previousString = previousWord;
//get the next Word Location
var nextWordLocation = i + 1;
var nextWord = compareDoc1Words[nextWordLocation];
var nextString = nextWord;
// as we are only looking for italics
if ( currentDoc1FontStyle === "Italic")
if ( ! ( ( currentDoc1Word === currentDoc2Word ) && ( currentDoc1FontStyle === currentDoc2FontStyle)))
if (previousString !== undefined){
alert ( "Unmatched italics in: " + previousString.contents + " " + currentDoc1Contents + " " + nextString.contents); // report a fail in whichever makes most sense for you.