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Hi to all InDesign Scripters
I am currently creating a directory with InDesign CS6, which contains the name of the person, address, cities, etc.
I have a question which is about showing the listing count per city,
for example, there are 30 names under a city (across spreads and pages),
how to show the number of listing count on InDesign automatically?
And how to make InDesign pick up what numebrs to use on that page?
(If I have two pages should show total listing count under the same city is 30)
I found a script to add sequential # to the paragraph styles, however I was only able to pick up the last number on the page using text variable -Running Headers function in InDesign, not the last number under the same city.
Any help would be appreciated!
Best Regards
Hi VWu
Presuming that you only have at most one city per page and you use a unique paragraph style for you city titles and presuming that you use a paragraph style for you name entries then the following should do it.
...// City Listings Count Script by Trevor (Coming soonish)
// Trevor {at} creative-scripts {dot} com
app.doScript("addListingsCount()", ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Add Lis
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Sounds easy,
Send a precise screenshot (you can change the persornal details 🙂 of how a page is set up including where you want the counting to be
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Thank you for your response Trevo!!
The directory looks like attached pages. The first city is Asteria and the second is Bell Gardens
How to write a script to get the total number of names/listings under a city?
and tell page two to show the exact same total listing # (when the pages are still under the same city)
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Hi VWu
Presuming that you only have at most one city per page and you use a unique paragraph style for you city titles and presuming that you use a paragraph style for you name entries then the following should do it.
// City Listings Count Script by Trevor (Coming soonish)
// Trevor {at} creative-scripts {dot} com
app.doScript("addListingsCount()", ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Add Listings Count");
function addListingsCount () {
var doc = app.activeDocument,
cityParagraphStyle = doc.paragraphStyles.itemByName ("City Title"), // Change to correct paragraphStyles name
nameParagraphStyle = doc.paragraphStyles.itemByName ("Entry Name"), // Change to correct paragraphStyles name
countParagraphStyle = doc.paragraphStyles.itemByName ("Entries Count"), // Change to correct paragraphStyles name
cityFinds = [],
entryFinds = {};
// Get GeometricBound for Title Text Frames
var pageMargins = [], pageGeos = [], textFrameGeos = [],
vp = doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits,
distanceFromTopMarginToTheTopOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame = UnitValue (".8cm").as(vp); // Change distance as needed
heigtOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame = UnitValue (".5cm").as(vp); // Change height as needed
pageMargins[0] = doc.pages[0].marginPreferences;
pageGeos[0] = doc.pages[0].bounds;
textFrameGeos[0] = pageGeos[0];
textFrameGeos[0][0] += pageMargins[0].top - distanceFromTopMarginToTheTopOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[0][1] += pageMargins[0].left;
textFrameGeos[0][2] = textFrameGeos[0][0] + heigtOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[0][3] -= pageMargins[0].right;
pageMargins[1] = doc.pages[1].marginPreferences;
pageGeos[1] = doc.pages[1].bounds;
textFrameGeos[1] = pageGeos[1];
textFrameGeos[1][0] += pageMargins[1].top - distanceFromTopMarginToTheTopOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[1][1] += pageMargins[1].left;
textFrameGeos[1][2] = textFrameGeos[1][0] + heigtOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[1][3] -= pageMargins[1].right;
app.changeTextPreferences = app.findTextPreferences = null;
app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = cityParagraphStyle;
cityFinds = doc.findText();
app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = nameParagraphStyle;
var l = cityFinds.length,
c = 0, nameFinds, pageOffsets = [], pageOffset, fl, city;
while (c < l) {
pageOffset = cityFinds
.parentTextFrames[0].parentPage.documentOffset; nameFinds = ([]).concat.apply ([],doc.pages [pageOffset].textFrames.everyItem().findText ());
city = cityFinds
.contents; fl = nameFinds.length;
= pageOffset; entryFinds [city] = (entryFinds [city]) ? entryFinds [city] + fl : fl;
while (l--) doc.pages[pageOffsets
] .textFrames.add ({
geometricBounds: textFrameGeos [pageOffsets
% 2], contents: "Total Listings: " + entryFinds [cityFinds
.contents], name: "Listings Count"
doc.pages.everyItem().textFrames.itemByName ("Listings Count").texts[0].appliedParagraphStyle = countParagraphStyle;
// Note if you ever want to remove these text frame you can do
// app.activeDocument.pages.everyItem().textFrames.itemByName ("Listings Count").remove()
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Hi Trevo,
Amazing work! Really apprciate you for your help!
Wish I can be as talented and skillful as you one day!
I'm still doing some tests on the script and there are stilll some errors because of my document settings.
I will try to dig it out by myself first
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Glad to have helped and welcome to the forum.
If you need more help the just leave a post.
Can you please mark the answer as correct instead of helpful.
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I just did, thanks again!
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Hi Trevor,
I've been trying to edit the script/document but somehow I am still getting error "invalid parameter" on .textFrames.add ({
I am making a guess it is because I put City Title on master pages and using text variable function to pick up the City Title from Address on the same page, however even if I type and paste the City Tltle directly on the pages, nothing changed.
I am posting my document on
Any help will be apprecited!
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Hi V,
I looked at the file you attached.
You first need to remove the text boxes that you put in which contain "Total Listings:" in them.
You can run this to do that
var doc = app.activeDocument,
finds, l;
app.changeGrepPreferences = app.findGrepPreferences = null;
app.findGrepPreferences .findWhat = "\\ATotal Listings:\\s*\\Z";
app.doScript("addListingsCount()", ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Add Listings Count");
function addListingsCount () {
finds = doc.findGrep();
l = finds.length;
while (l--) finds
.parentTextFrames[0].remove(); }
After you've removed those frames run the below script and it should work for your document.
// City Listings Count Script by Trevor (Coming soonish)
// Trevor {at} creative-scripts {dot} com
var doc = app.activeDocument,
cityCharacterStyle = doc.characterStyles.itemByName ("City"), // Change to correct paragraphStyles name
nameParagraphStyle = doc.paragraphStyles.itemByName ("Entry Name"), // Change to correct paragraphStyles name
countParagraphStyle = doc.paragraphStyles.itemByName ("Entries Count"), // Change to correct paragraphStyles name
cityFinds = [],
entryFinds = {};
// Get GeometricBound for Title Text Frames
var pageMargins = [], pageGeos = [], textFrameGeos = [],
vp = doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits,
distanceFromTopMarginToTheTopOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame = UnitValue ("23.625pt").as(vp); // Change distance as needed
heigtOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame = UnitValue (".5cm").as(vp); // Change height as needed
widthOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame = UnitValue ("153.75pt").as(vp); // Change width as needed
pageWidth = doc.pages[0].bounds[3];
app.changeTextPreferences = app.findTextPreferences = null;
app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = cityCharacterStyle; // keep grep set out of fast entire undo mode for safety reasons
app.doScript("addListingsCount()", ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Add Listings Count");
function addListingsCount () {
pageMargins[0] = doc.pages[0].marginPreferences;
textFrameGeos[0] = [];
textFrameGeos[0][0] = pageMargins[0].top - distanceFromTopMarginToTheTopOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[0][1] = pageWidth - pageMargins[0].right - widthOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[0][2] = textFrameGeos[0][0] + heigtOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[0][3] = pageWidth - pageMargins[0].right;
pageMargins[1] = doc.pages[1].marginPreferences;
textFrameGeos[1] = [];
textFrameGeos[1][0] = pageMargins[1].top - distanceFromTopMarginToTheTopOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[1][1] = pageWidth*2 - pageMargins[1].right - widthOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[1][2] = textFrameGeos[1][0] + heigtOfTheEntriesCountTextFrame;
textFrameGeos[1][3] = pageWidth*2 - pageMargins[0].right;
cityFinds = doc.pages.everyItem().textFrames.everyItem().findText();
var l = cityFinds.length,
c = 0, nameFinds, pageOffsets = [], pageOffset, fl, city, firstFind, n=0, theCities = [];
while (l > c++) {
nameFinds = ([]).concat.apply ([],cityFinds
); if (!(fl = nameFinds.length)) {continue;}
firstFind = nameFinds[0];
pageOffset = firstFind.parentTextFrames[0].parentPage.documentOffset;
= city = firstFind.contents; pageOffsets [n++] = pageOffset;
entryFinds [city] = (entryFinds [city]) ? entryFinds [city] + fl : fl;
while (n--) {doc.pages[pageOffsets
] .textFrames.add ({
geometricBounds: textFrameGeos [((pageOffsets
!=0) + pageOffsets ) % 2], contents: "Total Listings: " + entryFinds [theCities
], name: "Listings Count"
doc.textFrames.itemByName ("Listings Count").isValid && doc.pages.everyItem().textFrames.itemByName ("Listings Count").texts[0].appliedParagraphStyle = countParagraphStyle; // keep isValid && out of fast entire undo mode for safety reasons
// Note if you ever want to remove these text frame you can do
// app.activeDocument.pages.everyItem().textFrames.itemByName ("Listings Count").remove()
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Hi Trevor,
Thanks for your time! You are awesome!
I removed the text boxes I created and ran the script, the total listings on page 2 shows 34 (which is not the number I need) and page 3 shows 8 (which is correct). The city Artesia should have total lisintgs = 66 listings instead of 34 (page 1=33 listings and page 2=33 listings, the total for Artesia=66 listings), and 66 should show on both page 1 and 2. I will try to edit your script to match my need and I will ask you again if I still need help
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Hi V
Sorry about that
Change the 1st while loop to
while (l--) {
nameFinds = ([]).concat.apply ([],cityFinds
); if (!(fl = nameFinds.length)) {c++; continue;}
firstFind = nameFinds[0];
pageOffset = firstFind.parentTextFrames[0].parentPage.documentOffset;
= city = firstFind.contents; pageOffsets [n++] = pageOffset;
entryFinds [city] = (entryFinds [city]) ? entryFinds [city] + fl : fl;
should work
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Yes, it works like a charm now!
Thank you for your help again!