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Data Merge - Linking Excel to InDesign

New Here ,
Nov 15, 2013 Nov 15, 2013

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My team has been asked to create a data base in excel that can be linked/data merged into InDesign. This is for a product catalog contain many thousands of items, which uses a listing format.

First, I would like to take the information from the current InDesign file and import it into excel. If posible, I would like to link the information at this point, but since it's not setup as a table, it may be difficult to do so. Therefore, next I would like to organize the exported information into the correct tables and merge it back into InDesign.

The goal is to have an excel file where product information can be maintained and linked to the InDesign file (eliminating multiple maintaince steps. Any help would be great!

Thank you!




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Advisor ,
Nov 15, 2013 Nov 15, 2013

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If it's a product catalogue, would your company not already have this data in Excel format? How else would they keep track of the SKU numbers and quantities etc?

I think the process you mention above is more or less correct but you should be able to avoid the whole 'copy from InDesign, paste into Excel' step.
Are there any specific questions you want answered?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2013 Nov 15, 2013

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This task may require a plug-in to Adobe InDesign as I don't think it's possible from InDesign "off of the shelf". I say this because:

  • Data Merge will only import .csv or .txt files; and
  • (in my experience) Placing an excel file into InDesign does not allow that file to be linked.

This said, the data merge feature of InDesign is... basic. There are many plug-ins on the market that offer better solutions to InDesign's Data Merge feature that may offer what the OP wants, but I haven't used them and can't recommend any particular brands. My suggestion is to visit http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/indepth.displayTab3.html and look for the providers that have their own Data Merge solutions.

If the answer wasn't in my post, perhaps it might be on my blog at colecandoo!




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Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2013 Nov 15, 2013

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In theory, at least, one can set the prefences to allow linking to an excel file, and change them back after placing, so that other files do not link, if that's the way you like to work, but it's important to remebeber that updating a linked spreadsheet takes it back to the excel formatting unless you use Table Styles.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2013 Nov 15, 2013

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You beat me to it Peter. I spoke too soon (I don't import excel files often... used to).

Excel files CAN be linked PROVIDED a change is made in the preferences.

Screen shot 2013-11-16 at 1.09.10 PM.png

how well it works? that I honestly don't know.

If the answer wasn't in my post, perhaps it might be on my blog at colecandoo!




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New Here ,
Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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I created an Excel spreadsheet with multiple tabs and have imported the information into InDesign. I can update the information easily and this is working great. My issue is when I look at the links, they all reference the name of the Excel file and do not reference the Excel tab within the file that I placed the information from. I need to be able to see this information within the link. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank you in advance.




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People's Champ ,
Sep 04, 2017 Sep 04, 2017

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When it becomes serious, you may want to turn into a real production tool such as EasyCatalog. Of course it's pricy compared to native Excel linking but with thousands of reference with prices and data being possibly updated, you will find it soon enough really worth it




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