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I installed inDesign CS2 to open a p65 file. It says file error.
Who can support me.
Such an old version of InDesign is unlikely to operate under modern operating systems.
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Such an old version of InDesign is unlikely to operate under modern operating systems.
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I installed inDesign CS2 under Windows10.
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CS2 had a bug in it that prevented it from opening Pagemaker files under anything later than XP SP2. I wrote about it many years ago. Windows XP Service Pack 3 Breaks InDesign CS2 Pagemaker Conversion Capability | CreativePro Network
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That would do it! I forgot about that... it's been a few years! 😉
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What platform? Mac or PC? Does the file have the extension .p65?
If not, it likely needs it, but you have to be sure it truly is a PM6.5 file. You could try change it to .PMD (which is PageMaker 7's extension, as there's very little file structure difference between the two versions, but may trick ID to properly handle it.). If that still doesn't work, the file may be corrupt.
There are a few of us out there, myself included, that can work with PM files (so if it's just one, i can help you troubleshoot and get it to the ID world
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Would it be possible for you to convert a .p65 file to a readable version? (InDesignCC or .pdf) I work for Yellowstone National Park and our archivist can only fine a digital copy of a business plan she needs for collections. Nothing I've tried has worked! I changed the file extension from .p65 to .pmd in order to get it attached below. At a complete loss!
P.S. It wouldn't let me attach despite the filename change.
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I'll send you a PM with a dropbox link where you can drop it.
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THANK YOU! Sending shortly.