Edit original
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Any reason why I cannot edit a photoshop file that is linked in Indesign even if I have all the up to date apps on my PC? I have a message that informs me that I have no editor for this link! Is this a bug in the latest version of Indesign on the PC?
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Sounds like a file association problem. Make sure Photoshop is associated in Windows with the format you are trying to edit.
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All associated files are to Photoshop, makes it easier to see and open on a PC. It seems to something to do with which version of Photoshop they were saved in?
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Shouldn't matter what version of Photoshop you have or that the file was saved from.
What version of Windows and InDesign?
Have you checked to be sure the file association is still valid? Windows keeps changing my association for PDF from Acrobat to Edge, for example, without any provocation.
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I have noticed in the past that I could not associate with latest version of Photoshop when i had the other version on, even when I had selected it.
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Windows has a tendency to ignore your version choice for file associations. Are you able to choose Photoshop if you use Edit With rather than Edit Original from the menu?
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Yes, I am able to use the edit with option.
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Definitely sounds like a file associationn problem. I'd go into Windows settings and re-set that.
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Please give the specific version number like 28.3.2, not "latest". This is important; many people believe they are up to date, but their real problem is that the updating has failed.
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Indesign 17.0.1
Photoshop 23.0.2
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Do you have the original Photoshop file? If so, can you open it? Make the change and then go back to InDesign and double click on the photo with the change. If the original photoshop file is not available that would explain the issue.
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Hi Simon,
I see a similar issue with "Edit original" on my Windows 10 machine with all my installed InDesign versions.
In my case all images like jpg or png are opened with Windows' Photo application. I do not like that. In the case of a placed and linked PhotoShop file InDesign asks what version of PhotoShop should open the file.
From my German InDesign:
So theoretically I could resolve the issue on my system by answering this dialog. I will not do this for now. I am using a lot of versions of InDesign and PhotoShop on my machine and I do not want to open any placed PSD file or JPEG or PNG file with a specific version of PhotoShop, but with the version of PhotoShop that currently is running.
I am about to solve that with an InDesign startup script that uses an event listening mechanism for the "beforeInvoke" event of two menu actions for the "Edit original" menu commands. Still I have to do some tests, but I will come back with some ExtendScript (JavaScript) code.
Perhaps my script could be a solution to your problem provided PhotoShop is installed on your machine or currently running when you invoke the menu command with InDesign. My script will open any "image" type of placed and linked graphics with PhotoShop using InDesign's own menu commands "Edit original" as a starting point. Other graphic types of placed graphics like PDF or AI will not be affected.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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On my Win10 machine Edit Original opens the image in whatever version of Photoshop is currently running, if ithere is one. Otherwise it uses the latest version (despite being told that the default application should be version CS6 -- Just love Windows).
I had to right-click an image and choose Open With, then scroll to choose another application in order to set the association correctly -- no way to get it reset in the regular settings choose default app by file type - but once set it sticks, at least for awhile.
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The following code is working as a startup script with the menu command "Edit original" when you selected a graphic frame containing an image or if you selected the image itself on the page. Warning: It will not work with the same menu command you find in the Links panel when you selected a placed image in the panel AND did not select it on the page.
#targetengine EditOriginalImageWithPhotoShop-com-laubender-uwe
var menuAction1 = app.menuActions.item("$ID/#LinksUIEditOriginalLinkMenu");
var menuAction2 = app.menuActions.item("$ID/#EditOriginalButtonTip");
function editImageFileWithPhotoShop(event)
Disable the menu action if the selected item contains a bitmap image.
Instead start up PhotoShop and open the image with PhotoShop
if( app.selection.length != 1 ){ return };
var image = false;
if( app.selection[0].constructor.name == "Image" )
image = app.selection[0];
if( app.selection[0].graphics[0].getElements()[0].constructor.name == "Image" )
image = app.selection[0].graphics[0];
if( image == false ){ return };
if( image.itemLink.status == LinkStatus.LINK_INACCESSIBLE ){ return };
Disable the menu action's original task:
Instead open the placed image with PhotoShop:
var bt = new BridgeTalk;
bt.target = "photoshop";
var myScript = 'app.open(File(\"' + image.itemLink.filePath + '\"));';
bt.body = myScript;
bt.send( 30 );
How you make that work:
[1] Save the code above with the Editor application to a text file with suffix *.jsx
[2] Open the Scripts panel in InDesign. Select the User folder there.
Use the menu command "Show in Explorer". A directory named Scripts should show up in Windows Explorer that contains a folder named Scripts Panel. Do not go to Scripts Panel. Instead add a new folder named startup scripts.
Move the *.jsx file from [1] to the new startup scripts folder.
[3] Restart InDesign.
[4] Start up any version of PhotoShop
Now test menu command "Edit original" again with a placed and selected PhotoShop file.
PhotoShop should open the file. The same with placed and linked JPEG or PNG files.
You have to switch from InDesign to PhotoShop to see the result.
If you want to disable the startup script simply move the *.jsx file out of the startup scripts folder.
And restart InDesign.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )