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Edit the Bullet point distance from the beginning of the sentence

Explorer ,
Feb 24, 2012 Feb 24, 2012

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I'm trying to edit the bullet point distance from the first word of the Sentence.

I tried the following:

  • Opened Paragraph Styles
  • Click the top right corner dropdown and chose Style Options
  • Click on Bullets and Numbering
  • I Chose Bullets from the List Type dropdown
  • I changed the Tab Position to 5mm as a test

This worked, but..........

When I clicked on ok to close the Style options, every sentence in the document became a bullet list.

Every time I create a new sentence ina new Text box it is automatically converted to a bullet point

If I go back in and undo the Style then I lose all Bullet lists.

I am obviously doing the wrong thing.

I simply want to change the distance between the Bullet point and the Sentence by half, so that if I create a bullet list it will be a shorter distance. Similar to the above list!


How to




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Community Expert ,
Feb 24, 2012 Feb 24, 2012

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every sentence will be affected in the same paragraph, and all paragraphs with that style applied.

you need to create separate paragraph styles to suit.





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New Here ,
Apr 02, 2013 Apr 02, 2013

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I figured it out.
Once you go to paragraph styles and adjust your bullet positioning.

You have to go back to the List type and put it back from bullets to none.
Now you can type and apply bullets to whatever you want without every sentence becoming a bullet.

Also for future reference. You can do a hard return. That is Shift and return at the same time will help.




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Guide ,
Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Bg+roseman  wrote

You can do a hard return. That is Shift and return at the same time will help.

FYI, terminology is a bit fluid, so not all will agree what something is called. That said, most people I've encountered think of a paragraph return and a hard return as the same thing, and a line break (shift return) and a soft return (soft, because it doesn't create a new paragraph) are two names for the same thing.




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New Here ,
Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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Hey Macnimation,

What you could do is: select all the bullet point copy that you want changed, select the (burger icon) menu to the right of the screen. This is situated under the Customise Control Panel icon. (This menu will only show if you have selected the text first).

Then select "Bullets and Numbering..." from the menu, then choose from the "List Type" which style you want, and choose the "Tab Position" to your desired distance.

This will change bullet point distance, as well as affect all new bullet points created.

Hopefully this helps you out and others.




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New Here ,
Apr 18, 2019 Apr 18, 2019

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Where I find this problem is when there is a masked photo or illustration that changes the left margin of the bulleted list. The gap between the bullet and the first word can become quite large.

To solve this, I

1) put the cursor in front of the first word after the bullet,

2) hit delete (the space between the bullet and the word disappears),

3) hit the space bar to insert however many spaces you want after the bullet.

Three spaces seems to approximate the spacing I have after a bullet in a bulleted list, though other things seem to influence that spacing a bit. Naturally, use whatever seems right for your project.




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