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I have had this problem and I finally fixed it.
The problem is caused because you had a an Adobe CS4 product on your computer in the past and removed it...But not all components are removed when you uninstall. Therefore, if you are using windows go to Start menu> type in search: MSCONFIG>Enter or (click Icon that pops up)> in the menu of the Config go to start up and "uncheck" the "CS4" components that were uninstalled. and press "apply" then "OK". Restart computer and it should work. Let me know if you had success with this.
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I had this problem with ID CS3 - message shown below - after having CS3, CS4, and CS5 products on this machine (windows 7 x64). Both CS5 and CS3 products will remain.
There may be 30 second fix to this. By now, most of you should realize that Adobe screwed up the installer and some files/pointers/etc. are pointing to the wrong folder. All 32bit programs should be in the “programs files x(86)” folder and NOT in the regular “programs files” folder which is intended for 64bit applications.
It appears that ID needs the following folders (AMT, CMaps, Unicode) and possibly the file FntNames.db in the (x86) common files\….\TypeSupport\.. folder. To fix this problem, I simply copied the files/folders from the 64-bit “programs files” folder to the 32-bit “programs files x(86)” folder.
I wouldn't delete them from the original x64 location, just copy them to the new location (they only take up about 12mb of space). Another alternative is to move those "misplaced" folders into a new folder (with a new name so ID won't find it) and if no programs complain, then you can delete it later.
Just one more little bit of sloppy programming.. After all, x64, and dual 32/64 directories, have been around for a long time. There's really no excuse why Adobe, and all vendors, can't clean up after themselves when *uninstalling* apps such as CS4, and reinstalling CS3.. What would it take, another routine or two during the install/uninstall that would check to see what it needed to remove or leave?
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By now, most of you should realize that Adobe screwed up the installer and some files/pointers/etc. are pointing to the wrong folder. All 32bit programs should be in the “programs files x(86)” folder and NOT in the regular “programs files” folder which is intended for 64bit applications.
Just one more little bit of sloppy programming.. After all, x64, and dual 32/64 directories, have been around for a long time. There's really no excuse why Adobe, and all vendors, can't clean up after themselves when *uninstalling* apps such as CS4, and reinstalling CS3..
I think it's not quite so simple. This works in most 64-bit installations, but sometimes it get screwed up. Presumably there is something about a small fraction of Windows 7 x64 installations that the installer gets wrong.
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you're right. It often does work, but for some reason it didn't this time and there's nothing out of the ordinary that would cause it not to work without issue. I will say that if I want an application that is going to go south during the install, I have to look no further than one of my many Adobe suites or individual applications...
Since x64 has been around for nearly a decade, I'm nonplussed that it (install problems) happened..... again....
In the end, at least for me this time it was only a matter of copying files/folders, but others have had to do reinstalls, and from what I've read on the web, those have also not been successful...
I'm not getting all the fonts to install properly either (fonts like Arno can't be found) and now I'm getting font errors when I open indd files...
Can't figure that out either...I had the font, I used the font, but now it can't be found on my CS3 Design Premium disk and doesn't appear to available at install. I don't have my web premium disk available, nor do I have my CS5 suite available to check... Annoying to say the least, but that's another problem...