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Hello, i'm trying to make a javascript script to find update an index but i'm stucked.
I'm using InDesign CS5.5 and the ExtendScript Toolkit 4.1.28
I have an indb file and many indd, I can locate the right file indd and open it with
I tried to look at indexes but they are always 0, I also tried to check textFrames to find the right one but without success.
I looked for a way to inspect the document to identify the structure but i can't find anythin better than randomly checking elements with the debugger.
I manually update the index selecting the textbox and then with Edit -> Update index
Can you help me to aumate it?
Hi @social_Dream98A2 ,
you said: "I manually update the index selecting the textbox and then with Edit -> Update index"
Hm. I cannot see a menu command like that.
Instead one could generate a new index with the option to update the one that exists. That's a property of the document.indexGenerationOptions.
This should work with one single index in the active document:
app.documents[0].indexGenerationOptions.replaceExistingIndex = true;
Uwe Lau
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Can you post a screenshot with this Menu -> Update Index option?
I can't find it in the CC 2024 / 19.3
If you want to find Story that holds Index:
or you can invoke menu action:
Generate Index... | Panel Menus:Index | 78084
but as it's a dialog - you'll have to confirm it manually.
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My bad, it's under layout. In the screenshot above it's italian.
If i click update there are no prompt.
If I can find how to check if a TextFrame has a Story, how can I update it?
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Yes, I've checked Edit and Layout Menus, unfortunately, TOC and Index are two different things:
There is no option to silently update Index from script.
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There is update() for Index:
undefined update ()
Updates the index preview pane. Note: Does not update the index.
But there is Generate():
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Update: Please ignore this answer. I didn't know about the `indexGenerationOptions` which makes this process simple. See @Laubender's correct answer. I will leave this here as an embarrassing failure! 🙂
Hi @social_Dream98A2, I've never done this before, so apologies if this isn't quite right, but it worked in my simple testing. Here is a function "regenerateIndexStory" which should do what you ask. You need to pass it the indexing Story as one of the parameters.
- Mark
* Quick Example of regenerating an Index Story.
* @author m1b
* @discussion
function main() {
var doc = app.activeDocument,
story = doc.selection[0];
if (
|| !story.isValid
|| (
'Story' !==
&& !story.hasOwnProperty('parentStory')
return alert('Please select an index story to update and try again.');
// so we can handle any kind of sub-story text or text frame
if (story.hasOwnProperty('parentStory'))
story = story.parentStory;
var result = regenerateIndexStory(doc, story);
? 'Index updated successfully.'
: 'Index was not updated.'
app.doScript(main, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, 'Update Selected Index');
* Regenerates an Index Story.
* @author m1b
* @version 2024-09-09
* @param {Document} doc - an Indesign Document.
* @param {Story} story - a Story of "Indexing" StoryType.
* @param {Index} [index] - the index to regenerate (default: first index of document).
* @returns {Boolean} - true if the operation was successful.
function regenerateIndexStory(doc, story, index) {
var page = story.textContainers[0].parentPage,
index = index || doc.indexes[0];
// we need an "indexing" Story
if (
|| !story.hasOwnProperty('storyType')
|| !story.isValid
|| StoryTypes.INDEXING_STORY !== story.storyType
|| !index.isValid
return false;
// Note: the generate method returns an
// Array of Stories and I just pick the
// first one because I don't know when
// there will be more than one.
var tempStory = index.generate(page)[0];
// the Index.generate method creates new text frame(s)
// so I guess we need to remove these later
var deleteMe = tempStory.textContainers;
// update the old index story with the generated story
story.contents = '';
tempStory.duplicate(LocationOptions.AT_END, story.insertionPoints[0]);
// clean up
for (var i = deleteMe.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
return true;
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Hi @social_Dream98A2 ,
you said: "I manually update the index selecting the textbox and then with Edit -> Update index"
Hm. I cannot see a menu command like that.
Instead one could generate a new index with the option to update the one that exists. That's a property of the document.indexGenerationOptions.
This should work with one single index in the active document:
app.documents[0].indexGenerationOptions.replaceExistingIndex = true;
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Expert )
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Ah! That's a missing piece I didn't find! Thanks @Laubender. I've never scripted anything to do with indexes before.
- Mark
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Hi @social_Dream98A2 ,
there are other options with indexGenerationOptions as well. Did not find the DOM documentation for InDesign CS5.5, but the one for InDesign CS6 version 8.0 should be sufficient; don't think that there were options added or missing in comparison:
The other one that you are interested in when updating the index of a book file is:
app.documents[0].indexGenerationOptions.includeBookDocuments = true;
But I did not test this with a book file…
That's up to you.
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Expert )