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Two fonts I use are always available on the two pc computers I use to edit a small publication. However, after installing InDesign on a new computer and opening this file, two fonts missing and cannot be found to install. Are they stored somewhere other than the windows\fonts directory so I can copy them to the new machine?
Carrois Gothic Regular
The Historia Demo Regular
Adobe Creative Cloud subscriber
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Are you using Type 1 fonts (also known as PostScript)? If so, you will need to replace them with Open Type fonts:
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Once you have followed the suggestions contained in the link that Derek has provided and replaced your fonts with Open Type versions you may notice some differences in the ragging of your type in existing files. This would have happened even if you'd been able to replace the old fonts with newer Postscript Type 1 versions as the Font manufacturers were always adjusting their kerning and tracking tables when issuing updated versions. As stated in the link there is no alternative to switching to either Open Type or TrueType fonts in order to use current versions of Adobe programs. Open type is the version more highly recommended as it will work cross platform on a PC or Mac.
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Technically, I am curious to know as to how the missing fonts are able to continue work on the original computers I edit them on if they no longer exist.
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This may not have anything to do with the Type 1 issue. To be clear, fonts are not embedded in documents.... if these were not Adobe cloud fonts (which it doesn't sound like they are) the fonts existed on your other PCs in their System Fonts folder. If not there, you can search for them on the old PC and find where they are located. At some point in the past, they were installed by someone since they probably weren't standard fonts supplied by default in Windows. If you go to the Fonts folder in your old PCs and find them, you can copy them over to your new machine (via a USB or by network). This may be a better approach than downloading from the interwebs, as you'd be assured they were the same exact ones used
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You can find Carrois Gothic Regular here: and Historia Demo Regular here:
[…] to edit a small publication
Please note that you are allowed to use Historia Demo only for a personal use. You need to purchase a licence for a commercial use.
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Thanks jmlevy for the alternative ttf choices.
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You could package the file on one of the old PCS and include fonts. If they are not restricted fonts, they should collect in the Document Fonts folder of the package, in which case you can install them into the new computer
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Fonts are not always installed on different computers - fonts are like mini-software.
And Fonts are not embedded in InDesign files.
You have to use File>Package and package the fonts with the file for them to be available for other users.
But there are caveats to this - as not all fonts can be packaged - sharing fonts is usually against a EULA - where you need to purchase a license for the font like any other software - it's not great to share fonts.
And if you want to edit on all computers then the license needs to extend to multiple seats.
In short - if you don't have the font on that computer then you should purchase or download it from legitmate sources.
Afterall, people make fonts to make money, and it's not great to take what's not yours and use it without paying for.