Get signals from ID Main menu
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II want to to get signals (events, or messges or??) from the Adobe Application main menu.
Is the ActionMgr retrived from gSession the own one for addig an own menu to the ID main menu (already done) and to get the signals from the multiple applications File-Save-item actrions?
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Never got the conflicting message due to any other reason other than two copies of the same plugin being loaded or the same plugin prefix being used multiple times. But as you say you have checked both these things, i am not very sure what to look at now. I don't even have a CS2 installation myself to have a look at what's going wrong. Will post if i think of something.
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Hi Manan,
could you please let me know where the Diagnostics.apln for CS2 may be found?
May be that tool will help me to find out.
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Hi Manan,
could you please let me know, which values or decision results are causing InDesign to throw the
a) conflicting
b) the invalide error?
As I can run succesfully a Plug-In build from the same project at former time, the only chance, except your information, to get out of the lack, is to start at the beginning again.
My question here is, to which point I should go back.
Should I even use a new VC++-project, or may I reuse the given project and redo step by step all the implementations into newly created classes?
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Hi Jochen,
first run InDesign without your plugin. Then you can try to clean and rebuild your plugin. Check that all entries in your xxxFactoryList.h are available and unique! Check that all IDs in xxxID.h are unique and also all language keys and its translations
If that does not help try to rebuild your plugin with another plugin id, e.g. one from an SDK sample which you don't use.
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Hi Markus,
without my UIE.pln ID ist starting without errors.
I'll check the possible ID duplications.
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Hi Jochen,
did you try to remove the SavedData file of InDesign?
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Hi Markus,
I do not know, what the SaveData in InDesign is.
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If you mean the saved Document, than I never removed it.
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Hi Jochen,
it is the cache file ( on Windows)
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version <version>\en_US\Caches\InDesign SavedData
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Hi Markus,
that File I've never touched.
I'll remove it and will inform you.
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Hi Markus,
I've found the InDesign Saved Data-File under C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\jochen\Anwendungsdaten\Adobe\InDesign\Version 4.0 and have deleted it, but nothing changed
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Hi Markus,
I have found a duplicated number in use for DECLARE_PMID(kClassIDSpace, kUIEIObserverBoss, kUIEPrefix + 23) at my UIEID.h file.
But even after commenting that line out, nothing changed.
That seems to be really a caching problem.
But where else these wrong data may be saved?
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Hi Jochen,
you can remove the folder where you find the InDesign SavedData file to remove more cached data.
The folder you found contains the version 4.0, i.e. it is CS2. Was your problem with CS2 or CS3? The later has version 5.0.
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Hi Markus,
I'm still at the start version of InDesign (CS2).
I'll next delete the folder holding the SaveData.
But the question how to get signaled from selection of the menues 'Main:&File Save' and 'Main:&Save As' is still not answered.
10 years ago I'd build a similar Plug-In (which was lost) where I could watch and receive these Events.
So for that solution I' looking
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Hi Jochen,
you can implement the interface IDocFileHandler if it is availabe under CS2. Add the implementation to a new boss class and add the class id of this boss to the interface IClassIdData of kDocBoss in a responder.
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Hi Markus,
I've deleted the whole 4.0 folder, but nothig changed.
Should I create and use an another user for building the plug-in?
Or should I go back.
May I use my existing VC++project-file, when copying my sources to another folder?
Or should I sstart from scratch?
But that will be the worst case.
Befor I kindly ask you to let me know another way to sove my problems.
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Hi Jochen,
did you test to rebuild your plugin with another plugin id?
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Hi Markus,
I have my own plug-in prefix-id, got from Adobe.
Should I change that ID?
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Hi Jochen,
yes, replace it with a prefix id of an SDK sample which you do not use for testing.
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Hi Markus,
I've changed my own ID 0x1bac00 to 0x1bac01, but the error is still thrown.
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Hi Markus,
now I've used the BasicMenu ID 0x57200, but nothing changed.
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Hi Jochen,
no, you must use a prefix id which do not overlap, e.g. use prefix id 0x48100 from BasicDialog sample and remove the BasicDialog plugin if you have installed it.
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Hi Markus,
I've used now 0x48100 but no changes.
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Hi Jochen,
then the error must be in your code, e.g. another duplicated id in your UIEID.h. Or you have mixed the debug and release version. Or you use the wrong major or minor version numbers in your PluginVersion resource in file.
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Hi Markus,
as I wrote you, I've found two boss-PMID-declaration lines at my UIEID.h file.
But that line I've tested with the unique number aand when outcommenting that line.
None of that changes lead to different results.
Other duplication I did not find more duplicates for my bosses at , at my UIEID.h and at my translation fr files.
But even if such duplications would exist, the invalid error should be replaced with a more detailed one.
How may I go further to fix the current error, aand how to get signaled from 'Main:&File Save' and 'Main:&File Save As'' menues?