GPU Performance unavailable in latest InDesign (15.1.1 - June 2020)
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Preferences > GPU Performance
I'm on 2013 Mac Pro with D700 GPUs. Is this really not compatible with GPU acceleration for InDesign? See screenshot.
Photoshop and Illustrator seem fine with the GPU on this system. Also, when I click the More Info... link to try and understand the problem, I get a 404 page on Adobe's site. Lovely.
I'd love to see more of an explanation for this than "reset your preferences and try again" which doesn't seem to work.
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Hi there,
So sorry to hear about this trouble. Let me help you with this. Could you please provide a few more details like:
- Could you please confirm if the system matches the other system requirements for GPU performance ( For example: 2 GB recommended VRAM and it's supported on few specific machines. Supported machines are:
iMac 4K
iMac 5K
MacBook Pro Retina
Mac Pro connected to a HiDPI monitor
Mac mini connected to a HiDPI monitor - Is there any extended display being used? If yes, what display is that? What's resolution of the extended screen?
- The system information (SPX) file while extented display (if any) is connected by following these steps:
Click on Apple Icon > About this Mac > System Report
This will launch the System Profiler
Then Click File > Save > Save in Creative Cloud Files
Then open
Click on three dots next to spx file > Share > Copy Link and paste it here.
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Thanks for replying. The link to the system requirements helps, and I'm assuming that's what I should have seen instead of a 404 page when clicking the more info link in the preferences panel. 🙂
I'm on a Mac Pro, but my monitor is not a HiDPI display. It has a resolution of 1920x1200. So now that I can see the requirements page, I'm pretty sure that part disqualifies my setup from using InDesign's GPU Performance option.
If this is the case, it's confusing to me for a couple of reasons:
- I'm pushing far fewer pixels than if I was using a HiDPI display, so I'd think requirements would be lower for configurations like this (certainly much less VRAM usage for the GPU since the resolution is lower)
- Other Adobe applications seem to use the GPU just fine with my system, such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere
I'd like to provide you with my system report but I don't feel comfortable posting a link to it on a public forum due to privacy concerns. If you can let me know of a secure way to send it to you/Adobe, I'd prefer that.
Thank you for your time and any insight you might be able offer.