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Could anyone help me with creating a script?
I've tried everything, but I always had mistakes or it didn't go the way I expected.
I have an indesign file with many links to other indesign files. These links are "shuffled" into my larger file, and are activity pages. On each of these links (activity pages), there is a text box applied with the "activity" paragraph style that acts as an identifier.
I need a script that in my "shuffle file", it goes through all the pages in that file and opens the links that are inserted on each page and tells me the text that exists there and has the paragraph style applied. My goal is to identify what activity is included on each page of my jumbled file.
At the end, generate a txt containing the information: Scrambled file page: XX + Text copied from link file page.
Thanks @eusoujpg, those demo files are helpful. You didn't include the expected output, so I will go by your instructions as best I can. Here is a script that collects the info and shows it, in CSV format, in an alert box. You can past in Excel, or change script to save to text file, etc.
- Mark
* @file Show Activities Info.js
* Displays linked indesign document information
* including page number, link name, and content
* of first 'activities' paragraph-styled paragraph
* on the lin
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Hi @eusoujpg can you post your demo files? Before and after script? - Mark
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Could help? Any suggestion?
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Is this the result you are looking for?
(tab)File Name(tab)Page Name(tab)Contents
The solution is based on my tool - it's PC only and is not free - but I can give you access to the full version for a few days - now or in the future.
1st Task - extracts all linked INDD files from the main document:
and the result:
2nd Task - run in BatchMode on all extracted links:
3rd Task - saving report:
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Here is LINK to a bit more detailed explanation of the process.
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Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see how you could sign up!
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Thanks @eusoujpg, those demo files are helpful. You didn't include the expected output, so I will go by your instructions as best I can. Here is a script that collects the info and shows it, in CSV format, in an alert box. You can past in Excel, or change script to save to text file, etc.
- Mark
* @file Show Activities Info.js
* Displays linked indesign document information
* including page number, link name, and content
* of first 'activities' paragraph-styled paragraph
* on the linked page.
* @author m1b
* @discussion
function main() {
var doc = app.activeDocument,
links = doc.links;
var indds = [];
// step 1: gather the indd links
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (
&& 'InDesign Format Name' === links[i].parent.itemLink.linkType
indds.push({ link: links[i], index: i, page: links[i].parent.parentPage });
// sort by Page index
indds.sort(function (a, b) { return - });
// step 2: gather the text of the activity
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.NOTHING;
for (var i = 0, indd, f, d, p, found; i < indds.length; i++) {
indd = indds[i];
indd.contents = '-- activity not found --';
f = File(;
if (!f.exists)
d =, false);
app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = 'activity';
p = d.pages.itemByName(String(;
if (!p.isValid)
found = d.findGrep();
for (var j = 0; j < found.length; j++)
if (found[j].parentTextFrames[0].parentPage === p)
indd.contents = found[j].contents.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ');
d = null;
// step 3: output
var output = ['Page,Filename,Contents'];
for (var i = 0, indd; i < indds.length; i++) {
indd = indds[i];
output.push( + ',' + + ',' + indd.contents);
alerter('Activities', output.join('\n'), 1000, 500);
app.doScript(main, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, 'Show Activities');
* Show text in a multiline edit text field.
* @param {String} title - the title of the alerter
* @param {String|Array} obj - the text content (array of strings will work)
* @param {Number} [width] - the dialog width
* @param {Number} [height] - the dialog height
function alerter(title, obj, width, height) {
width = width || -1;
height = height || -1;
if (obj instanceof Array)
obj = obj.join("\r");
var w = new Window("dialog", title),
et = w.add("edittext", undefined, obj, { multiline: true, scrolling: true }),
closeButton = w.add("button", undefined, "Close", { name: "ok", alignment: ['right', 'center'] });
et.maximumSize.height = w.maximumSize.height - 100;
et.minimumSize.height = 350;
et.minimumSize.width = 350;
et.preferredSize = [width, height];;
By the way, here is the output using your demo documents:
1,ACTIVITS_2.indd,activity 1 “xxxx”
2,ACTIVITS_1.indd,activity 1 “xxxx”
3,ACTIVITS_2.indd,activity 2 “xxxx”
4,ACTIVITS_1.indd,activity 2 “xxxx”
5,ACTIVITS_3.indd,activity 1 “xxxx”
6,ACTIVITS_2.indd,activity 3 “xxxx”
7,ACTIVITS_3.indd,activity 2 “xxxx”
8,ACTIVITS_3.indd,activity 3 “xxxx”
9,ACTIVITS_1.indd,activity 3 “xxxx”
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Thank you very much for your help. I will try to adapt it to my original file.