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The goal is setup a bunch of users with some scripts. We don't want any of those users to share the scripts outside the company. We have a few ideas but nothing amazing, anyone already cross this road?
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Personally, I would recommend you re-evaluate. What's so wrong with allowing your users to share the scripts? Is it really so bad? Much better for everyone.
That said, you can look at using JSXBIN, Adobe's binary format for scripts. But it's a maintenance hassle (among other things).
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marc autret has a bit on jsxbin here on his website:
however, that only stops the code from being seen in readable javascript, instead it is seen as indecipherable code. so in this sense it stops the script being read to determine what is actually going on. but it doesn't stop someone copying the actual script.jsxbin and then distributing it through any media.
what the OP is effectively talking about is Digital Rights Management (DRM) for the javascripts, but this is beyond my understanding.
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At the same time the OP in a separate post mentioned Mac & AppleScript… In AppleScript you can keep a script file as an editable document but distribute it as 'run only' this will result in a similar thing to exporting to binary from ESTK… In both cases there should be ways in which you can restrict the usage… Say to the mac addresses or machine UUIDs… With ID you can use app.doScript() so in either language you should be able to come up with some thing that won't pose too much trouble…
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The only "issue" with sharing is our competitors have an excellent chance of receiving our scripts because we are handing them over to clients.
Our scripts aren't uber-complicated but we'd like to avoid giving them away.
That being said, I agree, sharing knowledge is great for all parties involved.
And, if our competitors happen to ask a question on this forum that we may be able to answer we would unknowingly be helping them too.
I think we are looking more for a cool way to utilize our script but not have the user be totally aware they are using a script.
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Thanks for your input.
We are already utilizing JSXBIN files.
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If your company can afford to pay for a solution, you can send me a message...
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Let me quantify that.
If you simply want to limit script use to specific machines, you should check out APID:
If you want a solution for deployment and use control, let me know, and I can explain where I might be able to help.