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I am creating a PDF form in InDesign CC (2017) and have some text frames that I would like to place grey text that says things like 'Name', 'Job Title' etc which will be replaced when the answers are typed in.
I have looked through the forums and InDesign unable to find anything. Any help would be grand!
1 Correct answer
in acrobat pro select the frame, then right click and choose properties
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in acrobat pro select the frame, then right click and choose properties
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var message = 'Job title'
if (event.value == '') { = display.noPrint
event.value = message
} else {
event.terge.display = display.visible
this is for not retype. Oscar you not added text
But text is still not grey. Can you add code for do this text in grey color please?
As you understand - you can't do this in InDesign, but you can do in Acrobat.
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text in grey:
select the frame, then right click and choose properties and choose the value of black
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This is grey for filling text too. What about grey only for 'Job title" and after type something in the field using settings of your previous post?
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I'm find the answer - Re: Place holders (ghost text) in Form text fields
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right GeorgeS!
but I prefer insert numerics value.
For example:
instead of = color lt.Gray
i prefer for example insert = ["RGB", 135/255, 136/255, 138/255]
you can choose any value
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to complete above information:
1) for grey placeholder text:
2) for typed black text
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Thank you Oscar, thats brilliant.
Pointing me in the direction of Acrobat was what I needed. Im starting to realise that InDesign doesn't have all the answers and Acrobat is the solution.
I have avoided the Java Scripting option though, as I have had issues in the past.
Instead under the 'Options' tab, I set the 'Default value' to Job Title.
It just means that the Client has to highlight the Job Title text to replace it.
Thank you all for your help, especially you Oscar!
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youre welcome!
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I've been using your script to make the replaceable text in a text box, which is great... but when I go to print the document the new info added to the text box does not print. It does show up in a pdf, but for some reason does not print. Does this make sense?
So I want to be able to have the text that disappears be replaced by what the client types in (which you have supplied as a script), then have the info the client types in be able to print. When I go to print for some reason the texts boxes print empty.
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Did you copy the text from post n. 2?
There is a error in the last line.
there is written "terge.display" instead of "target.display".
var message = 'Job title'
if (event.value == '') { = display.noPrint
event.value = message
} else { = display.visible
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YES! that was the problem. Thank you so much!
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Is there a way to make it so the text disappears when the field is selected, instead of having to delete the text before filling out the form?
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it is already so.
on clic the placeholder text disappears
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This was so super helpful thank you. But could you please extrapolate the code for multiple lines of replaceable text for me?