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Hello, I am running Indesign 19.0.1 and would like to install an earlier version.
When selecting More options, there is no selection in the drop down list for Other Versions.
Is it possible to download and earlier version?
1 Correct answer
Hi Barb,
Thank you for your help - I was looking from the website version of the Creative Cloud, not the desktop app. 'Other versions' is not present there, but is present in the Desktop app.
Thanks again!
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Hi Jack:
You can reinstall whichever version of InDesign 18 that you'd like from the CC Desktop app, but Adobe only offers us the current version and the previous version.
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Thank you Barb, when I go to apps, then All Apps, I can only see my current apps.
I can’t see any earlier versions.
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Hi @jackh35134821:
You see the others on mine because they are installed. I haven't removed 17 yet because 19 has issues and I'm waiting for them to get resolved before I remove it.
What do you see when you click the three dot menu on the far right? It should show Other Versions, and when you click that it should offer you the earlier versions.
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Thanks Barb,
When I press the three dots on the right, the only option is Learn More. In Illustrator there is the option to Learn More, Unistall and Add- Ons.
I have a feeling this is a relitavely new thing, as I’m surre it was available a month or so ago.
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Hi Jack:
This is a new one for me so I've been reading about it online. There used to be an option to show older apps in Preferences but I don't see that in my version.
Let's try logging out of your creative cloud desktop app and then logging back in again to see if that restores the options?
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Hi @jackh35134821,
Sorry to hear about the trouble. In addition to the suggestions shared by Barb, you can also check if you have the latest version of the Creative Cloud Desktop app. Try the suggestion shared in this article for information on updating the app.
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Thanks Rishabh,
Thank you for your help - I was looking from the website version of the Creative Cloud, not the desktop app. 'Other versions' is not present there, but is present in the Desktop app.
Thanks again!
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But that's for 18.4 - have not upgraded yet...
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Hi Barb,
Thank you for your help - I was looking from the website version of the Creative Cloud, not the desktop app. 'Other versions' is not present there, but is present in the Desktop app.
Thanks again!
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Aha! Glad you are back on track!