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Hi Guys,
Need a script/JS code which can alert if document contains language other than my selected languages.
For example.
if my selected language is "English: USA" but document also contain English:UK and French.
How can I find my languages other than my slected languages.
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I guess you have to loop through all the text frames to count for any languages used. If greater than 0, you have a different language.
If you want to revert the textFrames back to a specific language, here is a script that does that :
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Thanks for your time.
Actually I am a beginner in scripting. That is why I am asking for js code.
Is anybody has script or js code? Please share with me.
Thanks a lot for all your valuable time.
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var doc=app.activeDocument;
var englishUK = is_Used(doc, "Anglais : Royaume-Uni");
var englishUSA = is_Used(doc, "Anglais : Etats-Unis");
var frenchFR = is_Used(doc, "Français");
alert("English UK : "+englishUK +"\r" +
"English USA : "+englishUSA +"\r" +
"French : "+frenchFR);
function is_Used(doc, aLanguage /* language as string */){
var used = false;
app.findGrepPreferences.appliedLanguage = aLanguage
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ".";
if(doc.findGrep().length>0){ return true; }
return false;
Where it's bold, you have to set your locale strings, mine are french.
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Here is the slow-but-sure way:
langList = [];
for (s=0; s<app.activeDocument.stories.length; s++)
tr = app.activeDocument.stories.textStyleRanges;
for (t=0; t<tr.length; t++)
if (!inArray (langList,
langList.push (;
alert ("Number of languages: "+langList.length+"\r(And they are: "+langList.join(", ")+")");
function inArray (arr, item)
var check;
for (check=0; check<arr.length; check++)
if (arr[check] == item)
return true;
return false;
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Hi Jong,
Thanks for your reply. Your code is working but shows all the languages used in the Document.
However, I need a code which can find languages other than my Selected Language. See my script code below. In this script I create a Drop down list where I can choose my Language and a checkbox "Find Languages other than above selected Language". I need a code which show me the Languages other than my selected Languages. I mean I want only one Language in my Document if there are more languages applied in my document than my script show me all the languages other than my selected languages.
Also could you please check my two check boxes 1) Find double Spaces and 2) Find Unused Paragraph Styles is not running in this script. When I run this script on ESTK it gives error "Cannot handle the request because a modal dialog or alert is active."
But it is working fine If I run these codes as a single. Please check.
Thanks in advance for your effort on this.
See my script code below. Its messy but working.
var myDialog = new Window('dialog',"MyTool");
function buildWindow(){
myDialog.alignChildren = "left";
// Properties for myReportFolder
var myReportFolder=myDialog.add('panel',undefined,"Choose folder to save report:", {borderStyle:'raised'});
// Properties for mySelectedFolder
// var mySelectedFolder = myReportFolder.add('group',undefined);
// Properties for mySelectedPath
var mySelectedPath = myReportFolder.add('edittext',undefined,"~/Report path");
mySelectedPath.preferredSize.width = 275;
// Properties for myBrowseFolder
var myBrowseFolder = myReportFolder.add('button',undefined,"Choose");
myBrowseFolder.onClick = function ()
var myfilePath=Folder.selectDialog ("Choose a Report Folder");
if(myfilePath != null)mySelectedPath.text=myfilePath.fsName;
var myPanel1 = myDialog.add('statictext',undefined,"Select Document Language:");
var theLanguages = app.languagesWithVendors.everyItem().name;
// Properties for myPanel1.dropDownList
var dropDownList = myDialog.add('dropdownlist',undefined,undefined,{items:theLanguages});
dropDownList.selection = 1;
// Properties for myChoice
var myChoice = myDialog.add('panel',undefined,"Select your option", {borderStyle:'raised'});
myChoice.alignChildren = "left";
// Properties for searchDoubleSpace
// Properties for searchWrongLanguage
var searchWrongLanguage = myChoice.add('checkbox',undefined,"Find Languages other than above selected Language");
searchWrongLanguage.value = false;
var searchDoubleSpace = myChoice.add('checkbox',undefined,"Find Double Spaces");
searchDoubleSpace.value = false;
var unusedParaStyle = myChoice.add('checkbox',undefined,"Find Unused Paragraph Styles");
unusedParaStyle.value = false;
var myBleed = myChoice.add('checkbox',undefined,"Check Bleed Value");
myBleed.value = false;
// Properties for myDialog.myPanel3
var myPanel4= myDialog.add('panel',undefined,undefined, {borderStyle:'raised'});
// Properties for myPanel4.closeButton
myPanel4.closeButton = myPanel4.add('button',undefined,"Close",{name:'cancel'});//tan:add name cancel
// Properties for myPanel4.goButton
myPanel4.goButton = myPanel4.add('button',undefined,"RUN",{name:'ok'});//tan: add name ok
myPanel4.goButton.onClick = function (){
var myFilePath1=mySelectedPath.text + "/" + myDocName + ".txt";
var myTextFile = new File(myFilePath1);
if ( myTextFile.exists )
if (myBleed.value == true){//running succesfully
if ((myDoc.documentBleedTopOffset)!=9){
write("Document TOP Bleed is not correct "+myDoc.documentBleedTopOffset);
if ((myDoc.documentBleedBottomOffset)!=9){
write("Document BOTTOM Bleed is not correct "+myDoc.documentBleedBottomOffset);
if ((myDoc.documentBleedInsideOrLeftOffset)!=9){
write("Document INSIDE/LEFT Bleed is not correct "+myDoc.documentBleedInsideOrLeftOffset);
if ((myDoc.documentBleedOutsideOrRightOffset)!=9){
write("Document OUTSIDE/RIGHT Bleed is not correct "+myDoc.documentBleedOutsideOrRightOffset);
}//close if
//Unused Paragraph style
if (unusedParaStyle.value == true){
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
var myParStyles = myDoc.paragraphStyles;
for (j = myParStyles.length-1; j >= 2; j-- ) {
function removeUnusedParaStyle(myPaStyle) {
app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = myPaStyle;
var myFoundStyles = myDoc.findText();
if (myFoundStyles == 0) {
app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
}//close if
//Search for Double Spaces
if (searchDoubleSpace.value == true){
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = " ";
var result = Number(app.activeDocument.findGrep().length);
if (result>=1){
write("Double space found in this document " + result);
}//close if
//Search for Wrong Language
if (searchWrongLanguage.value == true){
langList = [];
for (s=0; s<app.activeDocument.stories.length; s++)
tr = app.activeDocument.stories.textStyleRanges;
for (t=0; t<tr.length; t++)
if (!inArray (langList, tr
langList.push (tr
write ("Number of languages: "+langList.length+"\r(And they are: "+langList.join(", ")+")");
function inArray (arr, items)
var check;
for (check=0; check<arr.length; check++)
if (arr[check] == items)
return true;
return false;
}//close if
else (searchWrongLanguage.value == false){
}//close else if
}//close onClick function
}//end buildWindow
//*****Browse Report Folder and Writing file
function write(text){
var myDocument=app.activeDocument;
var myFilePath1=myDocument.filePath + "/" + "myDocument_Report" + ".txt";
var myTextFile = new File(myFilePath1);
if ( myTextFile.exists )
{"e");, 2);
else {"w");
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Waiting for positive reply from you guys.
Please help me on this.
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It looks like people are really trying to help you, no need to push
Keep in mind it's not an open bar here
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You posted this question in this thread as well as two new threads. Your question was answered three times. What more do you want?
(And PLEASE do not repeat yourself...)