how to find paragraph after the table? Is there is any script available?
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Prakash Chinnasamy
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Can you explain why you need to find that?
You can anyway look out for tables using a find/change like...
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Imho, Prakash's question could be about how to insert a carriage-return behind the first table, apply a specific para style to the para that supports each table and correct by applying another para style to the para after each table!
As somebody recently said: "easier to say than to do!" …
Not sure! … but you could need Javascript [no Grep!] to do it in 1 click!
[Such a script is not proposed for free because I think such a gratuity no longer values scripters' real work and knowledge, as it may have been the case by the past!]
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Thanks amaarora,
I can find table. But i need paragraph after the paragraph. The space should be exist between table and paragraph. I need to give above space for that paragraph.
Prakash Chinnasamy
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prakashc39562731 wrote
Thanks amaarora,
The space should be exist between table and paragraph. I need to give above space for that paragraph.
What about opening Table Options (or even better... Table Style Options if you used styles) and setting Space After?
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… Si c'était aussi simple ! …
Regarde la capture d'écran : il n'y a pas de retour-charriot après le tableau !
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There is no carriage return after the table?
That does not matter 🙂
The Space After value will be applied:
But what will matter:
Is our OP working with table styles where you could add the value once and all tables where the style is applied will follow?
If not, one has to write a little script to change the spaceAfter property of all tables in the story or in the document.
But that's easy. For all tables in a story, just put the text cursor in the text and run that little ExtendScript (JavaScript) snippet:
app.selection[0].parentStory.tables.everyItem().spaceAfter = "5 mm";
For all tables of all stories* in the document:
app.documents[0].stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().spaceAfter = "5 mm";
( *tables in footnotes are not affected )
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I know that but what will probably become problematic [because of the absence of a return-carriage] is if the table is horizontally centered and the text after left-aligned [sample!].
SpaceAfter or not, you'll have a problem!
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… Because, if you read the question:
how to find paragraph after the table? …
… it could be not only a matter of space after the table but a matter of para style applied to this para!!
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Hi All,
I got the solution for find the paragraph before and after the table by using table storyOffset value.
Thanks and Regards,
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Hi Prakash,
yes. The value of storyOffset of a table is the first insertion point of the special character that constitutes a table.
Adobe InDesign CS6 (8.0) Object Model JS: Table