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How to Fix Threaded Text Frames Not Flowing in Correct Order in InDesign

Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2021 May 21, 2021

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I have an issue with my threaded text frames. The text frames are threaded on my master page and ID is set to automatically add pages at the end of the text paragraph (first setting under automatic text flow). When I place my text, the text is placed in order on each page. But when I now format and break text to the next page, it sometimes happens that the text is not moved to the next page but jumps several pages to the end (like 2, 3, 5, 4). I can't really recreate it, sometimes it happens, sometimes it is still in order. Can someone help if I need to use a different setting or if this is a bug? Thanks!


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May 22, 2021 May 22, 2021

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show please Master page with Text Threads shown.

Did you import the text as one item using Primary text frame or added pages manually?




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Community Beginner ,
May 24, 2021 May 24, 2021

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Thank you for your reply. I attached you the master page. The setup is simple, I just have 2 frames that are threaded. The text is imported as one and ID automatically adds new pages so text won't overflow. Then I add formats to the text and break it to the next page at certain points. This also means that the text will move and ID creates new pages to avoid overflow. So the document consists of a double sided cover page (which is not connected with the text, other master page) and a very long threaded text over 6-20 pages.




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May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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What happens if you turn Off the "Doppelseltige..." option? Your master spread has different left and right pages, this may cause adding pages to keep the text on the original side/




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Community Beginner ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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Well, I need it. The document is part of a book and if ID just adds a single page, the content on other pages (that should stay double-sided) move to the wrong side and stay there, even when I add another page to even it out. Strangely, sometimes ID just adds one page, even though it should be double sided.

And: if text in a threaded text is not fitting in a text frame, it should move to the next threaded text frame and not create new pages?! I mean, most of the time it works without a problem, but sometimes it ends up totally mixed like the screenshots ^^'




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Advisor ,
May 22, 2021 May 22, 2021

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Also, could you please clarify what you mean by "first setting under automatic text flow"? There are settings in Preferences > Type > Smart Text Reflow that affect how text frames are added in a thread. Doesn't necessarily explain what's going on in your case but want to make sure we understand what settings you do have. 




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Community Beginner ,
May 24, 2021 May 24, 2021

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Sorry, I use the program in German, so I didn't know how it is called in English 😄 But yes, Preferences > Type > Smart Text Reflow And there the first setting, the end of the text paragraph. I also added a screenshot, hope this helps 🙂




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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2024 Aug 10, 2024

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Was this problem ever resolved? As I have the same thing but have figured out that it happens when more than one spread is added.
I have a master pages with linked text boxes across the spread (and set as primary text frame).
If I add just 2 pages (insert 2 pages at end of document) then the added pages have the text boxes linked correctly.

But if I add more than 2 pages (insert 4 pages at end of document) then the 4 added pages have text boxes which link all over the place (ie from p2 to p3 then back to p2 - it's a mess).


I have tried the smart text reflow on and off in preferences and it makes no difference.

Is this a bug?




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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2024 Aug 10, 2024

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Further to this... the only workaround I have found is to only insert two pages at a time. And then link the text thread at the end of each spread to the next spread... not such a smart text reflow option.  

But this sounds like the same text thread problem druckkontor had in 2021 - so sounds like this problem has been around for a while (and a google search - with the not very helpful AI overview - suggest not using automatic text threads for long documents?!).




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