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I created a very simple path in photoshop, and I wanted to bring it into InDesign but I have not figured out a way to do it.
I have tried copy pasting, drag and drop, and importing the PSD (which only partially worked).
You can save the path in Photoshop's Path panel pull-down menu and then use the File>Export>Paths to Illustrator... option. That will save the Path as an Illustrator file (.ai). Then open that new file in Illustrator. When you open it there it will have no stroke or fill and so only be viewable in the artwork mode (accessed through the toggle Command(Mac)/Control(PC)-Y). Give the path a fill of color and then select it and copy (Command(Mac)/Control(PC)-C) and then paste it into InDesign (Comman
...Copy link to clipboard
You can save the path in Photoshop's Path panel pull-down menu and then use the File>Export>Paths to Illustrator... option. That will save the Path as an Illustrator file (.ai). Then open that new file in Illustrator. When you open it there it will have no stroke or fill and so only be viewable in the artwork mode (accessed through the toggle Command(Mac)/Control(PC)-Y). Give the path a fill of color and then select it and copy (Command(Mac)/Control(PC)-C) and then paste it into InDesign (Command(Mac)/Control(PC)-V). The path will be fully editable in InDesign.
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Make sure you have saved your Photoshop path in the Paths panel. Then choose File > Export > Paths to Illustrator...
You'll be asked to save this AI file to a location. Open the AI file in Illustrator. It would be a good idea to add a stroke color at this point.
Select the Illustrator path (if it is simple) and copy to the Clipboard.
Paste the path into InDesign.
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Bill, great minds think alike. You beat me by a minute.
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There's always that great moment of suspense when you've written an answer (especially one that involves some time and, possibly some screen shots) when you click on "Add Reply" with breath held hoping that somebody hasn't already offered exactly the same solution. But then again it can also be nice to feel an instant sense of confirmation.
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Totally agree!
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Copy/paste the path to an Illustrator document, give it a fill or a stroke width and copy again.
Switch to InDesign and paste.
// EDIT: Somehow I knew I was too late answering. Was distracted by a phone call… 🙂
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I find the Illustrator route convoluted.
And it is not useful if you need the path to remain aligned with the underlying photoshop image.
Import the photoshop file into Indesign
Make sure it is selected
Go Object Menu > Clipping Path > Options
Under Type, choose Photoshop Path
Select your path from the Path list and hit OK
Go Object Menu > Clipping Path > Convert Clipping Path to Frame
Delete contents of frame
Optional: if you need the path to align with the underlying photoshop image. Duplicate the image after Step 1, then proceed to work with the duplicate. Or not, whatever works for you.
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How come Indesign cant handle this from Photshop yet it cant from Illustrator. Probably its the settings in Illustrator where you can choose how to treat pasteboard files. Come Adobe its 2018, these apps still sort seem like from different vendors in some places.
<-> means paste command and how its handled by the receiving app.
Photoshop <-> Illustrator all okay.
Photoshop <-> Indesign Horrible!!!
Illustrator <-> Indesign all okay
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Hi all,
I just wanted to add a knowledge base article in this conversation that talks about:
I hope you find this useful.