How to Keep Text Centered in a Skewed Textbox in InDesign
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Hello. I am creating some angled tabs (see attached image). I would like the text to be centered inside the tab, but because the textbox is skewed, the text becomes off center. I know I can create another straight non-filled text box on top of the angled image, but I'd like to avoid the messiness of that. Is there a way to get the text to automatically center align in a box that is skewed without having to add manual spaces? Thank you!
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If there's a way to accomplish this with anything but a straight text box and an angled graphics frame, I can't think of it.
ID doesn't have any way to angle the internal offsets or make text ignore a slanted vertical border.
Sometimes messy is the only way to accomplish something that's not "aligned" with how InDesign sees its elements. But really, two stacked framess you can copy and paste isn't too-too messy.