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I received a file for a 176-page book with 6 Master Page spreads. I needed to resize the book from 5.125 x 7.625 to 5.5 x 8.25. I have always used the "Adjust Layout" function to accomplish this in the past with relatively few problems. In this file, however, I ran into an issue--The page adjustments were applied to everything except for 2 of the master pages.
In the first screen grab, you can see that the pages were adjusted correctly. The master pages are correct in the first, second, fourth and sixth master spreads. In the third and fifth master spreads, however, the left hand page did not make the same adjkustment as everywhere else (see second and thrid screen grabs).
This has caused a huge problem for me because it was not noticed (by me or anyone else) until the book had gone to print. Why would this happen, and what can I do to make sure it never happens again? I do these kinds of projects regularly and haven't run into this problem (as far as I know) in the past.
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I believe one limitation of Layout Adjustment is that a page's existing text frame must be touching its Parent page margins. That is, if a page has its frame moved off center, so that none of the frame edges are touching a margin (crossing over doesn't count) it will be skipped by the adjustment process.
I might have that a bit mangled, but the gist is correct in that Layout Adjustment will only apply to pages that have not been modified in certain ways — the app assumes you want to keep those modifications.
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Sorry, I should have explained that the pink boxes are there to show that the margins in the master pages were not adjusted to the correct measurement, which can be seen in the first screen grab. The boxes are not design elements.
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I understood that. I believe —but am not 100% certain — that if you examine the pages that did not adjust, you will find the text frame is not aligned with the page margins. It can be off by just a point or two, almost invisible unless you look closely.
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The margins on those 2 master pages are what is wrong. They should match the other master page margins (seen in the first screen grab example). It's not the text pages that are the problem--they match what is shown on their master pages, as they should.
If you look at this screen grab, you'll see that page 62 has master page "F" applied, with master page "A" facing it. The margins should be exactly the same, but clearly the margins on 62 are wider. That is not the case in the original file.
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I am not sure how Layout Adjustment handles varying Parent page assignments. It may not correct/adjust all sets adaptively. I know others here have a better grasp of its mysteries. 🙂
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The thing is that the margins on the parent pages in the original file are all the same. The only thing that differs on each master page is the folio or the opening graphic. They aren't complicated at all.
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If you work on a PC - my ID-Tasker tool - not free - can help you find those inconsistencies AND fix them.
The "preflight" part you could do using free version.
Paid would be necessary to fix.
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Thanks, but I'm on an iMac.