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Indesign Catalog

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Jun 10, 2022 Jun 10, 2022

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Hi guys!

First time poster here. I started my new graphic design role about a month ago and there was next to no handover so I've had to pretty much figure stuff out on my own which I don't mind, but this particular issue has me stumped!

I have to update a Catalog document which is a book comprised of up to 47 documents all with various page numbers. On the first document's master page we have tabs down the side of the document which indicates sections of the book and page numbers. (See Image 1) These tabs do not show in the other documents master pages (only the first document), but appear greyed out in the other documents. When I update these tabs in the master document, it does not carry over to the other documents, so I'm stuck with the old tabs. (See Image 2) I know the previous designer used the plugin EasyCatalog which I have just purchased but am still figuring out, so I am not sure if this is a feature from EasyCatalog or not.

I know this description is vague AF so I do apologies but I'm also hopeful somebody can help 😄

Thanks so much!

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Community Expert ,
Jun 10, 2022 Jun 10, 2022

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Well, I've never used EasyCatalog. But I scanned the manual and found nothing about this kind of formatting, so I'm going to guess that this is not an EasyCatalog question. It looks like a question about Book files, specifically synchronization options:




In my defaults, everything is checked but for Parent Pages. (Maybe this is a bug or oversight stemming from the fact that "master pages" have recently been renamed Parent Pages? I honestly don't know, I'm not a frequent user of Book files in InDesign.)







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