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Everytime I paste or place a code to InDesign the app crashes. The text is from Word file. I tried to paste it to NotePad++. I tried to save it as .txt and to place it. I removed pages, text frames and created new. I tried to paste another text and everything is OK. I even created new empty document and it crashes everytime I try to paste it. Everything I try to do with the code crash the app.
Edit: I manged to paste the code to a separate text frame placed on pasteboard and to anchor the text frame to the main thread, but it isn't a good solution
The code:
dGO = function(x,a,b) return(a*b*exp(a+b*x-a*exp(b*x)))
dIEW = function(x,a,b) return(exp(-exp(a/x-b*x))*(exp(a/x-b*x)*(a/x^2+b)))
dCH = function(x,a,b) return(exp(a*(1-exp(x^b)))*(a*(exp(x^b)*(x^(b-1)*b))))
dGGO = function(x,a,b,c) return(a*b*c^b*exp(a*x)/(c-1+exp(a*x))^(b+1))
dGeGO = function(x,a,b,c) return(a*c*exp(b*x)*exp(-a*(exp(b*x)-1)/b)*(1-exp(-a*(exp(b*x)-1)/b))^(c-1))
dGNH = function(x,a,b,c) return(b*c*(1+c*x)^(b-1)*((1+c*x)^(b)-1)^(a-1)*exp(-((1+c*x)^(b)-1))/gamma(a))
dGGG = function(x,a,b,c,d) return(c*(a*d^c)^b*x^(b*c-1)*exp(-a*(x*d)^c)/gamma(b))
dCHP = function(x,a,b,c,d) {return(1/(1-exp(b*(1-exp(1))))*(exp(b*(1-exp((1-(a/x)^c)^d)))*
(b*(exp((1-(a/x)^c)^d)*((1-(a/x)^c)^(d-1)*(d*((a/x)^(c-1)*(c*(a/x^2))))))))) }
dBGG = function(x,a,b,c,d,e){
ly=max(length(x),length(a),length(b),length(e),length(d)); x=rep(x,length=ly);b=rep(b,length=ly)
a=rep(a,length=ly);e=rep(e,length=ly); d=rep(d,length=ly);dg=c*d^(c*e)*x^(c*e-1)*exp(-(d*x)^c)/gamma(e)
vF=pgamma((d*x)^c,shape=e,log=TRUE); vS=pgamma((d*x)^c,shape=e,log=TRUE,lower.tail=FALSE)#1-F
logfy=(a-1)*vF+(b-1)*vS+log(dg)-lbeta(a,b); return(logfy) }
dTEMW = function(x,a,b,c,d,e) { return((1-exp(-(d*x+c*x^b)))^(a-1)*(a*(exp(-(d*x+c*x^b))*
(e*((1-exp(-(d*x+c*x^b)))^(a-1)*(a*(exp(-(d*x+c*x^b))*(d+c*(x^(b-1)*b))))))) }
dFPL = function (x a,b,c,d,e) {
return((d*(a*x)^(b-1)/gamma(b)+e*(a*x)^(c-1)/a/gamma(c))*exp(-a*x)*a^2/(e+a*d)) }
dETMW = function(x,a,b,c,d,e) { return(((1-exp(-a*x-c*x^b))*(1+e*exp(-a*x-c*x^b)))^(d-1)*
(e*(exp(-a*x-c*x^b)*(a+c*(x^(b-1)*b))))))) }
dKELE = function(x,a,b,c,d,e) { return((1-(1-exp(-(0.5*e*x^2+d*x))^c)^a)^(b-1)*(b*((1-exp(-(0.5*e*x^2+ d*x))^c)^(a-1)*(a*(exp(-(0.5*e*x^2+d*x))^(c-1)*(c*(exp((0.5*e*x^2+d*x))*(0.5*e*(2*x)+d)))))))) }
dEUP = function(x,a,b,c,d,e) return((1-b*(c/x)^d/(b-a))^(e-1)*(e*(b*((c/x)^(d-1)*(d*(c/x^2)))/(b-a))))
dMBLE = function(x,a,b,c,d,e) { return(c^a*(d*x+e)*exp(-b*d/2*x^2-b*e*x)*(1-exp(-0.5*d*x^2-x*e))^(a-1)
*(1-(1-c)*(1-exp(-0.5*d*x^2-x*e)))^(-a-b)/beta(a,b)) }
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I just pasted it fine on Windows 10 - InDeisgn 2024 v19.4
No problems.
Try resetting your preferences:
Windows: Start InDesign, and then press Shift+Ctrl+Alt. Click Yes when asked if you want to delete preference files.
macOS: While pressing Shift+Option+Command+Control, start InDesign. Click Yes when asked if you want to delete preference files.
A dialog will appear asking to delete the InDesign Preferences, select 'Yes' on this dialog.
Further info and instructions here if needed: