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InDesign crashes when updating InCopy ICML files

New Here ,
Jul 01, 2010 Jul 01, 2010

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I created an assignment file with around 20 different stories. The next time I opened InDesign the writer had input text to most of the story files. One story file was a couple of pages of text, the rest were just a few lines of copy, nothing huge. Every time I tried to update the ICML files InDesign crashed. I didn't matter if I only tried updating one story or all of them, it always crashed. I was working on a PC when this happened. I moved over to my Mac to try and updated the ICML files and it crashed there too.

The actual InCopy ICML files on the server were fine. The writer never realized there was a problem. All of the copy was sitting there, so I was able to go back and re-import all the copy.

I did all the basic stuff to resolve the issue like restart, trash the prefs, convert to INX, and try on different computer. Nothing worked, crashed InDesign every time.

I'm currently using CS5, but this same issue came up last year on another project in CS4 as well.

Has anyone had this happen and/or know of a fix other than re-importing all the story files?






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Nov 14, 2012 Nov 14, 2012

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OK, I've got to post that "I was wrong." I can delete the styles and preserve formatting. Something niggled in the back of my head when I posted that, so I doublechecked and there is an option to preserve formatting. I was wrong and I'm actually going to try cleaning my template now.





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Enthusiast ,
Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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Hi, folks

We are having this kind of crash as well with some files with InCopy and InDesign CS6 under Windows 7.

The error reported when the crash happens is (translated from Spanish):

Application name: InDesign.exe, versión:, timestamp: 0x50335e39

Module with errors: Public.dll, versión:, timestamp: 0x50335d6f

Exception code: 0xc0000005

Errors offset: 0x0004d66e

Id of process with errors: 0x1600

Path to the app with errors: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6\InDesign.exe

Path to the module with errors: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6\Public.dll

Is quite difficult to reproduce the error on purpose as it happens for no known reason. I have managed to force it on a wholly new InDesign file by importing (placing) a suspicious InCopy file from the old (corrupted?) InDesign-Incopy files.

We have not suffered this since we have migrated to CS6 version some months ago, though something similar (identical?) has happened once in a blue moon. We thought it was something related with privileges in Windows...

Gustavo (Posting from Madrid)

PS. I add the Windows error as well:

Depósito con errores 3176063229, tipo 1

Nombre de evento: APPCRASH

Respuesta: No disponible

Id. de archivo CAB: 0


Firma del problema:

P1: InDesign.exe


P3: 50335e39

P4: Public.dll


P6: 50335d6f

P7: c0000005

P8: 0004d66e







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Explorer ,
Dec 14, 2012 Dec 14, 2012

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I have been pulling my hair out all week with the same problem. With an InDesign/Incopy CS5.5 workflow, everything worked perfectly. When we transitioned to CS6...everytime our editor accesses the files in InCopy...Crash. Our publication is published in print and for the iPad. We could move back to CS5.5, but we find the layout features in CS6 have become invaluable.

After a lot of trouble shooting...I'm beginning to suspect that our problem is importing old paragraph/character syle sheets into the new CS6 template. The iPad layouts have new styles sheets and so far are working between ID and IC.

Does anyone know a way to capture all the style sheet settings so that they can be manually rebuilt in CS6 instead of switching back and forth between different versions?






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Community Expert ,
Dec 14, 2012 Dec 14, 2012

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I would export a story to Indesign Tagged text, then place that into the CS6 version. It should bring the styles and theri definitions in without risking corruption, I think.





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Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2012 Dec 16, 2012

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Thanks...I can't seem to bring in the style sheets with an export.

What I have figured out the last two days is that InCopy and InDesign CS6 are hyper-sensitive to Paragraph and Character style sheets.

I have broken my publication apart and taking each section and recreating it in a a new document, adding one style sheet at a time. Some of the styles sheets that are causing problems are ones that are based on another style sheet. Also, I sometimes get duplicate character style sheets when bringing the text over to the new document. That causes a crash after being viewed in InCopy. Also, duplicate style sheets with different names causes a crash.

I'm also suspicious of text items that are on master pages (i.e., folios, masthead, etc.) but haven't tackled those items yet.

As long as my InDesign documents are not opened and changed in InCopy...everything is O.K Once a change is made in InCopy, I get an InDesign crash. At least now, I am able to create some sections, that do not crash after changes in InCopy. But, I treat the files very gently! 😉

This is really been an onerous process...I hope Adobe gets the problem fixed quickly. It makes it hard for me to justify the expense as a times-saver and more efficient process between design and editoral departments.

Message was edited by: mgsculpture Well, just when I think I have things solved and moving along....InDesign crashes when accepting InCopy changes. I don't know which direction to go now. Grrrrrrrr!





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New Here ,
Mar 19, 2012 Mar 19, 2012

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I cant share publicly the files, because they are from my client ... I will "modify" and post the files for you to prove your theory!





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New Here ,
Mar 19, 2012 Mar 19, 2012

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I am Consultant at Adobe in Brazil and present the products in my country since version 2.0 ...

Here is the only place I can say "I was angry"

E Diane, I agree with you about "the more complex, more problematic" is a great consideration!

But Brazil is a "wild west" in technical support category, Adobe Brazil has an office that is strictly commercial, support issues are resolved by the consultants ... in my case, I need to run Indesign CS and InCopy CS 5.5 anyway!

The only place where people at least "hear" my problem and "suggested" a solution was here. I called the support for Brazil (from Holland and don't speak my language or English is a mixture of Portuguese-Portugal with Portuguese-Brazilian and Spanish) called me once and hung up on the second ring: never again!

I am in this market for 10 years, but we pick up so much that it gets a little discouraged ...





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Guide ,
Mar 20, 2012 Mar 20, 2012

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Hello FabianaGO

Are you able to get a file to me?






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New Here ,
Mar 20, 2012 Mar 20, 2012

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Hi, Pickory!

My best for you, boy!

I'll have to unmount the file before you send ...

Because I have not permission to send! I'll take one or two days but I send you!





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Guide ,
Mar 20, 2012 Mar 20, 2012

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Hello FabianaGO

Dont't get your self into trouble. Ask your customer to give you a file that you can reproduce the problem in. Ideally steps to produce a broken InCopy document.

Do remember this is only a theory, I could be barking up the wrong tree.

All the best.






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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2012 Jul 06, 2012

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Any progess on this?

I have all the broken InCopy / InDesign files you could ever need. CS5.5 just tell me where to send ... happy to send crash reports as well... What I have found is there must be some kind of translation issue. It occurs with anchored items in text and with multiple column tables.... I have tried everything including starting from a fresh document ... to starting from a new incopy file. I can open and save all day long from InDesign but the first edit made in InCopy corrupts the file.





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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2012 Jul 06, 2012

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Not really… I have a crazy inefficient work around that I outlined in the forum.

It got the project out the door but made for a very cranky lady.





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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2012 Jul 06, 2012

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My work around is to export from InDesign and open with incopy. Make changes in InCopy then save. Open the InDesign Document then do not update the information. Instead select all the boxes and drag it to the desktop as a snippit.

Then save the file and drag the snippet back to the Indd file. Then update the links from the icml file.

Just repeating this process each time a change is made in InCopy... this generally works more than it fails to work.

Now what does this tell any normal person?

Somethng is amiss --- ... Hello Watson, are you there?!?  What is the definition of insanity? InCopy / InDesign work flows requiring intervention by the user.

Breaking the geometry and relinking the text information to old geometry... come now I should just make a javascript do this then sell it to Adobe... gosh isn't this rather Quarkish?





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 29, 2016 Mar 29, 2016

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Hello, for years I have not been able to identify a pattern when this happens on one of my projects until today. My current project has a relatively formulaic layout and a pattern has emerged. Using CS6 for InDesign and InCopy, I'm seeing that when we have an object anchored in the text and that anchor is positioned before the first character in that text frame, after someone edits the .icml in InCopy, and someone else comes after them to update the story, InDesign or InCopy crashes (I've had reports of both). I identify the problem .icml by updating the stories one by one in InDesign until a particular story causes a crash. I open the problem .icml in InCopy, remove the anchored object, save and close, and go back to the INDD in InDesign and update the story without further problems. I replace the anchored object and move forward. I'm not 100% sure this will cause a problem every time, but when a problem is reported to me, that's the pattern I'm seeing. I hope this helps anyone else out there dealing with seemingly random crashing on story updates.





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New Here ,
Mar 31, 2016 Mar 31, 2016

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i was getting this issue when modifying paragraph styles.

I get a "serious error" message, and InDesign crashes.

turns out that i had to check out the ICML files, that *could* be affected, and any ICML file that the first one had any cross reference or link to.

i realize that OP is 6 years old, but in that time not a single improvement on the error message.

I realized that the error message is hidden in the crash report.

InDesign shuts down...A serious error was detected.





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New Here ,
Mar 19, 2012 Mar 19, 2012

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Hi, Persons,

My best to all!

I never could enter into a discussion "high level" about InDesign and InCopy Practices... I feel less alone!...

Hopefully I can contribute!!!

I'll be online in the forum Starting now!

Thank you so much, guys!  You are the best!





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New Here ,
Jan 17, 2013 Jan 17, 2013

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Hello all. This is my first post here. Came across this thread while troubleshooting this same issue (ID-Mac IC-Win7) with CS6.

Through some blackbox troubleshooting I finally was able to find a common factor. Unfortunetly the designers have already removed and "rebuilt" the links so I don't have a case to test my theory.

The only common factor I found was in the icml files meta-data. All publications that were crashing had text boxes that have been rolled over and over to the point that the creation dates were in 2010 and the application they were created by were ID 4.x-7.x and the 28-page publication that didnt not have these errors showed the text boxes were created by ID CS6.

So it seems like CS5 and earlier saved the meta-data at 7.x and CS6 actually saved the meta-data showing it was made by ID "CS6".

Can anyone check this out for me? Click on the box, then go to "File Info..." and it's under the second from the right tab.





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Jan 22, 2013 Jan 22, 2013

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Hi there,

We are also having issues with InDesign CS6 and InCopy CS6 crashing out of date assignments.

Documents are created from templates by the designer from imported .doc files, styled up with ID style sheets, Indesign files saved on the server, ICML files exported and saved on the server. Editorial staff then open the INDD files in InCopy and make their edits. Once edits are made then design team open INDD files and try to update links, this causes the crash. We have found the crashes are intermittant which is odd, it can crash 3 different machines with InDesign one day, but a few days later it can miraculously open! Unfortunately most of the time we are not able to update the links and having to create new INDD documents, importing the ICML, copying the text, unlinking the story in INDD and pasting over with the copied ICML files, then re-exporting the ICML file.

I have pasted my crash log here:


If you skip past the first error 'Lost network connection of open database' (we are unsure what this issue is also) and skip to the 'Error Code 0x20705: "The content is locked and cannot be modified." where we believe the issue is originating from.

Design team work on Win7 with up-to-date InDesign CS6 V8.0.1 and Editoral work on a mix of Win7 & 98 with InCopy CS6 8.0.1.







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Enthusiast ,
Feb 28, 2013 Feb 28, 2013

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Hi, there.

It's me again. After some weeks without trouble. We are having this issue again randomly. It's driving us nuts as we cannot pinpoint where to aim to avoid it.

Our environment and workflow is extremely similar to the one the previous poster, David Bevan, describes.

We could send anybody interested a zip file with the folders and files. Just in case.

Bad bad day.

Gustavo (posting from Madrid)





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Apr 17, 2013 Apr 17, 2013

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Hi Gustavo,

We are still having issues also.

Are you using templates from a previous version of InDesign?






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New Here ,
Apr 17, 2013 Apr 17, 2013

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We are experiencing this issue, and our document does have an original creation date of 2010 (as reported in File>File Info...). So maybe you are onto something.





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Apr 17, 2013 Apr 17, 2013

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If you'll notice up above, many of us have managed to track this issue to a corrupt style sheet. There isn't much that can fix that except starting from scratch on your styles.  Supposedly Adobe is working on this bug, but whether we'll see a bug fix . . . well, who knows. We can only hope that this is fixed in the next version of InDesign and InCopy. I believe this has been happening since CS5, and the bug has only gotten worse.





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Enthusiast ,
Apr 18, 2013 Apr 18, 2013

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Hi, David and all

We are having this issue but we have seen that it is limited somehow only to one machine. Our IT gang are going to rebuild it so as to see if we can erradicate the issue. Somehow it seems to be related as well with network failures during the ICML creation from InDesign. I'll report back if we manage to solve it.

Gustavo (Posting from madrid)





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Apr 29, 2013 Apr 29, 2013

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We believe we may have found a solution... but it's not a fix!

We have re-created the entire templates & style sheets from scratch in InDesign CS6. We did not copy over any styles whatsoever. This seems to have fixed the problem (for now) and the templates seem to run alot smoother with barely any crashes.

Not all the new CS6 features work as they should though. The auto text re-size box works intermittantly while adding content from InCopy. But the span columns seem to work fine.

So unfotunately it's alot of work, but saves having to re-create files and problem solve when they crash.

Good luck.





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Jun 11, 2013 Jun 11, 2013

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Bad news...

My last post on here has backfired - we are still getting the same issues.

We created completely fresh templates from InDesign CS6, with absolutely nothing brough accross from previous versions and we are still getting crashing files once they are edited from InCopy.

We have tried so many workarounds but nothing seems to fix the problem. We can repair/recover the changes from exporting the content & re-styling but still have no idea what the root of the problem is. We have been running process monitors to see if we can find any common faults and these are being forwarded onto our IT department.

Has anyone else had any progress with this? We're really starting to have enough of it all!

Are we hoping for a fix in Adobe CC when it is released??






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