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InDesign Stuck and not clickable on windows when dragging object on taskabr

New Here ,
Jun 07, 2024 Jun 07, 2024

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I was trying to make a copy of some geometry by holding alt and dragging. Since the desired location was out of the screen's boundaries, I dragged it towards the edge of the screen to make it "scroll" by itself. Unfortunately I overshot and went into the Windows Taskbar. The program thought that I want to copy the geometry to another program and started opening previews of other apps. When I released the left button, I was stuck outside of InDesign, and I can't open the program again. It does not show as "Not responding" in Task Manager. This Icon is displayed above the app:

No matter what I do I can't open the app. Everything else functions fine. I suppose I'll just force quit the app and hope that the autosave function saves me. Something to look into though.








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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 10, 2024 Jun 10, 2024

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Hi @Ignas34115767yd1c,


I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you’re experiencing with InDesign. The icon over the InDesign app on the Windows taskbar, which appears when you are trying to drag an object and end up in the Windows Taskbar, indicates that the application is in a state where it can't interact properly with the system. Here's what you can try to resolve the issue:

    • Reboot your computer. This can help clear any lingering state that is causing the application to behave incorrectly.
    • Resetting preferences can resolve many issues. Note that this will restore settings to their defaults. (https://adobe.ly/4eaAylP).
    • As a last resort, you can try reinstalling InDesign. Uninstall InDesign from the Creative Cloud app and then reinstall it.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!


Best regards,

Anshul Saini





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