Copy link to clipboard
Hi! I am new to Indesign. I have a file that contains images with Photoshop clipping paths. I want to export all the clipped images in a folder. I have tried doing the "Copy Links To" and it successfully exported the original images. However, I do not want the original images but the clipped images instead. Is there a way for me to export all the clipped images as JPEG or TIFF and not the original linked image? In short, I want to export the images without their background. I hope I'm making sense. I have about 800-1000 images so a batch processing method would be highly appreciated.
I actually found a way to export the images the way I want them to be. I just need to click the image container (not the image), go to File>Export and then export it as JPEG. In the pop up window, I choose export selection, maximum quality, and 2400 resolution. It exports the images the way I want them to be. But I have to do this one by one. I just have two concerns:
1. Is there a way for me to do this by batch? Like select all the image containers and export them one by one automatically?
2. Is there a way to automatically name the saved files according to the original image name?
Thank you for your help!
I suggest to iterate through links instead of objects ==> so no link means no action
starting part of code:
myDoc = app.activeDocument,
apis = myDoc.links.everyItem().getElements(),
rect, fileName;
while ( rect = apis.pop() )
rect = rect.parent.parent;
if ( !(rect.hasOwnProperty ("graphics") ){ continue; }
fileName = File ([0].itemLink.filePath ).name;
Copy link to clipboard
I found this script in another forum and modified it a bit to suit my needs. It appears to work in most of my INDD documents, but it fails in others. I wonder why. I get the error message that
Error string: null is not an object
Source: fileName = File ([0].itemLink.filePath ).name;
I also noticed that it skips some objects and doesn't download all of the images.
function test()
var myDoc = app.activeDocument,
apis = myDoc.allPageItems, rect, fileName;
while ( rect = apis.pop() )
if ( !(rect instanceof Rectangle) || ![0].isValid ){ continue; }
fileName = File ([0].itemLink.filePath ).name;
fileName = fileName.replace( /\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i, '.jpg' );
app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 2400;
app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.MAXIMUM;
//give it a unique name
var myFile = new File ("C:/Users/RANFacistol-Mata/Desktop/Image Trial/"+ fileName);
rect.exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, myFile);
Is there a way for me to modify this script such that instead of iterating through all the rectangles, I would iterate through all the objects instead, much like clicking this icon.
And then check if that object contains an image. If it does, then I will export it as scripted above.
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I suggest to iterate through links instead of objects ==> so no link means no action
starting part of code:
myDoc = app.activeDocument,
apis = myDoc.links.everyItem().getElements(),
rect, fileName;
while ( rect = apis.pop() )
rect = rect.parent.parent;
if ( !(rect.hasOwnProperty ("graphics") ){ continue; }
fileName = File ([0].itemLink.filePath ).name;
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Hello Jarek,
Thank you for this suggestion. You're right. It's actually more efficient to iterate through the links than through the objects. However, I have one more concern. Not all of my linked images are in a rectangle. Some of them are in polygons, and some are in arbitrary shapes (like the edges have been followed). Can you suggest a way for me to catch those instances too?
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Hi Jarek,
Your solution works like a charm.
Thank you!
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var rec covers all 'graphic' shapes. (link.parent.parent)
Its name is just left to reduce modifications
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Hi Rachelle
I think Jarek has answered your question so please mark his answer as correct
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Hi everyone!
I just found this thread, I know it's been a while, but as I'd like to export some eps/ai/pdf linked in an INDD file as jpg. The script works but it esports the files with the same extension, I'd like them to be all converted to jpg, is that possible?
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Is there a method for rachellefacistolmata script to export the image but take the orginal linked image into account. Now it exports a JPG using the frames ratio.
Not sure if this is clear, ive added some screengrabs to make it more clear
Placed image
exported image
Original linked image
My guess its due to the "
rect = rect.parent.parent;
if (!(rect.hasOwnProperty("graphics"))) {
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In other words - is your goal to rename/change directory of original file instead of export?
if so there is a method:
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Not sure if you directed it at me. But i asked this question on StacjExchange as well and good help there. The script now exports the image and not images in form of the rectangle. I didnt even know that wa possible, exporting the shape from indesign?
Anyways here's the script if other would perhaps need it or change it. Better take out those alerts, perhaps the done can stay but the other is sort of useless
var myDoc = app.activeDocument,
apis = myDoc.links.everyItem().getElements(),
items, fileName;
var i = 0;
var MyPath = "C:/Users/xx/Desktop/test/"; // change your path here
alert("Script is running. Press OK and wait until done...");
while (items = apis.pop()) {
items = items.parent.parent;
if (!(items.hasOwnProperty("graphics"))) {
try {
fileName = File([0].itemLink.filePath).name;
fileName = i + "_" + fileName.replace(/\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i, '.jpg');
} catch (e) {};
app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 2400;
app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.MAXIMUM;
//give it a unique name
var myFile = new File(MyPath + fileName);[0].exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, myFile);
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Hi there, thanks for the script - have been looking for something like that for some time.
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Hi Christoph,
from the code given in reply #9 the order is in the order of the links with array named apis.
What order do you prefer?
It's also possible to add a page name or the absolute number of a page in a document to the exported images.
To get the page object you could ask for link.parent.parent.parentPage. Note: if the object is on the pasteboard this will return null.
And if you have a valid page object then go for:
( page.documentOffset + 1).toString()
See Jongware's DOM documentation:
Adobe InDesign CS6 (8.0) Object Model JS: Page
Or Gregor Fellenz' DOM documentation:
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thanks for your reply - as i am totally unexperienced in java or any other language, i have to ask for more details.
the code from reply 9 states the file name as:
so from what i understand, i have to add something here. Like:
but that is not working for me.
When i execute the script - the files are not renamed - but saved with their old filename
Concerning the order - i would like to order it by pagenumber and from top left to the right bottom.
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Hi Christoph,
The value of property name of a page is the string you are looking for.
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Hi Uwe,
sorry - but it is not working - i am using indesign cc on a mac, by the way.
Without the the images are renamed correctly.
Could you check the code?
var myDoc = app.activeDocument,
apis = myDoc.links.everyItem().getElements(),
items, fileName;
var i = 0;
var MyPath = "/Users/cko/Desktop/asd/"; // change your path here
alert("Script is running. Press OK and wait until done...");
while (items = apis.pop()) {
items = items.parent.parent;
if (!(items.hasOwnProperty("graphics"))) {
try {
fileName = File([0].itemLink.filePath).name;
fileName = i + "_" + + fileName.replace(/\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i, '.jpg');
} catch (e) {};
app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 2400;
app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.MAXIMUM;
//give it a unique name
var myFile = new File(MyPath + fileName);[0].exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, myFile);
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Hi Christoph,
it's not working because my link in the code is referring to an actual link in the document.
You have to translate that to the actual code you are working with.
The array of links in your code is apis.
The current link the while loop is working on is items.
But items is redefined with items.parent.parent which is the container of the image.
So in the end you'll need:
to define the name of the page.
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Hi Uwe,
thanks! Now it works..
You saved my weekend!!
Kind Regards
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Laura said: "The script works but it exports the files with the same extension, I'd like them to be all converted to jpg, is that possible?"
Hi Laura,
I'd think something is wrong with your code.
Please post the full code you are currently using.
Format it with the forum editor's "Insert/Edit code sample" controls that look like that: </>
Chose JavaScript as language.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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Thanks Uwe,
I made another attempt this morning and now it works! (I think I mistakenly deleted one line of code). Also, there was a missing ")" at the end of line 21.
I am now using this and it works, in case anyone needs it I'll just copy it here.
Have a nice day!
function test()
myDoc = app.activeDocument,
apis = myDoc.links.everyItem().getElements(),
rect, fileName;
while ( rect = apis.pop() )
rect = rect.parent.parent;
if ( !(rect.hasOwnProperty ("graphics") ))
{ continue; }
fileName = File ([0].itemLink.filePath ).name;
fileName = fileName.replace( /\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i, '.jpg' );
app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 2400;
app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.MAXIMUM;
//give it a unique name
var myFile = new File ("C:/Users/Laura/Desktop/_IMG OUT/"+ fileName);
rect.exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, myFile);