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Missing Fonts

New Here ,
Jun 15, 2007 Jun 15, 2007

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There are fonts installed on my system, which are available in Word, CorelDraw, and other applications, but they do NOT show up, at all, in the fonts list of ANY CS2 application ... InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator. This situation might be true of OTHER fonts, but the only ones I'm conscious of are the basic four variations of Arial Narrow, and Arial Black. (Arial Black Oblique is ALSO installed, and it IS available.)

These EXACT SAME fonts WERE available in Adobe applications, as long as I was using XP. Now that I've switched to Vista, they've ceased to function.

I've tried reinstalling these fonts and rebooting. What else can I do?






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New Here ,
Nov 26, 2008 Nov 26, 2008

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Hi Guys,

This problem is due to a corrupt arial black font being deployed in Windows XP SP3. It is a Microsoft Issue, not an Adobe 1, Any product which uses the Arial Black font from via the Microsoft TTF rendering engine is affected.

In order to resolve the issue:

1 locate version 2.35 of the airal black font, you are looking for the file c:\windows\fonts\ariblk.ttf from a pre-sp3 windows XP machine
2 close down all software on the affected machine
3 c:\windows\fonts - delete Arial Black from the affected machine
4 copy ariblk.tff to c:\windows\fonts on affected machine
5 copy ariblk.tff to c:\program files\common files\fonts on affected machine
6 copy ariblk.tff to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS3\Fonts


this should fix it.

[signature deleted by forum host]




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New Here ,
Nov 26, 2008 Nov 26, 2008

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This does not work for VISTA cause adobe reader does not crete this path. So I am back to square one. Can anyone help?




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 26, 2008 Nov 26, 2008

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I don't see any reference to the Adobe Tech Doc on this topic, so I'm posting a link to it here:

It contains this link to Microsoft's support document about the issue:




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New Here ,
Nov 26, 2008 Nov 26, 2008

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I did both of these and the problem still persists.




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Explorer ,
Nov 26, 2008 Nov 26, 2008

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Tell us exactly what you did.




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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2008 Dec 15, 2008

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Well, I have a problem too...

I just upgraded Photoshop CS2 to CS4, and my Arial Narrow font is missing from the list in CS4, it shows up in windows, and in CS2 just fine, but its completely missing from CS4. Arial is there (with a narrow option) and Black is there but the Arial Narrow with Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic are missing, completely.

I don't see how a windows fix is going to correct this since it shows up in windows and Photoshop CS2. I checked and I have Windows XP Professional 64bit (2003) with SP2

I was about to uninstall Photoshop CS2 from the computer when I noticed this, and my scanner doesn't seem to work with the Adobe CS4 64 bit program - apparently the Cannon 8800 only has basic drivers that work with the 64 bit version? All the advanced features are in the 32bit version of CS4 but completely missing in the 64bit version? Only the dumbed down scanner software seems to work in the 64bit version. I can't use that.

I guess I need to find a CS4 update already? Common Adobe, lets make this work, no one is using Vista, stop spending time on that.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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> I don't see how a windows fix is going to correct this since it shows up in windows and Photoshop CS2.

And for the life of me I can't understand the attitude of people simply
dismissing something without trying it.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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> no one is using Vista

Care to bet on that?





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Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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Get over it and simply apply the fix as advised. Microsoft acknowledged the bug in one of their Arial Narrow distributions. You may have gotten those fonts any number of ways including various Windows and Office updates.

With regards to 32-bit versus 64-bit versions, in CS4 Adobe installs both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions given that we know that many drivers, added value software packages, and third-party Photoshop plug-ins either haven't been updated with 64-bit versions or may never have those. The problem, simply stated, is that under Windows a program is either running fully 64-bit or fully 32-bit.

- Dov
- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)




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Community Expert ,
Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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Did you try the patch? If you read the thread you'd see that this is a problem caused by new versions of MICROSOFT issued fonts and the way they are named internally. The fact that other programs read names differently from CS4 programs doesn't mean the update from Microsoft won't solve your problem.





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New Here ,
Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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OK, you pompous as, I downloaded the Hot Fix and here's the message I get:

Hotfix for Office (KB956514)
There are no products affected by this package installed on this system.

Now what???




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Participant ,
Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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Yeah like being rude is going to get you help.




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Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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> OK, you pompous as,

Is that like a Save As?

Kenneth Benson
Pegasus Type, Inc.




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New Here ,
Dec 16, 2008 Dec 16, 2008

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I have noticed this Font Missing issue as well on CS4 products, but I have whittled it down to "OPEN TYPE" fonts, which Adobe seems to be choking on.




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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2009 Jan 26, 2009

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I know that this topic is getting a little old, but I have looked through/tried each of the solutions presented by users in the thread and it seems that only a combination of things seems to work with the Arial Narrow version 2.37 or higher.

I created shortcuts to the font files in the c:\windows\font folder and copied them to the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS4\Fonts folder and ran In-Design. It still didn't work but generated a AdobeFnt11.lst file in the same folder. I opened the file using notepad and saw what everyone has been discussing about the style names all being called "Narrow". I simply edited the file and change the style entry for each and I now can see\use the fonts in In-Design.

I feel though that this is only a temporary fix as I'm sure that file will get re-built occasionally and wipe out my changes. In the meantime at least I can work!





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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2009 Mar 22, 2009

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Well, I have something a little more strange to add to this thread...

I upgraded my workstation to XP Pro and now have SP3 loaded on it. I also have 2 versions of ID on both my systems (laptop & desk system): CS & CS2. My workstation has ATM 4.0 on it, the laptop does not. Laptop has XP Pro as well, and both systems have Office 2003 loaded on them.

I also use Acrobat 8 Pro on them. Some docs that I worked on from before now won't show Arial MT (Adobe PS) on CS2, but they show up in CS AND all Microsoft products.

So, how can an issue with a TrueType font affect how CS2 displays a Postscript font in the lists?

I tried all of the steps in Technote issue 328910 about regenerating the lists, but no dice. Have yet to try the Microsoft Hotfix...might give it a shot in the morning. At this point what do I have to lose?




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Mar 22, 2009 Mar 22, 2009

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Please don't double post!

I responded to the similar message you put at the end of another thread. See <<a href="/webx?13@@.59b813b3/2">Joe Raymond, "Lost Indesign CS2 fonts" #3, 22 Mar 2009 2:29 pm>.

Bottom line is that you really cannot reliably do in-place upgrades of Windows. It not only messes up support for fonts, but also drivers (including Acrobat's driver support). You will need to do a clean install of the operating system and reload all fonts and applications. (By the way, this is one of the best reasons to keep all of your data on a separate disk partition from your OS and programs!!!)

- Dov
- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)




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Community Expert ,
Mar 22, 2009 Mar 22, 2009

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Your issue with Arial could simply be that you have both the TT and PS versions installed, and they may have the same internal name in the name field being searched by CS2. It's ALWAYS a potential problem when you have multiple versions of fonts with the same name installed simultaneously, and Microsoft has, unfortunately, not gone the route of renaming fonts when they make new versions.




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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2009 Mar 22, 2009

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The versions of Arial on my systems are:

Arial - TT
Arial Black - TT
Arial MT - PS
Arial Narrow - TT
Arial Unicode MS

This all worked when I had Win2K installed on the workstation. Unfortunately, I have other software that isn't compatible with Win2K so I had to upgrade the OS.

The laptop is new (Dell Latitude D531), since the motherboard on my 5 year old Sony went out and no longer powered up. The Sony was also running Win2K on it.

Adobe's answer to fix it is to upgrade to CS4, and after reading through this entire thread it doesn't look like I'd be any better off and definitely much poorer upgrading the CS software when the current versions I have work fine for me (except for this "undocumented feature").

Even stranger is the font shows in Adobe Type Manager and is "active"...I even tried a remove of the ATM software and re-installed it. Cleared the .lst files each step along the way.

Adobe won't help at all...they no longer support CS2. I only hope the Microsloth Hotfix gets me there...

Just seems very strange that it only affects some of the postscript fonts on the machines...all of the 1100 TrueType fonts show up fine. I even de-selected a bunch of the fonts to try and narrow some things down. I've spent 2 whole days jacking with this problem, and this thread is the closest (I think) to what I am seeing, but it's actually a different font.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 22, 2009 Mar 22, 2009

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How exactly did you upgrade that operating system? If it was an in place
upgrade all bets are off. Only a clean install should be done.





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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2009 Mar 22, 2009

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I simply "upgraded" the OS...too many programs on the worksatation to do clean installs of every one. This is a dual 2.6 GHz Xenon system with 4 GB RAM on it. Even if I could find all the disks, I would spend days loading them (many of them are in boxes in storage).

Regardless, it makes no difference. I have exactly the same issue with a laptop that came from Dell with Windows XP Pro installed on it. All I did was install Creative Suite (CS and CS2) on it when it arrived, and it has the exact same issues as my upgraded workstation.




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Mar 22, 2009 Mar 22, 2009

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See my previous post. The source of your problem is 99.999999% likely to be you in-place OS upgrade!

- Dov
- Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 - May 30, 2021)




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New Here ,
Mar 23, 2009 Mar 23, 2009

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Sorry about the double post, but I found this thread 3 or 4 pages back in my search, and since it seems to be more pertinent I jumped in.

The point you seem to be missing here is I have 2 systems with the same issues. My laptop is a clean system purchased from Dell 2 weeks ago. It has XP Pro SP3 on it. All I did was load CS & CS2 (and NOT ATM) on the system and registered it. It has EXACTLY the same issues as my workstation that I did the in-place upgrade on. The workstation was upgraded from Win2K.

We also do software development, so blaming the OS upgrade is an easy way out. But in this case, it can't be that since one system is a clean install, the other an upgrade and they both have the same problem. The chances of them being unrelated and being exactly the same would be astronomical.

My systems ARE partitioned and I always load my programs onto the "D" drives, but doing a "clean install" of Windows will still mean a reload of nearly every program on the system. Once the registry keys are gone, a reload of every program is the only way to get them back. And there are other programs that required installation on the root drive (like my FedEx shipping software) which, if reloaded will not have any of my history (thanks to the programs shortsightedness). I can't risk that... not when I have millions of dollars of inventory that I'm responsible for.

I'm sure after reading through all 144 posts in this thread that it MAY have something to do with SP3, but since I didn't try to use anything on the workstation while it was going through the upgrades I can't be 100% on it.

All I can say is, the "missing" Adobe postscript fonts show up in CS, and disappear in CS2...on both my systems. And I don't have them both open at the same time. I de-installed ATM from the workstation and tried all the steps in Technote 328910 to rebuild the font lists and they are still not there in CS2. I've looked in Photoshop, Illustrator & ID and they are all the same...the fonts are there in CS, but not in CS2.

My plan is to attempt the Hotfix first thing this morning. Then rebuild the lists again and see what happens.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 23, 2009 Mar 23, 2009

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ATM 4.0 on any Win2K or WinXP can cause EXACTLY what you're seeing.
There's a registry fix floating around somewhere (Adobe called it a
patch, but it's not).





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New Here ,
Mar 23, 2009 Mar 23, 2009

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See my reply above. I never loaded ATM on my new laptop, yet it has exactly the same issue as my workstation.

P.S. ATM Deluxe worked fine on my Win2K workstation for nearly 5 years.

Makes you scratch your head and wonder...




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