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I'm building a plug-in, which shall handle the interaktion between our ad production workflow system and the InDesigen application and backwards.
After several months of sucessful building and using the plug-in, it became 'invalid'.
I've outcommented and excluded all the implementations, I'v made last days.
I my still b uild the plug-in witout errors, but InDesign is recognicing it since several days as invalide.
How may I find out, what is causing InDesign to raise that error?
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You may find more answers in the Extension Builder forum ( a place that hosts question related to adobe plugins developers) or at a lower level in the scripting forum.
Once that said and trying to be helpful, have you updated InDesign ? What kind of plugin are you trying to build ? A html one, a c++ one ?
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Hi Loic,
the Plug-In I'm implementing shall handle the interaction between our ad production work flow solution (its work items) and the InDesign application and backwards.
As we've had have implemented such a plug-in about 10 years ago (which was unfortunately lost), we started again at Window XP with SDK 4.0.2 and ID CS2.
The implemenetation is C++ code.
After having al the needed functionality at CS2, we will port the plug-in to the Versions, our customers will use.
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Hi Loic,
I've not updated InDesign
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Hi Loic,
is there a functionality or file to find out the reason for the invalid error?
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Hi Loic,
my Plug-In shall handle the interaction between the workitem of oue ad production work flow solution.
As we have hade build it about 10 years ago (it was unfortunately lost), we heve started again with CS2.
We hade it build for several moths and could load it into ID CS2, although a relevant functionality is still missing.
Some weeks ago we were confronted with a bug of VC7.
After fixing that failure the plug-in is recognized by ID as invalid.
We can build the Plug-in without any error.
We arte really lost, because we have no chance to find out, what my cause the rejection.
Could you please let us know, where to look at, to fix that failure?
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
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What OS??
Win10 with its silent mandatory updates often mess up many programs / plugins etc.
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Hi winterm,
we use, as start point Windows XP.
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Hi winterm,
is there a functionality or file to find out the reason for the invalid error?
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Try the InDesign SDK forum. Though I doubt you will find much interest is CS2 development.
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