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Hi everyone. Does anyone know the script or a way to number all the images in Indesign like Word does which automatically numbers them by inserting the prefix "Img." and renumbering all the images in case new ones are inserted among those previously inserted?
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The very short answer is to create a caption style that is associated with each image, and use InDesign's very flexible auto-numbering feature to number the captions automatically. This will renumber any images inserted or moved around in the document. This will work best if you anchor each image and caption to a specific paragraph in the overall text flow. (That is, images or other elements just "pasted" onto pages don't always follow the rules of numbering and flow order.)
InDesign's caption feature is a bit complicated and non-intuitive but you can also just group each image with a text frame containing the caption paragraph.
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Hi Carlos:
Something like this may work for you:
But there are a few things to be aware of: