Placing word document
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I am trying to place a word document into indesign. I usually have no problem but today it is deleting some paragraphs and words. It is also putting boxes in that make it seem like the document is missing a glyph but it isn't.
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Usually those show when a word font is not compatible with InDesign. Usually it is bullets, emojis or special characters. Check the word document see what font they are using.
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Try saving the word doc as a RTF and import that.
I agree with @Jumpenjax - the glyphs appear to be missing - they might be ligatures or other glyphs, perhaps Word is able to 'fake' the effect, but this ligature or other character is simply not available in the glyphs for that font.
Have you tried changing the font - or copying the text to a plain text editor first?
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"…It is also putting boxes in that make it seem like the document is missing a glyph but it isn't."
Why do you think there are no missing glyphs? Of course there are some!
Select one missing glyph after another and read out its Unicode codepoint value with InDesign's Info panel.
You now could search that value on the web to find out how the glyph should look like and if there is a possible visual substitution. For that use InDesign's Glyph panel.
Or use a script by Peter Kahrel to list the missing glyphs:
Manage missing glyphs (CS4 and later)
Peter Kahrel
Version history
25 Nov. 2019: Added the possibility to apply a character style to any missing glyphs.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )