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I already tried here:
, and got not success.
I want a really small sample of the startup/shutdown service working. If you guys read up the above post, you'll see what I want.
I tried as the book says to do, couldnt get it to work.
Pleeease, I really need a sample so I can learn how to do it. The documentation is a little messed up.
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Hi Dirk,
you should build the xmlcataloghandler sample, to check if the implemeted popup
of the FileHelper will be shown.
In my case it was not shown.
And no cout << "XYZ" and no CAlert::ModalAlert was shown, obviusely because
the Statrup()-method was not executed. That is the failure!!
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Dirk Becker <> hat am 27. Juni 2016 um 21:39
Dirk Becker created the
"Re-Asking: Help with startup/shutdown services"
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I have built XMLCatalogHandler by InDesign CS2 4.0.2 Products SDK.
It seems working fine.
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Hi Nurio,
the buildi allone is not anoth.
This sampel shold show the FileHelper-Dialog at Plug-in-resistration.
The invocation is build into the StartupShutdownServeice::Startup()-Method.
Duering the plug-in registration procedure there are loged several steps.
One of the lates is logged as 'executing startup services'.
At that step the shown abowe Startup()-method should be executed.
In the case of the build xmlcataloghandler the FileHelper-dialof should be
Is it shown in your case?
In my case it is'nt and my own plug-in, implementing the StartupShutdownService
similar to the xmlcataloghandler sample does not show the implemented into ths
Starup()-method dialog (message).
As we urgently are needing a startpoint, any really working case of SDK-version
+ ID could be helpful for us.
But definitly the StartupShutdownService::Startup()-method execution is
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Norio Kawamura <> hat am 28. Juni 2016 um 04:11
Norio Kawamura created the
"Re-Asking: Help with startup/shutdown services"
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Hi Norio,
the link did not work for me.
Could you please send me the resulting plug-in for xmlcataloghandler to, if your plug-in is really showing the
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Norio Kawamura <> hat am 28. Juni 2016 um 04:11
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"Re-Asking: Help with startup/shutdown services"
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What's FileHelper-Dialog?
XMLCatalogHandler doesn't show FileHelper-Dialog.
I have uploaded another again.
This is a Plug-in for InDesign CS2 Win Release build.
I have added the alert called in StartupShutdownService::Startup().
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Hi Norio,
thats at least a little success.
At Plug-In registering your massage is shown.
But did you show this message from the registering package or from the
At least at my CS2 SDK sample the call of the FileHelper is coded into the named
That dialog is not shown by your plug-in.
May be the failure is placed after your message.
Could you please look at the StartupShutdowService::Startup()-method in case you
did not call your message from that message.
But anyway it were strange, if your xmlcataloghandle sample did not implement
the call of the FileHelper at startup.
If all is that way confused i ask you to send my your xmlcataloghandler sources.
Kind regerds
Jochen Seliger
Norio Kawamura <> hat am 28. Juni 2016 um 10:16
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I was also running the same test as Norio did, somehow i was not able to get the plugin working. But Norio's plugin does prove that the startup method is being called, he would have placed a CAlert in the startup method. So now you can move ahead with this put your code that you need to be executed in startup.
P.S. :- No i did not get your email for SDK, i am also using CS2 4.0.2 sdk like Norio but my plugin does not load. I did use the release configuration to build and did not make any change to the sdk project, it should work but it does not. Seems something is wrong with my dev env. Anyhow the test done by Norio does prove that there is nothing wrong with the sdk and startup method is indeed working.
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Hi Manan,
I've asked Norio from which codesegement ho called the CAllert.
He wrote me that at his sample no FileHelper call is called.
But at my SDK sampel it is implemented at the
That FileHelper is not by Norios plug-in.
Either you or Notion will check if really the code of the CS2 SDK at your site
differs from my site (btw. if at that sample no FileHelper-call is not coded at
the Startup()-method, it's under question why the StartupShutdownService is
implemented at all at your sample), or Norion will send me the source code from
your SDK version.
On my oppionion there is a lack in between.
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Manan Joshi <> hat am 28. Juni 2016 um 12:36
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Hi Jochen,
FileHelper is used in XCatHndStartupShutdown::Startup(), and called.
fileHelper.IsExisting() method doesn't use any dialog.
Why can you say "He wrote me that at his sample no FileHelper call is called."?
What do you mean "FileHelper-Dialog"?
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Hi Norio,
as I had lost of problems with ID-versions, SDK's an VS-Compilers since I
started the reimplementation of our plug-in, I was not clear where to start.
At the xmlcataloghandler sample I'd added a cout << "No FileHelper got"; to the
alternative branch of that one, where the FileHelper should be called.
This output was not shown.
Our work flow solution, we need the plug-in for, is coded in JAVA.
So I'm not an experienced C++ developer.
Obviousely I was confused, due to that fact.
After adding CAlert::ModalAlert statements before the FileHelper-Existing-test
and to all the logical branches, I get the messages at Plug-in's 'starting
startup services' stage.
Our own plug-in is build based on the xmlcataloghandler sample.
The only difference shall be, that at startup will be added an own menu to ID's
main menu bar and the fileHelper shall be colled from the respective sub item of
our menu.
But at the moment noc output is hown at 'starting startup services' stage.
Seems that at Boss Class declaration and the following linkage of the
inplementing file/class to the calling code is broken.
I've compared our code with the xmlcataloghandler, but can not find out, what is
I'm not really clear which items(declerations and references) will have to be
set at which files/classe and where to use own declareted variables and where
variables created by the Adobe code.
May you provide me the logical desciption for, or may I send you our
UIE-plug-in-source and ask you to have a look at, to fix the problem?
I've contacted Bartek Kropaczewski concernig that request, but he did not
receive the zip-file, I've sent him.
I'll first try to transfer the zip-file to Bartek.
If that will fail definitly, I'll come back to you, if you aggree.
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Norio Kawamura <> hat am 29. Juni 2016 um 01:29
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"Re-Asking: Help with startup/shutdown services"
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Hi Norio,
I've can now add my own menu with serveral sub items to the ID main menu.
Now I've two further questions.
1. How to get the signal from the different ID File Save events?
2. As I want to invoke the FileHelper + XML-Parser from my menu sub item, I need
to include the xmlcataloghandler sample into my plug-in.
As I do not nedd its StartupShutdownService, I suddenly do not need al its
What is the best approach to incorporate the required functionality into my own
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Norio Kawamura <> hat am 29. Juni 2016 um 01:29
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Hi Jochen,
I noticed you don't need StartupShutdownService.
This thread isn't that you started.
Your question is changing.
Start another thread.
I do not want to cooperate with you.
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Hi Norio,
my problem with the StartupShutdownService is fixed now.
I may add an own menu with three sub items with the IMenuManager form the
Startup()-method sucessfully.
Now I want to read an parse an provided XML-Order-file by selecting the
respective sub item of the named menu.
Therefor I'd like the xmlcataloghandler sample with some adaptions(e.g. I will
not need the samples StartupShutdownService.
I've copyed most of the sample files to my project source folder, added the type
declarations from XCatHnd.h to my UIEID.h-file, retyped all the header-names at
the sample files from XCatHnd.h to UIEID.h.
But now I get Typeredefintion errors.
What is the best way to incorporate the xmlcataloghandler sample into may
That question is a new one.
Jochen Seliger
Norio Kawamura <> hat am 7. Juli 2016 um 02:16
Norio Kawamura created the
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Hi Norio,
meanwhile I've fixed the linker errors and have created an own menu, which will be added to the application main menu bar.
Further I need to know, if the actual file was saved.
Therefor seems that I will need signals from the File:Save-actions.
So fare I could not get a clear answer, how to do that.
So I've searched at the samples and found docwatcher. This sample seems to implement the additional functionality, I am requesting.
But that sample can't be build at my system, because the bulding claimes, that Types.r is missing.
The guys at the forum told me that that file is required only be MAC-building, but I build (so fare) my Plug-In only for Win32.
So Ive tryed to port the DocWch-sample into my existing project.
There I met problems concerning the combination
a) of the own created menu and
b) get signals from the standard menu File:Save-actions (bey using the DocWch-functionality) within the single
Next I've tryed to use two (in my case) fr-files and included them both into the single TriggerResourceDeps.cpp
Additionlally I've copyed all the cpp-files fom the sample to my project and dapted my UIEID-file to declare the required interfaces.
After implementing al these adaptions, my project can be build without any error.
But I can not get any response from the DocWch-functionality, allthough I've implemented CAlerts to nearly all the logical brances of DoWchActionComponent, DocWchServiceProvider, DocWchResponder and DocWchUtility.
There is no response at all while selecting the File:Save menus.
Could yyou give me a hint what may be wrong and how to search for the error(s).
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
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Hi Jochen,
Sorry, I have no time to spend for you.
My word isn't understood by you.
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Hi Norio,
the typenewdeclaration errors are due to IID_ISAXCONTENTHANDLER,
Can you tell me, where they are and where they may be declared?
Norio Kawamura <> hat am 29. Juni 2016 um 01:29
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Hi Manan,
meanwhile I may add my own menu with three sub items to thr ID main menu
From one of these sub items I want to call the FileHelper from xmxcataloghandler
sample to read the Order-XML and to parse it by the named sample code.
Therefor I've copyed most of the xmlcataloghandler sample to my source folder,
copyed all the relevant declarations from XCatHndID.h to my UIEID.h and changed
all relavant includes of these files from XCatHndID.h to UIEID.h.
Further more I've changed all kXCatXYZ delarations and references to
After that I get typenewdefinition errors from some of the respective files only
for IID_ZZZ interface declarations.
It seems to me that a header-file is causing that errors.
The only same #include for all the failing cases is IXCatHndFacade.h.
I'l attache a txt-file to this mail, contaning the copilation logg and some
information concerning the includes.
May you give my a hint, where the error is comming from?
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Manan Joshi <> hat am 28. Juni 2016 um 12:36
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Hi Manan,
the typenewdeclaration errors are due to IID_ISAXCONTENTHANDLER,
Can you tell me, where they are and where they may be declared?
Manan Joshi <> hat am 28. Juni 2016 um 12:36
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Hi Jochen,
Basically the interface are typically mentioned at the following places in your project.
P.S. :- As suggested by Norio, the problems that you are facing now are different from the topic of this discussion, so you should do the following for the help of the users of this forum
I am asking you to do these things because we as members of the forum should make sure that this place is really usable and helpful for all.
Open a new discussion and we all are happy to sort your issues and help anytime
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Hi Dialog,
The check ot used variables is not anouth to answer the question, if the
StartupShurdownService is working at all.
The xmlcataloghandler sampel shold show the FileHelper-Dialog at
The invocation of The FilHlpwer is build into the
During the plug-in registration procedure there are logged several steps.
One of the lates is logged as 'executing startup services'.
At that step the shown abowe Startup()-method should be executed.
In the case of the build xmlcataloghandler plug-in, loaded into ID (CS2 in my
current case) the FileHelper-dialog should be shown.
Did you build the release-plug-in, or may you do it?
Is the FlleHelper shown in your case?
In my case it is'nt and my own plug-in, implementing the StartupShutdownService
similar to the xmlcataloghandler sample does not show the dialog
(message)implemented into ths Starup()-method .
As we urgently are needing a startpoint, any really working case of SDK-version
+ ID could be helpful for us.
But definitly the StartupShutdownService::Startup()-method execution is
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Dirk Becker <> hat am 27. Juni 2016 um 21:39
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Hi Dirk,
as we are offering a work flow solution to shorten the production time and costs
of advertisement production at/for media companies, we only may suggest, the our
customers will use Adobe applications to create the requests ad design.
We can not force them to use a certaine version.
That's why we have decided ti start the reimplementation of our previusely
implementetd plug-in with CS2 and port the code afterwards to the versions our
customer will use.
I kindly ask you to provide us a solution to get at least the xmlcataloghandle
sample working as desired wit CS2.
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Dirk Becker <> hat am 27. Juni 2016 um 09:44
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Hi Manan,
I'm waiting for your error messages.
Jochen Seliger
Manan Joshi <> hat am 25. Juni 2016 um 00:00
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Hi Manan,
does it make sence to send you my compilations (plug-ins) of my own CS2 plug-in
and the plug-in build from the CS2 xmlcataloghandler sample?
Jochen Seliger
Manan Joshi <> hat am 25. Juni 2016 um 00:00
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The error i get with the sdk that i use is something on the lines that the plugin is not valid. I do use VS2003 and sdk downloaded from the Adobe site. Don't know what i am missing, if you could upload your version of the sdk i could try using it.
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Hi Manan,
Did you receive my SDK-mail?
Did you installe it?
Do you have consider my reommendation concernig synchonous selection at the top
menu choice ad via the pull down menu for either 'debuggin' or'release?
Could you register the resulting plug-in?
Does that plug-in (in case, is is valide) show the FileHelper-Dialog.
That sampel shold show the FileHelper-Dialog at Plug-in-resistration.
The invocation of The FilHlpwer is build into the
During the plug-in registration procedure there are logged several steps.
One of the lates is logged as 'executing startup services'.
At that step the shown abowe Startup()-method should be executed.
In the case of the build xmlcataloghandler the FileHelper-dialog should be
Is it shown in your case?
In my case it is'nt and my own plug-in, implementing the StartupShutdownService
similar to the xmlcataloghandler sample does not show the implemented into ths
Starup()-method dialog (message).
As we urgently are needing a startpoint, any really working case of SDK-version
+ ID could be helpful for us.
But definitly the StartupShutdownService::Startup()-method execution is
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
Manan Joshi <> hat am 28. Juni 2016 um 00:09
Manan Joshi created the
"Re-Asking: Help with startup/shutdown services"
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