Remove checkered background using indesign
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Hi, I'm trying to use an eps image I purchased from istock in an ID file. I also purchased the file in the jpeg format in case I can't use the eps in ID.
The image has a transparent background that shows up as checkered when I import it into ID.
I have used the Clipping Path/Detect Edges route suggested in many posts. Unfortunately it doesn't work bcs the edges of my image are very complex. I would spend ALOT of time outlining it.
Is this the only way I can remove the transparency? On the IStock page where I purchased the image, it specifically says the image is "Vector Based. Requires design software like Adobe Illustrator and InDesign." This is why I purchased the image with confidence, but now I find myself unable to use it.
It seems to me that it would be simple to do this in PS, but I do not have it. Even if I did, I'm not clear about how to import it into ID without the checkered background.?
Thanks for your help!
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If the image imports with a checkered background it is not transparent. The checkered background is part of the image. You might be able to turn off the background if you access Object Layer Options, but I don’t think those work with EPS files, only PSD and PDF files. Is it a vector you can open and edit in Illustrator or is it pixels? Try to open it in Illustrator. If you can, and if the objects can be selected, then just remove the background and save as an Illustrator file. Otherwise use Photoshop to add a clipping path.
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The image has a transparent background that shows up as checkered when I import it into ID.
The EPS and JPEG image formats can’t include transparency. Also an image is not a vector object—an Illustrator EPS document could incude both vector shapes and images, but the images themselves can’t be vectors. Can you share the file?
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Here's the file. I opened it in AI and discovered that if I removed the checkered background, I end up with a weird looking image with black around it.
I feel a little bit scammed, honestly. This is not an easy image to clip.
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Sorry, forgot to attach the file. Here it is.
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This is not an easy image to clip.
Also, the EPS also has so many vector objects that placing in a page layout will cause a significant performance hit.
One option would be to change the checkered background to RGB black (0|0|0), open the file in Photoshop, save at a high resolution, Place in InDesign, and use the Screen Blending Mode, which will make black transparent. Something like this—I’ve attached my examples: