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Can I make the shortcut I chose for a character style (in my case, shortcut cmd+i gives me the character style italic) return me to the [without] position only if I am in the italic style?
Thank you in advance.
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Can be done with a script - but you need to wait for someone else - I prefer VB over JS - and I'm on my phone anyway.
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I am not sure what exactly you are asking?
But, the default shortcut to make text italic, and then return to regular is Cmd-Shift-I
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I am not sure what exactly you are asking?
But, the default shortcut to make text italic, and then return to regular is Cmd-Shift-I
By @Jeffrey_Smith
It's not about local override - but about applying and removing CharStyle.
Script could go even further - check selected TSRs and restyle them accordingly.
If there will be [italic][normal][bold] make it [normal][italic][bold-italic]. And so on.
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After re-reading the question, if sounds as though OP wants to mimic the toggle action of making text italic, then back to regular with a shortcut, but apply a character style (italic), using same shortcut, press again to apply character style (regular).
If this is the case, I would suggest using separate shortcuts, but similar enough to easily switch back and forth between character styles.
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Indeed, you understood my question.
Separate shortcuts: it's precisely what I want to avoid.
Thank you for your answers.
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But script can easily avoid the need for two separate shortcuts.
And also offer extra functionality.