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Hello gurus,
I need to select the most top/left object in a page.
The Y is the tiebreaker. Any suggestion?
I tried sorting by geometricBounds[0] and geometricBounds[1] but can not accomplish what I need.
Thanks in advance.
I have no idea why, but I got it.
Tired of playing with this sort function, I put this absurd and it works.
If anyone understand the logic behind this function, I'd love to know.
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var pg = app.activeWindow.activePage;
function getFirstImg(pg) {
var gbs = [];
for (var i=0; i<pg.rectangles.length; i++) {
if (pg.rectangles[i].itemLayer == img && pg.rectangles[i].graphics.length) {
var recgb = pg.rectangles[i].geometricBounds;
For anyone wondering, here's the solution I came up with for Luis on a Facebook thread. The yThresh accounted for objects not perfectly aligned on the top (in mm), but could be set to whatever threshold you felt appropriate.
var apis = app.activeDocument.pages[0].pageItems.everyItem().getElements();
apis.sort(function (a,b) {
var agb = a.geometricBounds;
var bgb = b.geometricBounds;
var yThresh = Math.abs(agb[0] - bgb[0]);
if (yThresh > 5) {
if (agb[0] > bgb[0]) return 1;
else if (bgb[0] > agb[0])
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I have no idea why, but I got it.
Tired of playing with this sort function, I put this absurd and it works.
If anyone understand the logic behind this function, I'd love to know.
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var pg = app.activeWindow.activePage;
function getFirstImg(pg) {
var gbs = [];
for (var i=0; i<pg.rectangles.length; i++) {
if (pg.rectangles[i].itemLayer == img && pg.rectangles[i].graphics.length) {
var recgb = pg.rectangles[i].geometricBounds;
gbs.push([recgb[0] , recgb[1] , pg.rectangles[i].graphics[0] , pg.rectangles[i]]);
gbs.sort(function(a, b) { return (a[0] - b[0]) + (a[1] - b[1]); });[0][3]);
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You create an array of subarrays, sort the array by top and left coordinates, then take the first item, which is gbs[0]. This array item is an array itself with the rectangle as the fourth element, which you address by gbs[0][3].
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Hi @lfcorullon
In fact the elements are sorted by comparing their (top+left) sum. Just note that the sort key (a[0]āb[0])+(a[1]āb[1]) is nothing but (a[0]+a[1])ā(b[0]+b[1]), that is, (top+left)ā ā (top+left)ā. This is on average a good approximation when the X and Y axes have the same priority. In the below example you can see that the winner is the rectangle that reaches the minimal sum (Ī£=340.)
However, using the sort method for this purpose is clearly useless and expensive, since the minimum value can always be found in linear time O(N)āwhile sort relies on a loglinear algorithm, i.e. O(NĆlog(N)). I think you could just do as follows:
function selectFirstImage(/*?Layer|str*/ly,/*?Document*/doc,/*?Page*/pg, t,a,b,c,i,iBest,xyMin)
// Select and return the (top+left)most image container on a page.
// `ly` : Target layer or layer name (opt.)
// `doc` : Target document (default=active.)
// `pg` : Target page (default=active.)
// ---
// => SplineItems [OK] | false [KO]
// Checkpoint -> doc, pg
// ---
doc || (||0);
if( !doc.isValid || 'Document' != ) return false;
pg || (( || (pg=doc.pages[0]);
if( !pg.isValid || 'Page' != ) return false;
// Layer filter (optional.)
// ---
'string'==typeof ly && ly.length && (ly=doc.layers.itemByName(ly));
( ly && 'Layer' && ly.isValid ) || (ly=void 0);
// Browse the SplineItems collection.
// ---
t = pg.splineItems.everyItem();
if( !t.isValid ) return false;
a = t.getElements();
b = ly ? t.itemLayer : [];
// Identify the object having the minimal (x+y) sum.
// ---
i=a.length, iBest=false, xyMin=1/0 ;
i-- ;
ly===b[i] && (t=a[i]).graphics.length && (t=t.geometricBounds)
&& xyMin > (t=t[0]+t[1]) && (xyMin=t, iBest=i)
return false !== iBest && ([iBest]), t);
// Example:
selectFirstImage('Layer 1');
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Wow, thank you @Marc Autret!!!
Your knowledge makes em feel illiterate.
I tried your code in two different documents and nothing is being selected.
I just typed the layer name in the function call...
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Now I'm having the same difficult to select elements in row order.
Any help?
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For anyone wondering, here's the solution I came up with for Luis on a Facebook thread. The yThresh accounted for objects not perfectly aligned on the top (in mm), but could be set to whatever threshold you felt appropriate.
var apis = app.activeDocument.pages[0].pageItems.everyItem().getElements();
apis.sort(function (a,b) {
var agb = a.geometricBounds;
var bgb = b.geometricBounds;
var yThresh = Math.abs(agb[0] - bgb[0]);
if (yThresh > 5) {
if (agb[0] > bgb[0]) return 1;
else if (bgb[0] > agb[0]) return -1;
return agb[1] > bgb[1];